I will sometimes just sort of watch the club during the last 5 minutes of a drink being made so I can make another. I am not buying anything, spending etc. I see it go from 6,360 and within a few minutes it's up to 6,998 and the someone buys a drink and it rolls to 6,200!!!! And then it goes slowly up to 6,500 and does it again! So I watch about 100 r get bought and I went from 6,360 to 6,400 but it had reached 6,998 at one Pont. And these are 5+ drinks that take 16 to 22 hours. I'm level 19 now and 4-star. The same set of drinks last week were making me 150,000 in a night.now after three nights and an extra mixer I am making 10,000 a night for 30,000 in three night. What gives? Are the customers stealing (joke). Teamlava you have a bug that is subtracting coins and at this rate I will never expand..... oh I get it.... if I buy club cash I will.... so.... this is the trick? Get someone interested enough to get to level 19 and then force them to o spend real money by making their drinks lose coin value? If bug isn't fixed I will quit cold turkey... here is the hint. Real cash is what I spend at real clubs on real drinks!