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Thread: Farm Story 2: Fall Harvest World Event - Friday September 12

  1. #11
    Fashion Designer
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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by rynetory2 View Post
    Btw TL, I hope this event does not involve the mine or mine items cos of the current unresolved mine bug that we are facing. It would be quite unfair for us under the circumstances, unless you resolve the bug before the event starts?
    I agree I really hope they fix the mine soon!

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by rynetory2 View Post
    Btw TL, I hope this event does not involve the mine or mine items cos of the current unresolved mine bug that we are facing. It would be quite unfair for us under the circumstances, unless you resolve the bug before the event starts?
    Ooh the mine does have a bug! I was beginning to think something was up...i had 70+Axes &50+shovels saved for the next event and wasted atleast 70 of them to get 5 freaking pieces of gold today for a train delivery (pre seeing the pop up for the event) i was so irritated :P

    Anywho..i really had hoped the next event wouldnt be til halloween...dont get me wrong...i love events but i havent recovered from the last one ( which i really hadnt recovered from the one before lol) but i have been tryig to save for the deli..and once again am getting close but will have to skip since i'll need every bit for the game on the bright side..I cant wait to see the prizes..the kitty looks adorable

  3. #13
    Executive Chef
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    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by lostintheclouds View Post
    Ooh the mine does have a bug! I was beginning to think something was up...i had 70+Axes &50+shovels saved for the next event and wasted atleast 70 of them to get 5 freaking pieces of gold today for a train delivery (pre seeing the pop up for the event) i was so irritated :P

    Anywho..i really had hoped the next event wouldnt be til halloween...dont get me wrong...i love events but i havent recovered from the last one ( which i really hadnt recovered from the one before lol) but i have been tryig to save for the deli..and once again am getting close but will have to skip since i'll need every bit for the game on the bright side..I cant wait to see the prizes..the kitty looks adorable

    My mine has been broken for ages too. To the point where i have not bothered and instead sold over 50 axes and still have about 30 left. Along with 18 shovels.

    I too had hoped we,wouldnt have an event until halloween. Im happy i didnt rush to buy that fifth coffee tree. I have about 55,500 saved again.

    Ill now remember to wait to do anything that day and sell some items to make room AND more money. Ill lastly try to make sure i can do all 8 train orders just in case.

    Now i just need to figure out which cat ill store to make room for this one.

  4. #14
    I want that cute kitty!

  5. #15
    Farm Supplier
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    Apr 2011
    Oh no, another event coming so close on the heels of the previous event! I used to think, from firsthand experience, that low level players (below level 20) have it tough with limited coins but as I leveled up, I realised there's so much more difficulty in completing deliveries as many more costly buildings are unlocked or more complicated and time-consuming recipes are unlocked.

    But phew, lucky that the announcement came before I was going to break the bank just to buy a jewelsmith. Well, at least there's still a bank left for me to break for this event.

    Since there's only a cat, and no dog, I hope it's gonna be easier than the luau event

  6. #16
    Fashion Designer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoila View Post
    Oh no, another event coming so close on the heels of the previous event! I used to think, from firsthand experience, that low level players (below level 20) have it tough with limited coins but as I leveled up, I realised there's so much more difficulty in completing deliveries as many more costly buildings are unlocked or more complicated and time-consuming recipes are unlocked.

    But phew, lucky that the announcement came before I was going to break the bank just to buy a jewelsmith. Well, at least there's still a bank left for me to break for this event.

    Since there's only a cat, and no dog, I hope it's gonna be easier than the luau event
    I agree, I too thought it would be easier as I leveled up but I was wrong it is definitely tougher. I hope it isn't too difficult to get the kitty I need the sushi shop and it's going to take forever to get that many coins ! . Happy fall everyone.

  7. #17
    What is wrong with the mine?

  8. #18
    Executive Chef
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    Huntington Beach, CA
    okay so can i just say that I DESPERATELY miss getting actual new VERSIONS of our games?! I miss the Halloween version of FS2 and of all of my games. I know we get the items but I love the entire change throughout the game and it isn;t fair that we no longer get that. : ( this just reminds me of how badly I want that back across the board. ( I play a lot of the games !)

  9. #19
    Rhino Keeper
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    Jun 2013
    Just guessing here, of course, but it seems likely we'll need to buy and plant fall foliage trees, possibly fall flowers, but most likely, pumpkins. Looks like silo expansion may be wise, so hang onto those needed materials if that's the case. Just guessing. This stalls my savings for the sushi, but with announcement, wait and see.

  10. #20
    Executive Chef
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    Jan 2012
    I think TL figured out that not many players check into the game unless an event is going on

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