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Thread: Frustrated breeders

  1. #1
    Executive Chef
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    Frustrated breeders

    I've been following all three of the threads on the new earth-nature animals and have seen quite a few people who are very frustrated with how breeding is going. I wanted to get all those frustrations down in one place, so I'm starting this thread.

    The odds seem frankly awful on these animals. I'm up to 12 or so failed attempts, and since I don't speed breed that is almost a full week of fails. All the fun is just being sucked out of the game for me right now, and I know I'm not the only one.

    Since early October, I've bred exactly 3 animals that I didn't already have. With an average of 2 breedings per day, I'm guessing that's about 84 breedings. That's like a 4% success rate. And I think it's been almost a full month since I got even one new animal from breeding. During the tournaments and world events, I was kept from getting overly frustrated because there was still something fun to do in the game, but since the end of the last tournament, my forest has been completely stagnant. No new animals are coming in, meaning I don't need to plant food or even mine and expand (I'm building new habitats but they aren't getting filled). I've been trying for all three new limited animals for a solid week and have not a single one to show for it. This game is no fun now.

    I'm rapidly losing interest in continuing to play. I'm not going to drop tons of money to buy these animals that I *should* be able to breed for free. I don't expect or want breeding to be super easy, because that would be no fun either, but a 4% success rate in 6 weeks is frankly absurd.

    I know I'm not the only player that feels like this. This thread is for others to voice their concerns and frustrations as well.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Georgia, USA
    I bred a unicornicopia and hedgehog using rock rhino and pandaffodil. That is really the best odds wise

  3. #3
    Executive Chef
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    I am another frustrated breeder. I have been trying for the harvest hedgehog and pumpkin panda and all I have gotten was plantlers one after another. I think that's messed up every time and it was so annoying to see that stupid timer 8:59. It's not fun playing when you get the same commons so often. It's like a harvest hedgehog is only a rare so it's that hard breeding one. There will be people who will quit in my opinion because it's not fun anymore.

    Then there's players who get most of the animals that's great for them. But TL it should be fair to everyone getting all animals that's available. It's not nice for TL to lower the odds of getting rares , super rares and ultra rares.

    Another thing is we get limited animals and it doent give the date of when the animals are going to expire. Then we try to breed it and we can't get that certain animal so it's frustrating .

  4. #4
    Host(ess) WhiteRabbit89's Avatar
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    Add me to the list of frustrated breeders.

    I mean... I still don't have a unicorn despite my countless attempts but I don't mind because I like the challenge and this is why I never complained about it. It's an ultra rare creature and it's only normal for it to be hard to breed but then there are creatures (like the ocean owl and the grassquatch) that I can't breed no matter how many times I try.
    The only creatures I get are commons and I was fine even with this before the harvest hedgehog. I am not asking for easy-to-breed super rares... I am only asking for a fair chance of breeding especially for limited time creatures. Since the Harvest hedgehog release I've tried non-stop to breed it only to get a herd of plantlers and only one regular hedgehog. This is not fair. I should at least breed a super once in a while.

    Oh well... nothing will change but once in a while it's nice to vent and let out frustration.
    ID: WhiteRabbit89
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  5. #5
    Fashion Designer
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    What I think is crazy is that I can breed 5 Grassquatchs, 3 Gargolems and 2 Ocean Owls but can't for the life of me get the Megamacore. While trying for the new earth/ rock creatures I got 7 14 hour fails. More than planter fails. Those rares and supers were easy for me to get but not the others. Confusing lol.

  6. #6
    Rhino Keeper
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    Oct 2014
    it seems like tl truly does mix the odds. i can frankly understand something like giving new players higher odds for the first week or so of playing, which may be the case. it's inspiring and gets them hooked on the game. the last part might not be the best in terms of societal politeness and all that jazz, but it's certainly successful in marketing.

    even so, there are no excuses for the odds to be as they are. if someone is looking for a super rare - which we'll say for the sake of argument has a 6% breeding rate - then they should have the same kind of luck breeding all animals of that percentage across the board and better luck breeding the animals below them of that chain (i.e., 50% plantlers, 15% bamboon, 10% hedgehog, 5% grassquatch, blah blah). whether or not the statistics are actually flat rates of time for animals of a specific rarity (that is, all super rares are maybe 2%) is up in the air. no one knows and no one who actually does know will ever say, naturally. who knows - maybe when you create your forest, you're given a preset bunch of odds for certain animals. this seems especially true when you look at people with multiple forests.

    but there's no way to tell unless someone says and gives us the evidence.

    with the new animals that've been introduced ever since the halloween event, it's an even bigger mess; animals fading in and out and people getting four or five super rares without seeing a single rare of the same variety. (which, if we stick to the percentage model i made up, should not ever add up logically-- a super rare of a specific type should always be harder to get than anything else of that combination except another same-typed super rare, right?) it's no wonder people are so frustrated! a free game should be free all the way through. and some of these super rares are insanely expensive. a 1,000 gem super rare like the gold lion is an equivalent of almost us$40.00. that's insane.

    so maybe someone is rich enough to go ahead and buy them for that. okay! that's up to them what they do with their money. no one can fault anyone for that. you can't fault the company for getting money in some form, either. usually. for most people, that amount of money is important groceries or clothes or even another hobby that's a little bigger in scale. we shouldn't be subjected to a harder (or easier!) time because we don't dish out most of our paychecks. especially for people who have been trying for an animal since the beginning of the game and still haven't seen even one egg of theirs.

    it's incredibly hard to just chalk that up to bad luck. we, as customers, should not feel backed into a corner by the company when we play these games. it should never be 'i have to buy it or i'm in serious trouble.' it should be something like 'this option is there if i ever want to use it.'

    but i'll cut myself short on that topic and try to finish up my last big thought before i start making even less sense and running my conversation in circles, which i apologize for doing already. i do want to note that tl seems to have a habit of giving people 'lucky breaks' too. someone mentioned feeling the same thing in one of the new fall animal threads- that they seem to tweak things to give people hope. so you get situations like people popping out toucans, unicorns, and new animals within the first two or three breedings or getting the same super rare animal so many times that they're tired of seeing it while other people are sitting there for weeks with not even a glimpse of something hopeful.

    (i went and found the quote and doinked it over here; it was in the pumpkin panda thread: )
    Quote Originally Posted by readysetgo888 View Post
    [...] I also think they tend to make it easier to get certain animals at certain times, or harder. In fact that may be the only way anyone gets one.... when I got my unicorn last month I came on the forum and saw a whole bunch of people had just gotten theirs as well. I think maybe they did it on purpose and lowered the odds just for a short while.
    (there were one or two more that were in other threads that mentioned similar concepts either in jest or otherwise, but this was the comment i specifically remembered.)

    i personally think i was just subjected to one of those lucky breaks and i'm bracing myself for a month or two of junky fail breeding.

    so since i've babbled and complained long enough... i guess the whole point i was even getting at here is that preset odds and luck suck very much and it should not even be up to that ever at any point, but yet it seems that that's exactly what's going on most of the time, and almost ALL of the time now. i'm calling bull.
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  7. #7
    Executive Chef
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    I don't know what the odds are but they are awful. I just counted up my tally since I started keeping track of breedings... 25 pairs, 3 rares (all duplicates of ones I already had), and no super rares. That's a 12% rate for RARES. 0% for super rares. 0% for animals I didn't have.

    You know, for the first couple months I was playing the game I really had no complaints at all. I was getting a good mix of rares and super rares along with my commons. Then I got my unicorn and all of a sudden it just seemed to stop. Since I didn't track my breeding that far back I don't have statistical evidence, but I am completely certain that my odds of getting rares and especially super rares have now decreased.

    Like you, dumbpluff, I understand why this is happening. The game seems to be difficult and frustrating on purpose to try to get me to buy and spend gems. This is totally unfair and totally sucks. I completely understand the need for TL to make money off this game but I don't appreciate the unfair tactics. Even without making the chance of success for a new animal somewhere down around like 5% chance each time you breed, people would still buy gems. There is NO NEED to make the game this frustrating in the hopes that people will be so desperate that they will spend lots of money.

    It also does seem that each player is programmed to have an easier time getting some super rares than others... I was trying in almost every one of my breedings for a Gargolem or Sea Drake for a long time and still have neither. I have two Glacial Griffins however, and two more of a couple other super rares. I'm still missing almost all the electric super rares and have tried for them many times as well.

    One more point... the odds on the newer (and possibly limited, though we don't actually know) rare animals definitely seem lower to me than the normal rares. That's wrong - you should have an equal chance of getting all rares of the same two elements every time you breed. But I have bred 3, 4, 5 of certain rares and never gotten the new and limited ones.

    I am going to continue to track my breedings to get an even bigger sample from which to calculate odds.

  8. #8
    Rhino Keeper
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tokitae View Post
    I bred a unicornicopia and hedgehog using rock rhino and pandaffodil. That is really the best odds wise
    You got lucky. I have bred those two at least 15 times now and not a single new animal. Just endless Plantlers and bamboons. I have been breeding nature/earth for a week straight and still dont have a single new animal. Also still missing the other new ones - fallaby and toucan. Still dont have a unicorn either and still missing a ton of regular permanents. No time to even try for the permanents because I am so afraid of missing out on limited editions. And now today they released the new cold turkey. dont know when on earth i will have time to try for that.

    My family has 3 accounts - mine, my daughter's and my son's. We have all been breeding non-stop all week and none of us have seen any of the new animals, except that my son just finally got a harvest hedgehog. I am so happy for him. I have pretty much lost hope that I will get any of them.

    This is becoming more and more unfun every day. I never expected to have a complete collection. I was already missing skeletal dragon, nightmare, and owl bear, and I am not spending $15 for 1 pixel animal. But geez I would like to at least get lucky and get ONE of these cute new fall animals. The odds should NOT be this crappy. This is ridiculous.

  9. #9
    Rhino Keeper
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    Just got another 14 hour fail. Fml.

  10. #10
    Rhino Keeper
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    Quote Originally Posted by readysetgo888 View Post
    Like you, dumbpluff, I understand why this is happening. The game seems to be difficult and frustrating on purpose to try to get me to buy and spend gems. This is totally unfair and totally sucks. I completely understand the need for TL to make money off this game but I don't appreciate the unfair tactics. Even without making the chance of success for a new animal somewhere down around like 5% chance each time you breed, people would still buy gems. There is NO NEED to make the game this frustrating in the hopes that people will be so desperate that they will spend lots of money.

    I absolutely agree!

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