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Thread: Black Friday Deals!

  1. #141
    Executive Chef
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    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by kittymur View Post
    No gold sales Too sad I won't be able buy any, it seems
    I'm annoyed because I didn't get one either at reset but couldn't pass up this deal. Better not come again for Xmas when we usually get another sale again. So I got gold with no sale for $49 to get goldleaf and goldwing. Midas just has to wait a little longer to join its posse.

  2. #142
    Executive Chef
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    Quote Originally Posted by rosewaterlily View Post
    The treasure and gilded are more expensive at 2000 gold without the sale (although their introductory prices were much cheaper, whereas the goldwing was never under 1800 until now). I can't see how much the dragons cost right now except goldwing at 600 gold since I have all the others. They all give the same amount of gold, so for the budget conscious, buying the cheapest one gives more bang for the buck. If you want to save up to get some of them later, buy the most expensive ones now since you won't have to save as much later. If you want more dragons than your nests can hold, buy the fastest to speed out of the nest first and save the slowest ones for last. And of course midas and stainglass aren't normally available so if you want to eventually have them all, get them now.

    I wasn't sure what they cost since I haven't checked on them as I was maxed out on the ones still available. I bought mines when they first came out, but was basing it on their original price. They did once go back down to their introductory price but goldwing was always the same. I'd imagine stainglass and the first one will come back again eventually. I can't see them being so nice about goldwing. My collection is almost complete but to be honest Midas is kinda bland so I'm not so worried about not being able to get him.

    Now I just need to work on NOT spending that 25 gold I'll collect from them daily. Much easier said than done.

  3. #143
    Rhino Keeper
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    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by LonePudding View Post
    Well done on your collection!! I was trying for 3 of the limited dragons at the same time! Cherry blossom, forestfire and seabreeze. My combo was justice + fluffy, but I gave up after a while because there were 70-something outcomes
    Thanks you still have one day left to try for them. Just pick one and try. I was trying for the winter games, mother, and pride but none for me, unless I can manage to breed one tomorrow. Good luck!!!

  4. #144
    Executive Chef
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    Apr 2014
    For the ones who want to know this.

    The Treasure (19h) and Gilded (30h) costs 2,000 gold.
    The Goldwing (27h) costs 1,800 gold.
    The Goldleaf (22h) costs 1,600 gold.
    The Limited Gold dragons, Midas (36h) and Stainglass (26h) costs 800 gold.

    All the Gold dragons are on sale for 600 gold.

    The habitat, Treasure Terrace, costs 8,000,000 coins, holds 2 dragons and 5 gold (unfortunately), and the habitat on sale costs 2,000,000 coins.
    Last edited by cocauina; 12-01-14 at 07:38 AM.

  5. #145
    Fashion Designer
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    Dec 2012
    Well how crushing.... hubby and I both bought gold for 40% off which was great, but went ahead and bought our gold dragons and he bought a habitat for regular price. then next day everything is on sale! he could have bought all 3 habitats and still had 2,000,000 left over!! and could have bought 2 gold dragons for the price of the one gold leaf he bought. So then of course we had to buy more gold to get these good deals, but of course there is no gold brick sale.... bag lunches for the rest of the month now!! Lol.....

  6. #146
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Anyone know when this sale ends?? Thanks!

  7. #147
    I ended up buying Mildas, Stainglass and Treasure all with their own habitats there was no sale today but I got my first 3 Treasures Dragons!!! Does anyone have Chicken Wing? I cant imagine seeing it on my isle for some reason. Dragons I raise....not chickens. Lol

  8. #148
    Fashion Designer
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by nukesters2 View Post
    Well how crushing.... hubby and I both bought gold for 40% off which was great, but went ahead and bought our gold dragons and he bought a habitat for regular price. then next day everything is on sale! he could have bought all 3 habitats and still had 2,000,000 left over!! and could have bought 2 gold dragons for the price of the one gold leaf he bought. So then of course we had to buy more gold to get these good deals, but of course there is no gold brick sale.... bag lunches for the rest of the month now!! Lol.....
    i hear you.....i, on the other hand did not buy enough gold on sale to buy all gold dragons and have to get the rest at regular price for gold or just buy what i can (2 gold dragons)....... if we could anticipate, all would be grand, wouldnt it?

  9. #149
    Executive Chef
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    Quote Originally Posted by JED000 View Post
    Anyone know when this sale ends?? Thanks!
    It's only for a day, so it ends today, the pop up said "One day only!"

  10. #150
    Executive Chef
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by absback View Post
    I ended up buying Mildas, Stainglass and Treasure all with their own habitats there was no sale today but I got my first 3 Treasures Dragons!!! Does anyone have Chicken Wing? I cant imagine seeing it on my isle for some reason. Dragons I raise....not chickens. Lol
    True.. The Goldwing will be my last gold dragon. Gilded and Goldleaf are mine, next gold dragons are going to be (in this order), Treasure, Midas and Stainglass

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