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Thread: Castle Story: Unofficial Goals (for experienced players)

  1. #1
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Glimmer Forest (A0)

    Cool Castle Story: Unofficial Goals (for experienced players)

    --> You can download this unofficial goals list here in PDF (most recent file only).

    • Version 3.14 - 2023.10.29
    • Version 3.13 - 2018.11.16
    • Version 3.12 - 2017.03.26
    • Version 3.11 - 2016.04.17
    • Version 3.10 - 2016.03.13
    • Version 3.01 - 2015.12.26
    • Version 3.00 - 2015.09.04
    • Version 2.09 - 2015.08.01
    • Version 2.08 - 2015.06.20
    • Version 2.07 - 2015.04.19
    • Version 2.06 - 2015.04.03
    • Version 2.05 - 2015.03.06
    • Version 2.04 - 2015.01.18
    • Version 2.02 - 2014.12.27
    • Version 2.01 - 2014.11.10
    • Version 2.00 - 2014.09.28
    • Version 1.01 - 2014.07.20
    • Version 1.00 - 2014.07.15

    Change Log
    Version 3.14
    • Added UG-#43, UG-#44, UG-#45, UG-#46

    Version 3.13
    • Added new high challenges goals: UG-#42
    • Added the alternative [MER] goals: UG-#6, UG-#42
    • Added the alternative [ELF] goals: UG-#6
    • Many corrections and adjustments

    Version 3.12
    • Added UG-#40.
    • Added the [ELF] goals: UG-#41.
    • Minor corrections and adjustments

    Version 3.11
    • Added the [GE] alternative goals.
    • Adapted UG-#36 to include game changes.
    • Added UG-#38 & UG-#39.

    Version 3.10
    • Improved overall quality.
    • Cleaned and extended Stack Overflow UG-#15.
    • Simplified All those Mathoms UG-#19.
    • Updated Ready to Go UG-#22.
    • New goals UG-#36 & UG-#37.

    Version 3.01
    • Changed & enriched picture links
    • Added a new difficulty level: Impossible
    • Modified Stack Overflow UG-#15 to remove non-basic materials
    • All those Mathoms UG-#19 leveled to impossible level. Alternative version is possible.
    • New U-Goal: Troll Me! UG-#35

    Version 3.00
    • Added a Change Log
    • Added new items and material to UG-#01 goal
    • Added new items to SG-#02 goal
    • Added missing materials to UG-#15 goal
    • Removed items not anymore in the game UG-#18-ALT goal
    • Added link to pictures (more than 150 screenshots) to show proof in most goals
    • Updated UG-#07 to include the breakfast buffet

    Ever wondering what to do when you are a high level player (maxed out your level) and want to have some challenge in the game? When your regular quest book is drying up? Well quite a few of us have developed their own goals to hold the fun in the game.

    To give you the soap box, share your goals so that other can emulate you. I am open to new suggestion; it is always good to have new goals set to move on. The rewards are purely self-satisfactory, though. If you spot issues, please be constructive and point out the obvious so I can correct it.

    Post your goals here! To provide a boot strap here some examples. Also, some guideline to help shape your own goals:

    A Title, As in the quest book
    Teaser: A small funny description of the goal.
    • Easy: Achievable at most levels and does not require too much resources
    • Medium: might take some time to accomplish
    • Hard: The resources are tight
    • Insane: This is just getting out of control
    • Miracle: This is just close to a miracle
    • Impossible: Even for players since day 1, with highly advanced game economy this goal is utopian.

    Achievement: What defines the fulfillment!
    Requirements: Buildings, Resources, etc.
    Tips: Anything that helps gets the job done.
    Alternatives: Derivate goals based on some special elements/events/quests of the game. Alternatives are tagged with [XXX] and an abbreviation. The same abbreviations are used through the document.
    [ALT]: Regular alternative goal to spice up or simplify a goal.
    [VE]: 2013 Valentine edition of the game, this unlocks special items not found in the regular game. You need to have the "Love Shack" building in your possession.
    [FE]: Faerie arc, this is for players that have unlocked and finished the main storyline with the Faeries as of September 2014. This is part of the regular game, but for advanced players. You need to have the "Faerie Workshop" building in your possession.
    [GE]: Glimmeregg Arc, this is for players that have bought the Glimmeregg Forge & Items during Eastern 2016 Event. You need to have the "Glimmeregg Forge" building in your possession.
    [ELF]: Elves Arc. For players that have unlocked to the Elven Outpost (plot F11) and have unlocked the Elven Reliquary.

    How to make a good goal: S.M.A.R.T.
    • [S]imple: The goal must be simple to express.
    • [M]easurable: it must be quantifiable with clear values.
    • [A]chievable: it must be possible to achieve for all.
    • [R]eplicable: it must be possible to do it any time by everyone.
    • [T]imed: the time necessary to achieve it must be quantifiable.

    If the goal is not SMART, then it should probably be in the special section.

    Regular Goals
    SMART goals can be achieved by any player at any time.
    1. Sooo Sticky
    2. Colorful World
    3. Master Builder
    4. Love Shake
    5. Botanic Frenzy
    6. Blocks & Beams
    7. Baking Power
    8. Jamie Oliver
    9. Knights or the round Belly
    10. Scrooge McDuck
    11. The RP Race
    12. Light-up the Forest
    13. Quest-less
    14. Magic Smith
    15. Stack Overflow
    16. There is No End
    17. Genghis Khan
    18. Granny's Attic
    19. All those Mathoms
    20. Put me on Display
    21. Potion Grandmaster
    22. Ready to Go
    23. Faerie Grandmaster
    24. Tinker Grandmaster
    25. Builder Grandmaster
    26. Sweet Grandmaster
    27. Dark Sisters
    28. All the Same
    29. A Pile of Dust-Eaters
    30. Call me Midas
    31. Easter-egg Hunt
    32. Ivy's Pantry
    33. The Zoo
    34. Horsing Around
    35. Troll Me!
    36. Hunter Grandmaster
    37. Smeely O' Fishin
    38. Mythic Zoo
    39. Super Glimmer-Egg Hunt
    40. Flower Power!
    41. Flew Over the Cloud Sparrow's Nest
    42. Atlantean Vault
    43. A Smelly Business
    44. Ivy?s Baby Boom
    45. Bacchus
    46. Goblin Slayer

    Special Goals
    Not S.M.A.R.T. goals, but quite interesting for very challenged players.
    1. Double Sighted
    2. Get Them All
    3. Christ-mass
    4. Floriade
    5. The Power Plant
    6. Las Vegas

    I am open to new suggestion; it is always good to have new goals set to move forwards. The rewards are purely self-satisfactory, though. If you spot issues, please be constructive and point out the obvious so I can correct it.

    Regular Goals
    SMART goals can be achieved by any player at any time.

    1. Sooo Sticky (Screenshot)
    Teaser: Make sure you never run out of duct tape!
    Difficulty: Insane
    Achievement: Have all the different glues, pastes and cements maxed out ("Inventory is full!").
    Requirements: This is an extreme resource guzzler, moreover it takes a very long time to harvest and make all the cements. Items in focus:
    ☐ Architect's Paste (picture)
    ☐ Builder's Paste (picture)
    ☐ Magic Cement (picture)
    ☐ Simple Glue (picture)
    ☐ Super Glue (picture)

    Raw resources needed for 100 of each:
    Glimmer Dust:    10,300 
    Coin:         1,500,000 
    Living Wood:      1,500 
    Mermaid Scales:   1,500 
    Sap:             27,200 
    Silver Ore:       1,500 
    Water:            6,100 
    Wood:            17,500 
    Days:               498
    Tips: you can obtain quite a few of the finished products through trades, adventures or with the Witch's Cauldron. With 2 Potion Shops and the Tinker Camp you will still need a whopping 166 non-stop crafting.
    Alternative [FE]: If you have developed the Faerie Arc you can add:
    ☐ Faerie Paste (picture)
    ☐ Faerie Sap (picture)

    In this case you will need an extra bag of resources for 100 extra:
    Faerie Murmurs:    3,500 
    Fey Crystals:        500 
    Glimmer Dust:      3,300 
    Living Wood:       3,800 
    Purple Petal:      2,500 
    Red Petal:         2,500 
    Sap:               5,300 
    Water:               400 
    Days:                114
    The Faerie workshop does not limit the production of Faerie Paste past 99, so your will not see "inventory is Full". Drops from the bridge, adventure or trade will be converted in coins. Making of the final paste is done in the Faerie Workshop. Note that the Faerie Bridge drops paste.

    2. Colorful World (Screenshot)
    Teaser: Add a bit of color in your life.
    Difficulty: Easy
    Achievement: Have all the dyes maxed out ("Inventory is full!").
    Requirements: Make the following items:
    ☐ Blue Dye (picture)
    ☐ Purple Dye (picture)
    ☐ Red Dye (picture)
    ☐ Yellow Dye (picture)

    Raw resources needed for 100 of each:
    Blue Petal:         600 
    Orange Petal:       400 
    Purple Petal:       600 
    Red Petal:          600 
    Water:            1,200 
    White Petal:        400 
    Days:                17
    Tips: Use the petals overflow to craft dyes overtime. It is a good and cheap way to use your potion shop during idle times, I did this and had all maxed out quite quickly. To speed up just focus on one dye and have a batch of the right color flowers planted. Red dye might be a challenge for those who without the Love Shack [VE] or buy the right flowers with gems. The Purple Cow drops purple dye and purple petals quite often, so maxing out the purple is a no brainer.
    Alternative [ALT]: Have the additional dyes added to the list:
    ☐ Black Ink (picture)
    ☐ Green Dye (picture)
    ☐ Orange Dye (picture)
    ☐ White Dye (picture)

    Only available during some quests/events (not an S.M.A.R.T. goal). But if you have enough resources, you should have time to produce 100 of each. Resources needed for this:
    Blue Petal:        600 
    Coal:              600 
    Orange Petal:    1,000 
    Water:           1,600 
    White Petal:       600 
    Days:               25
    Alternative [VE]: Add to the main list the Pink Dye (picture) of the Love Shack. Raw resources needed for 100 of each:
    Red Petal:          400 
    Water:              300 
    White Petal:        400 
    Days:                 4

    3. Master Builder
    Teaser: Be the perfect Architect!
    Difficulty: Medium
    Achievement: Have one of each building (except gems purchasable) and upgraded to the highest level.
    Requirements: Have at least one of each building type on display. The amount of resource needed has not been calculated, but it is quite significant.
    Tips: Not too hard to achieve over time, it comes naturally.
    Alternative [ALT]: To make it a bit more challenging (hard): add the gems buildings, and/or have 2 of each. This can be a serious resource constraint, do it

    4. Love Shake (Screenshot)
    Teaser: With all the love you have!
    Difficulty: Medium
    Achievement: Have the "materials" section of your love shake maxed out ("Inventory is full!").
    Requirements: Have the Valentine Edition [VE]. Items in scope:
    ☐ Box of Chocolates (picture)
    ☐ Chocolate Egg (picture)
    ☐ Chocolate Truffle (picture)
    ☐ Love Essence (picture)
    ☐ Milk Chocolate (picture)
    ☐ Pink Dye (picture)
    ☐ Pink Fur (picture)
    ☐ Pink Jewel (picture)
    ☐ Red Ribbon (picture)
    ☐ Valentine Feast (picture)

    Tips: The love Shack has some bugs; several items will not be greyed out ("Inventory is full!") when maxed, check your inventory to see if the max has been achieved. Having one VE animal to produce the base resources is a good to avoid massive alchemy work, although it requires gems.
    Alternative [ALT]: Additionally this can be extended to the special items:
    ☐ Absorption Crystal (picture)
    ☐ Entwined Seedling (picture)
    ☐ Kissing Dust (picture)
    ☐ Love Stone (picture)
    ☐ Love Wood (picture)

    Although they are also maxed at 100, their production is still possible but with a null yield!

    5. Botanic Frenzy (Screenshot)
    Teaser: Be a perfect gardener!
    Difficulty: Medium
    Achievement: Have the "materials" section of your greenhouse maxed out ("Inventory is full!").
    Requirements: Items in scope:
    ☐ Dark Seeds (picture)
    ☐ Floral Glow (picture)
    ☐ Vital Extract (picture)

    Raw resources needed for 100 of each:
    Glimmer Dust:       500 
    Glimmer Fragment:   500 
    Glimmer Shade:      500 
    Living Wood:        300 
    Mushrooms:        1,500 
    Piles of Seeds:     800 
    Purple Petal:       500 
    Red Petal:          500 
    Days:                10
    Tips: The Living Tree (gems needed) makes this just a little less time consuming. However, it is a good way to use the greenhouse when all other quests needing it are done. Also, it enables you to craft in no time 10 Faerie Elixir when some energy boost is needed. Note that you can create up as many dark seeds as you want (they just does not drop naturally anymore after 99 in the inventory).

    6. Blocks & Beams (Screenshot)
    Teaser: Get out and build!
    Difficulty: Insane
    Achievement: Have the "materials" section of your workshop maxed out ("Inventory is full!"). Except for some persistent adventure items like the Faerie Offering, focus is on blocks and beans.
    Requirements: items in scope:
    ☐ Banner Pole (picture)
    ☐ Earth Wisp (picture)
    ☐ Enchanted Beam (picture)
    ☐ Enchanted Block (picture)
    ☐ Fancy Beam (picture)
    ☐ Fancy Block (picture)
    ☐ Ornate Beam (picture)
    ☐ Ornate Block (picture)
    ☐ Royal Beam (picture)
    ☐ Royal Block (picture)
    ☐ Stone Block (picture)
    ☐ Wisp Lantern (picture)
    ☐ Wooden Beam (picture)

    Raw resources needed for 100 of each:
    Coal:             2,000 
    Glimmer Dust:     1,000 
    Coin:         2,050,000 
    Iron Ore:         5,500 
    Jewel:            3,300 
    Living Wood:      1,500 
    Mermaid Scales:   1,000 
    Sap:              5,000 
    Silver Ore:       1,800 
    Stone:           15,500 
    Water:            1,000 
    Wood:            16,000 
    Days:               286
    Tips: A lot of the base items can be trades in the trade exchange or with adventures. Avoid using the trade with tickets. Also it is a perfect goal to lower your stones and wood supply that will overflow in no time. Up to the royal beams it is fairly trivial to do, but the Ornate items are will take a HUGE toll on your living wood and Jewel supply.
    Alternative [FE]: As the Faerie items come later into play and you need a special building for those, the alternate goal can be done independently from the main one. The alternate is to max out the Faerie workshop:
    ☐ Faerie Beam (picture)
    ☐ Faerie Block (picture)

    To have 100 of them:
    Faerie Murmurs:   3,000 
    Faeriebulb Seed:    500 
    Fey Crystals:     1,000 
    Glimmer Dust:     5,500 
    Iron Ore:         1,000 
    Purple Petal:     5,000 
    Red Petal:        5,000 
    Sap:              1,000 
    Stone:            3,000 
    Wood:             3,000 
    Days:               115
    The Faerie workshop does not limit the production of beams & blocks past 99, so your will not see "inventory is Full". Drops from the bridge, adventure or trade will be converted in coins.

    7. Baking Power (Screenshot)
    Teaser: Ready for a big coking party!
    Difficulty: Medium
    Achievement: Have all basic dishes prepared ("Inventory is full!").
    Requirements: dishes in scope:
    ☐ Baked Butterfish (picture)
    ☐ Breaded Fish (picture)
    ☐ Catfish Soup (picture)
    ☐ Chocolate (picture)
    ☐ Flour (picture)
    ☐ Grits (picture)
    ☐ Hearty Stew (picture)
    ☐ Ivy's Hot Sauce (picture)
    ☐ Sugar (picture)

    The "Feed The Baron" are left out since it is only used to flush inventory. Raw resources needed for 100 of each:
    Bacon:                   2,400 
    Butterfish:                500 
    Cabbage:                 1,000 
    Carrot:                    800 
    Catfish:                   500 
    Cocoa:                     500 
    Corn:                      400 
    Egg:                     2,000 
    Hot Pepper:                200 
    Lemon:                     600 
    Milk:                      100 
    Orange:                  1,000 
    Rat Tail:                1,200 
    Roast Chicken:             200 
    Sugar Cane:                500 
    Tomato:                    600 
    Water:                   3,800 
    Wheat:                     400 
    Days:                       45
    Tips: If you can play often for a couple of minutes, it is feasible to max those items out AND have 2 adventures running in parallel. You still have time to craft dishes. You must have also the farming capability to produce enough crops or harvest from the different sources. There quite a few buildings that drop ingredients to lighten up the task.

    8. Jamie Oliver (Screenshot)
    Teaser: plenty of yummy things
    Difficulty: Insane
    Achievement: Have all side dishes prepared and maxed ("Inventory is full!").
    Requirements: dishes in scope:
    ☐ Apple Pie (picture)
    ☐ Bread (picture)
    ☐ Breakfast Buffet (picture)
    ☐ Cake (picture)
    ☐ Candy Bonbons (picture)
    ☐ Ice Cream (picture)
    ☐ Lemonade (picture)
    ☐ Noodles (picture)
    ☐ Orange Cobbler (picture)
    ☐ Pasta (picture)
    ☐ Royal Sundae (picture)
    ☐ Syrup (picture)
    ☐ Teacakes (picture)

    Raw resources needed for 100 of each:
    Apple:            1,000 
    Cocoa:            2,500 
    Egg:              3,400 
    Fish:             1,000 
    Glimmer Dust:       500 
    Glimmer Bulb:       500 
    Lemon:              500 
    Milk:             4,300 
    Mushroom:         1,200 
    Orange:           1,000 
    Sap:                500 
    Strawberry:       1,000 
    Sugar Cane:       7,500 
    Tomato:             800 
    Water:            1,400 
    Wheat:            7,500 
    Days:               156
    Tips: Maxing a couple of them is still possible with careful planning, but all of them, is close to impossible if you are doing adventures and need supply for goals. The best way is to have no more goals, stop adventuring with the knight or trading and redirect your kitchen effort toward producing as much as possible with minimal consumption. There quite a few buildings that drop ingredients to lighten up the task. If you do the "Baking Power" first, you have a good head start on the base materials.

    9. Knights or the Round Belly (Screenshot)
    Teaser: Have all quests dishes maxed.
    Difficulty: Insane
    Achievement: Have all adventures dishes prepared and maxed ("Inventory is full!").
    Requirements: dishes in scope:
    ☐ Hearty Feast (picture)
    ☐ Mercury Feast (picture)
    ☐ Simple Feast (picture)
    ☐ Smoked Fish Sandwich (picture)
    ☐ Spicy Feast (picture)
    ☐ Sweet Feast (picture)

    Raw resources needed for 100 of each:
    Bacon:              800 
    Butterfish:         600 
    Cabbage:          1,500 
    Carrot:           1,600 
    Catfish:            500 
    Cocoa:            5,000 
    Corn:               800 
    Egg:              2,500 
    Fish:             1,000 
    Hot Pepper:       3,000 
    Jewel:              500 
    Lemon:              200 
    Milk:             9,000 
    Mushroom:         3,200 
    Rat Tail:           500 
    Roast Chicken:    4,100 
    Sap:              2,500 
    Silver Ore:       2,000 
    Strawberry:       5,000 
    Sugar Cane:       7,500 
    Tomato:           1,800 
    Water:            5,300 
    Wheat:           11,000 
    Days:               402
    Tips: It will be difficult to have this one maxed out as you perform adventures in the meantime. Also some dishes are so time-intensive to create, that it is nearly impossible to do this goal with 2 kitchens and bakery. Some buildings or trades really help a lot by dropping valuable components. The special event item Bountiful Table is a real savior as it drops 1 dish every 2 days.
    Alternative [VE]: If you have the valentine edition you can add the Valentine Feast (picture):
    Chocolate Egg:      400 
    Chocolate Truffle:  400 
    Milk:             2,500 
    Milk Chocolate:     500 
    Red Ribbon:         100 
    Days:                 6
    If you do not have the [VE] animals, you can still produces the base items with the love shack.

    10. Scrooge McDuck
    Teaser: NO, I am NOT the Baron!
    Difficulty: Hard
    Achievement: Have 10 Million coins in treasury.
    Requirements: Have enough coin buildings to harvest from. Cathedrals at level 5 are very good and require low energy. This just takes some time to achieve, but when all is done in your kingdom, money will be a no issue and the bank account will soon grow quickly.
    Tips: If you want to speed up this one, use Farmhouses at level 5 (>14'000 coins a day), might be a real energy drain, but in a single day insistent harvesting, you will pile up coins really quickly.
    Alternative [ALT]: If you want to push it to insane difficulty, put the limit to 100 Million coins.

    11. The RP Race
    Teaser: I am the RP King!
    Difficulty: Hard
    Achievement: Clock over 10K RP.
    Requirements: Have enough Royal buildings standing on the map to reach 10K RP.
    Tips: Have high yield RP buildings like the Amphitheater. All buildings should be at maximum level to boost RP output. As you are limited in Royal buildings, avoid low yield buildings. It has been reported by quite a few that this level is feasible without too much trouble.
    Alternative [ALT]: the +20K RP might be the super league challenge.

    12. Light-up the Forest
    Teaser: Nowhere to hide anymore.
    Difficulty: Hard
    Achievement: Have expended to all possible corners of the forest.
    Requirements: All expansion slots are open. To have all the expansions you will need:

    To open all slots you need:
    Royal Points:     4,200 
    Lanterns:         1,436 
    Coins:       18,402,500 
    Permits:             92 
    Trade Tickets:    2,760 
    Days:               245
    Check out the weekly update list for all details. This is long term goal, the expansion tickets are by far the most expensive to acquire. This goal will be achieved in time anyway.

    13. Quest-less
    Teaser: I lost my Quest Book.
    Difficulty: Insane (for early player), Hard (for dedicated Fans)
    Achievement: The quest book is no more.
    Requirements: Do all the official quests that the game has to offer until the book in the upper left corner disappear.
    Tips: This is a really long term goal. With the weekly update this goal is a moving target. If you have the Fortune Tent more quests are added as the tent gets updates as well.

    14. Magic Smith (Screenshot)
    Teaser: Shroud the forest with Magic smoke.
    Difficulty: Insane
    Achievement: Have the "materials" section of your Magic Shop maxed out ("Inventory is full!").
    Requirements: items in scope:
    ☐ Adamant (picture)
    ☐ Jeweled Hairpin (picture)
    ☐ Jewels (picture)
    ☐ Light Armor (picture)
    ☐ Longsword (picture)
    ☐ Mithril (picture)
    ☐ Sentry Horn (picture)
    ☐ Silver Ore (picture)
    ☐ Silver Platter (picture)
    ☐ Troll Club (picture)

    Jeweled Hairpin is only available once [FE] is activated. Raw resources needed for 100 of each (assuming all crafting and recursive alchemy not used (i.e. solely make Mithril out of Iron Ore)):
    Boar Tusk:          400 
    Coal:             1,000 
    Glimmer Dust:     3,000 
    Glimmer Shard:    3,000 
    Hide:               500 
    Iron Ore:         2,600 
    Jewel:            1,500 
    Mithril:         2,000 
    Silver Ore:       8,600 
    Troll Essence:      200 
    Wood:             1,000
    Tips: Most weapons can be obtained as a rare drop from several buildings. Mineral comes from mines or trades as well. Maximizing Adamant is best achieved through trade or deep mines; alchemy is just a way to avoid losing Silver Ore or Mithril along the way.

    15. Stack Overflow
    Teaser: What to do will all this stuff!!!
    Difficulty: Hard
    Achievement: Have all the basic resources maxed out..
    Requirements: Have the following resources reach their respective. Resources in scope:
    ☐ Adamant (picture)
    ☐ Apple (picture)
    ☐ Bacon (picture)
    ☐ Blue Fish (picture)
    ☐ Blue Petals (picture)
    ☐ Boar Pelt (picture)
    ☐ Boar Tusks (picture)
    ☐ Bone (picture)
    ☐ Butterfish (picture)
    ☐ Cabbage (picture)
    ☐ Carrots (picture)
    ☐ Catfish (picture)
    ☐ Coal (picture)
    ☐ Cocoa Beans (picture)
    ☐ Corn (picture)
    ☐ Creep Tooth (picture)
    ☐ Dark Seeds (picture)
    ☐ Dragon Scales (picture)
    ☐ Earth Wisp (picture)
    ☐ Eggs (picture)
    ☐ Faerie Jar (picture)
    ☐ Faeriebulb Seeds (picture)
    ☐ Faeries' Murmur (picture)
    ☐ Fellora Blossom (picture)
    ☐ Feral Magic (picture)
    ☐ Fertilizer (picture)
    ☐ Fey Crystal (picture)
    ☐ Fish (picture)
    ☐ Fur (picture)
    ☐ Glimmer Fragments (picture)
    ☐ Glimmer Pitcher Plant (picture)
    ☐ Glimmer Rafflesia (picture)
    ☐ Glimmer Shard (picture)
    ☐ Glimmer Trap Plant (picture)
    ☐ Glimmerbulb (picture)
    ☐ Glimmerdust (picture)
    ☐ Glimmermouth (picture)
    ☐ Hide (picture)
    ☐ Horse Hair (picture)
    ☐ Hot Pepper (picture)
    ☐ Iron Ore (picture)
    ☐ Jewels (picture)
    ☐ Lemon (picture)
    ☐ Living Wood (picture)
    ☐ Lucky Clover (picture)
    ☐ Magic Fruit (picture)
    ☐ Manticore Whisker (picture)
    ☐ Mermaid Pond (picture)
    ☐ Mermaid Scales (picture)
    ☐ Milk (picture)
    ☐ Mithril (picture)
    ☐ Mushroom (picture)
    ☐ Mysterious Venom (picture)
    ☐ Orange (picture)
    ☐ Orange Petals (picture)
    ☐ Pile of Seeds (picture)
    ☐ Prime Cut (picture)
    ☐ Purple Petals (picture)
    ☐ Rat Tail (picture)
    ☐ Red Petals (picture)
    ☐ Roast Chicken (picture)
    ☐ Sap (picture)
    ☐ Silver Ore (picture)
    ☐ Skunku-Pie (picture)
    ☐ Spellbook (picture)
    ☐ Stone (picture)
    ☐ Strawberries (picture)
    ☐ Sugar Cane (picture)
    ☐ Tomato (picture)
    ☐ Troll Essence (picture)
    ☐ Troll Horn (picture)
    ☐ Truffle (picture)
    ☐ Water (picture)
    ☐ Wheat (picture)
    ☐ White Petals (picture)
    ☐ Wood (picture)

    Tips: Harvest from all the sources of the game until you have maxed out. Although not too difficult to achieve, when crafting items resource, drain is occurring. The best is to reach +90 in each then stop crafting for a while until you max out the given resource. Some resources are very rare drops, so it can take a very long time to may them.
    Alternative [VE]: Have the Valentine Edition resources maxed out, in scope:
    ☐ Kissing Dust (picture)
    ☐ Love Stone (picture)
    ☐ Love Wood (picture)
    ☐ Pink Fur (picture)

    16. There is No End
    Teaser: To Infinity and Beyond
    Difficulty: Hard
    Achievement: Have >250K XP (>250,000 XP) on the counter.
    Requirements: Get as many XP as you can until you get 250K XP or more.
    Tips: Just play the game! You will end up at that level without event thinking about it.
    Alternative [ALT]: To have it to Insane, push the XP limit to 1 Million (1,000,000 XP).

    17. Genghis Khan
    Teaser: Be prepared to conquer the world!
    Difficulty: Miracle
    Achievement: Have all the items for expansions maxed out.
    Requirements: Have the following items maxed out (99 or more). Resources in scope:

    Tips: Earth wisp and lantern are the easy part, but maxing out of expansion permits is a real painful job. Moreover, you cannot craft expansion permits if your finish goal Light-up the Forest. So you need to choose which to do. If you can do nonstop craft with 2 hours trade tickets, you still need a whopping 267 days to finish this goal.
    Alternative [ALT]: If you have done goal #12 - Light-up the Forest, then this goal can be counted as reached if you have 3000 trade tickets ( ) in the inventory, because expansion permits cannot be crafted.
    ☐ Earth Wisp (picture)
    ☐ Expansion Permit (picture)
    ☐ Trade Ticket (picture)
    ☐ Wisp Lantern (picture)

    18. Granny's Attic
    Teaser: Grandpa was a crafter!
    Difficulty: Insane
    Achievement: have the all the items in the workshop Decorations' section at least at 99 each. The Royal Point items (*) have a compounded limit set to 55 items in total (on the board + inventory).
    Requirements: items in scope:
    ☐ Beast Statue (picture)
    ☐ Blue Banner (**) (picture)
    ☐ Dragon Statue (*) (picture)
    ☐ Fountain (picture)
    ☐ Purple Banner (**) (picture)
    ☐ Red Banner (picture)
    ☐ Rustic Well (picture)
    ☐ Stone Bench (picture)
    ☐ Unicorn Statue (*) (picture)
    ☐ White Flower Bed (picture)
    ☐ Wood Bench (**) (picture)
    ☐ Yellow Banner (picture)

    Item marked with (**), can also be purchased in the market for coins. All others can be purchased with gems. Raw resources needed for 100 of each:
    Blue Petal:         600 
    Coin:         2,000,000 
    Glimmer Dust:     1,200 
    Hide:             1,600 
    Iron Ore:        22,000 
    Jewel:            4,900 
    Orange Petal:       400 
    Purple Petal:       600 
    Red Petal:          600 
    Sap:              4,700 
    Silver Ore:       3,400 
    Stone:           39,500 
    Water:            4,600 
    White Petal:        700 
    Wood:             5,700
    Days:               635
    Tips: This is a very long goal, either focus on one at a time or do any of them when you have some resources overflow. You'll need 635 days of non-stop crafting with a workshop to finish this! You can focus on one item at the time to make it more affordable; the Rustic Well needs stones and wood, resources that are generally maxed out anyway.
    Alternative [ALT]: have non-craftable decoration items reach 99 or more. Items in scope:
    ☐ Bluebell Faerie Flower (picture)
    ☐ Feeding Trough (picture)
    ☐ Floral Topiary Wall (picture)
    ☐ Friendly Gallows (picture)
    ☐ Green Banner (picture)
    ☐ Hydrangea Hedge (picture)
    ☐ Magic Mirror (picture)
    ☐ Peony Fence (picture)
    ☐ Pillory Platform (picture)
    ☐ Pink Flower Bed (picture)
    ☐ Queen's Gate (picture)
    ☐ Queen's Tower (picture)
    ☐ Red Flower Bed (picture)
    ☐ Royal Road (picture)
    ☐ Stone Path (picture)
    ☐ Stone Wall (picture)
    ☐ Street Torch (picture)
    ☐ Topiary Wall (picture)
    ☐ Tower (picture)
    ☐ Wall (picture)
    ☐ White Royal Road (picture)
    ☐ Wrought-Iron Gate (picture)

    Tips: This is a relative easy goal, it just needs a lot of coins, some open space on the board and a lot of time to buy & store items.
    Alternative [VE]: have the all the valentine decoration items reach 99 or more. Items in scope:
    ☐ Heart Banner (picture)
    ☐ Kissing Light Post (picture)
    ☐ Lover's Gate (picture)
    ☐ Pink Rainbow (picture)
    ☐ Romantic Fountain (picture)
    ☐ Romantic Path (**) (picture)
    ☐ Serenade Tower (picture)
    ☐ Serenade Wall (picture)

    Item marked with (**), can also be purchased in the market for coins. All others can be purchased with gems. Raw resources needed for 100 of each:
    Coin:            50,000 
    Earth Wisp:         100 
    Glimmer Dust:     2,000 
    Hide:               400 
    Iron Ore:           500 
    Kissing Dust:     2,500 
    Love Stone:       8,700 
    Love Wood:        4,500 
    Mermaid Scales:     300 
    Red Petal:        1,600 
    Water:            6,700 
    White Petal:      1,600 
    Wood:               500 
    Days:               176
    Tips: The best way is to use your inventory overflow of wood and stone to craft items over time. Most items don't need other crafting buildings.

    19. All those Mathoms
    Teaser: I am a Proud Hobbit!
    Difficulty: Impossible
    Achievement: Have every possible "mathoms" items maxed out
    Requirements: A Mathom item can be defined as:
    1. Is a (very) rare drops
    2. "Have no use": means that they are drops which never had any use in Castle Story, or were used in some quests or for specific action, but after the quest is completed, you cannot use it anymore, just collecting. Drops still in use (such as Golden Apples, which are really rare, but you can still use in a trade for gems) are not mathoms.
    3. "Is achievable": means that you can still get/find them, so I exclude from mathoms things you cannot have more (such as items you can craft during special quest, but not after quests, or drops you can find until special period/quest, but not after it - for example pyre crystals).

    Have the following Mathoms (max for each mathom), in scope:
    ☐ Big Ruby (picture)
    ☐ Boar Pelt (picture)
    ☐ Feral Magic (picture)
    ☐ Large Diamond (picture)
    ☐ Large Emerald (picture)
    ☐ Large Sapphire (picture)
    ☐ Large Topaz (picture)
    ☐ Mysterious Venom (picture)
    ☐ Purple Hide (picture)
    ☐ Skunku-Pie (picture)
    ☐ Spellbook (picture)
    ☐ Super Yummy Pie (picture)

    Tips: Most of those items are very rare drops, so it will be month if not years to collect them at max.
    Alternative [ALT]: Instead of maxim them out, have one of each in your inventory. This should be pretty simple.

    20. Put me on Display
    Teaser: I went everywhere and my hall of fame is now full!
    Difficulty: Medium
    Achievement: Have every possible adventure decoration item on display in your land.
    Requirements: find during adventures all the different decoration items and put them on display in your land. The following items have to be found:
    ☐ Anvil (picture)
    ☐ Beast Statue (picture)
    ☐ Berry Mound (picture)
    ☐ Campfire (picture)
    ☐ Carriage (*) (picture)
    ☐ Dragon Statue (*) (picture)
    ☐ Faerie Campfire (picture)
    ☐ Overgrown Bench (picture)
    ☐ Pumpkin Hutch (picture)
    ☐ Scarecrow (picture)
    ☐ Unicorn Statue (*) (picture)

    The Royal Point items (*) have a compounded limit set to 55 items in total (on the board + inventory).

    Tips: This goal relays mostly on luck and patience. Doing adventures will, over time, yield all decorations.

    21. Potion Grandmaster (Screenshot)
    Teaser: Be the best Potion brewer of Glimmer Wood!
    Difficulty: Insane
    Achievement: Have all of your Potion Shop maxed out ("Inventory is full!" message).
    Requirements: This means you have finished the Sooo Sticky and Colorful World goals (do them first). Then finish the max out the remaining items:
    ☐ Enchanter's Essence (picture)
    ☐ Living Wood (picture)
    ☐ Lumin Essence (picture)
    ☐ Mythic Essence (picture)
    ☐ Transformation Tonic (picture)

    To craft 100 items (expect Living Wood), you need:
    Dragon Scale:         500 
    Earth Wisp:           500 
    Fellora Blossoms:     500
    Glimmer Dust:       1,300 
    Manticore Whisker:  1,000 
    Mermaid Scales:     1,500 
    Water:              1,800 
    Days:                  58
    Tips: Do the Sooo Sticky and Colorful World goals, this one will automatically be done as you will flush your inventory anyway to make the remaining items.

    22. Ready to Go (Screenshot)
    Teaser: be sure that you never run out of adventures
    Difficulty: Miracle
    Achievement: Have all the adventure items for every fix adventure fully stacked up.
    Requirements: Max out (99 or more) every item needed for each fix quest. This includes:
    ☐ Allergy Potion (picture)
    ☐ Faerie Offering (picture)
    ☐ Hearty Feast (picture)
    ☐ Light Armor (picture)
    ☐ Longsword (picture)
    ☐ Lumin Essence (picture)
    ☐ Mercury Feast (picture)
    ☐ Sentry Horn (picture)
    ☐ Simple Feast (picture)
    ☐ Smoked Fish Sandwich (picture)
    ☐ Spicy Feast (picture)
    ☐ Sweet Feast (picture)
    ☐ Troll Club (picture)
    ☐ Plain Bait (picture)
    ☐ Super Bait (picture)
    ☐ Fishing Pole (picture)
    ☐ Fishing Net (picture)

    Tips: This is a very long term goal, if you manage to terminate the Knights or the Round Belly, Magic Smith and Potion Grandmaster goals; you basically nearly has this one done. Also, doing adventures during this goal makes it nearly impossible to achieve.
    Alternative [VE]: Add the [VE] quest items to the list:
    ☐ Absorption Crystal (picture)
    ☐ Valentine Feast (picture)

    23. Faerie Grandmaster (Screenshot)
    Teaser: Be sure that you have your place in the Faerie Records
    Difficulty: Hard (Insane when crafted)
    Achievement: Have all the construction items of the Faerie Workshop maxed out maxed out ("Inventory is full!" message).
    Requirements: Have 99 or more of the following items in your inventory:
    ☐ Faerie Beam (picture)
    ☐ Faerie Block (picture)
    ☐ Faerie Essence (picture)
    ☐ Faerie Paste (picture)
    ☐ Faerie Sap (picture)

    To reach 100 you need:
    Faerie Murmurs:   8,000 
    Faeriebulb Seed:    500 
    Fey Crystals:     2,000 
    Glimmer Dust:    11,300 
    Iron Ore:         1,000 
    Living Wood:      3,800 
    Purple Petal:    10,000 
    Red Petal:       10,000 
    Sap:              6,300 
    Stone:            3,000 
    Water:              400 
    Wood:             3,000 
    Days:               250
    Tips: This goal can be tedious to do if you want to craft everything. With the Faerie Bridge and Faerie Trade you can easily reach the max in a reasonable time. Be sure to always check your bridge for drops.

    24. Tinker Grandmaster (Screenshot)
    Teaser: Tinkerbell is no more the Queen
    Difficulty: Insane
    Achievement: Have all the crafting options of the Tinker Camp maxed out maxed out ("Inventory is full!" message).
    Requirements: Finish the "Sooo Sticky" and "Blocks & Beams" goals and this one will be nearly done. Other items to push to the max:
    ☐ Rope (picture)
    Tips: -.-

    25. Builder Grandmaster (Screenshot)
    Teaser: I'll build anything you want, now...
    Difficulty: Insane
    Achievement: Have all the materials options of the Workshop maxed out ("Inventory is full!" message).
    Requirements: Finish the Blocks & Beams goal and have the following items maxed out:
    ☐ Faerie Offering (picture)
    ☐ Rope (picture)
    ☐ Fishing Pole (picture)
    ☐ Fishing Net (picture)

    Tips: If you have the Blocks & Beams and the Ready to Go goals finished, at the same time, you have done this one.

    26. Sweet Grandmaster (Screenshot)
    Teaser: It's such a sweet world!
    Difficulty: Insane
    Achievement: Have all the Winter Bakery items out maxed out ("Inventory is full!" message).
    Requirements: You need a Winter Bakery (Christmas 2014 event). Items in focus:
    ☐ Apple Pie (picture)
    ☐ Bread (picture)
    ☐ Cake (picture)
    ☐ Chocolate (picture)
    ☐ Flour (picture)
    ☐ Ice Cream (picture)
    ☐ Orange Cobbler (picture)
    ☐ Royal Sundae (picture)
    ☐ Smoked Fish Sandwich (picture)
    ☐ Sugar (picture)
    ☐ Sweet Feast (picture)
    ☐ Syrup (picture)
    ☐ Teacakes (picture)

    Tips: First do the Baking Power goal to have enough base material.

    27. Dark Sisters
    Teaser: Life is a plant / plant for your life
    Difficulty: Insane
    Achievement: Have maxed out dark plants.
    Requirements: Items in scope:
    ☐ Belladonna's Inscription (picture)
    ☐ Dark Seeds (picture)
    ☐ Fellora Blossom (picture)
    ☐ Glimmer Pitcher Plant (picture)
    ☐ Glimmer Rafflesia (picture)
    ☐ Glimmer Trap Plant (picture)

    You need to have 99 or more of each.
    Tips: The inscriptions are a real pain to have, with one of the Fortune; it might help get this one done it a more reasonable time.
    Alternative [ALT] - aka "Hell Sisters": Miracle level: Dark Seeds & Plants have no cap, thus you can shoot for 999.

    28. All the Same
    Teaser: I want them all the same!
    Difficulty: Hard
    Achievement: Have >35 buildings of the same type on display
    Requirements: Construct >35 buildings of the same type and have them placed on the map
    Tips: Any building will do! RP buildings have compound cap of 43 and Town Buildings a compound cap of 40. Going over 35 buildings of the same type might impact our ability to do goals and quests. If you want to make it easy, just do it with farms. If you are in the RP race, you might choose amphitheaters.

    29. A Pile of Dust-Eaters
    Teaser: I want them all stored away.
    Difficulty: Insane
    Achievement: Have an Inventory of 200 pages.
    Requirements: The inventory page must show at least x / 200. This means you need 600 different items stored in the inventory.
    Tips: If you play regularly and do the following:
    • Do the "Get Them All" goal (just have 1 item of each)
    • Do the "Granny's Attic" goal (just have 1 item of each)
    • Produce 1 item of each possible, in each crafting building: Faerie Workshop, Greenhouse, Kitchen, Magic Forge, Potion Shop, Royal Exchange, Winter Bakery, Workshop
    • Collect "All those Mathoms" (just have 1 item of each)
    • Buy 1 item of each in the market and store it. (only permanent items can be stored; gem purchased items are valid as well)
    • Have 1 building of each level stored away. Take care of the on buildings compound cap!

    You should reach 200 over time.

    30. Call me Midas
    Teaser: It is never enough!
    Difficulty: Insane
    Achievement: Have all golden items reach 99 or more.
    Requirements: The inventory should have 99 or more of the following items:
    ☐ Golden Apple (picture)
    ☐ Golden Egg (picture)
    ☐ Golden Nugget (picture)
    ☐ Golden Obelisk (picture)

    Tips: Golden apples might be the hardest to get, have a dozen apples trees and keep harvesting every time you can. You will finally reach the mark. As for Obelisks, you will need 50 million coins, which is not an easy bite either.

    31. Easter-egg Hunt
    Teaser: We need them by the dozen!
    Difficulty: Miracle
    Achievement: Have 1/2 dozen (1 box of 6) of each of the following eggs:
    ☐ Dragon Egg (picture)
    ☐ Eggs (picture)
    ☐ Golden Egg (picture)
    ☐ Unhatched Egg (picture)

    Requirements: The inventory should have 6 or more eggs of each sort.
    Tips: Dragon Egg can be from any dragon type. Regular dragon & Manticore eggs come from the forgotten roost, and are really rare drops. It can take several years to get 1/2 dozen of each.

    32. Ivy's Pantry
    Teaser: Never be out of Pies again!
    Difficulty: Miracle
    Achievement: The inventory should have 99 or more of the following items provided by Ivy's Bakery:
    ☐ Apple Pie (picture)
    ☐ Bread (picture)
    ☐ Flour (picture)
    ☐ Ivy's Hot Sauce (picture)
    ☐ Orange Cobbler (picture)
    ☐ Silver Platter (picture)
    ☐ Skunku-Pie (picture)
    ☐ Sugar (picture)
    ☐ Super Yummy Pie (picture)
    ☐ Syrup (picture)

    Requirements: Have Ivy's Bakery or be very lucky during resource gathering.
    Tips: Super Yummy Pie only drops form Ivy's Bakery or can be produced during the Trove quest arc. Super Yummy and Skunku Pies can only be find by drops, so this quest can be very time intensive.

    33. The Zoo
    Teaser: this live stock is just so country side!
    Difficulty: Easy
    Achievement: Have all regular animals displayed around a farm.
    Requirements: Having close to one other one or more of the following items on the game board:
    ☐ Adult Dragon (picture)
    ☐ Black Pig (picture)
    ☐ Chicken (picture)
    ☐ Cow (picture)
    ☐ Farmhouse (picture)
    ☐ Horse (picture)
    ☐ Manticore (picture)

    All animals can be bought with coins; one Dragon & Manticore will be given by the forgotten roost of time.
    Alternative [ALT]: The alternative version requires the usage of gems or being very lucky during adventures. Additional animals to be added to your zoo:
    ☐ Albino Pig (picture)
    ☐ Black Cow (picture)
    ☐ Black Sheep (picture)
    ☐ Pig (picture)
    ☐ Royal Cow (picture)
    ☐ Royal Pig (picture)
    ☐ Sheep (picture)
    ☐ White Cow (picture)

    Alternative [VE]: The Valentine Edition zoo need the additional animals:
    ☐ Alicorn (picture)
    ☐ Cupid Pig (picture)
    ☐ Heart Cow (picture)
    ☐ Love Sheep (picture)
    ☐ Pink Chicken (picture)

    You can buy pink animals with gems in the market during special sales only, produce them in the Love Shake or be lucky with the "Dispel the Love magic? adventure. For the Alicorn, just do regular adventures until you can summon one.

    34. Horsing Around (Screenshot)
    Teaser: En garde!
    Difficulty: Hard (As of version 1.7 of the game, this goal cannot be done anymore!)
    Achievement: Have 900 Horses on your game board.
    Requirements: A lot of space to place 900 horses. Need to store most game board items as the game is limited to 999 items on the game board. Have 1'500'000 coins to buy all the horses.
    Tips: Store all non-essential buildings, decorations and animals. Avoid storing items will long refresh time as you lose a full cycle.

    35. Troll Me!
    Teaser: I am a Troll!
    Difficulty: Hard
    Achievement: Have all Troll items.
    Requirements: Have all the Troll items the game has to offer.
    ☐ Cooking Camp (picture)
    ☐ Kaz's Abode (picture)
    ☐ Shield Token (picture)
    ☐ Staff Token (picture)
    ☐ Swampy Pond (picture)
    ☐ Sword Token (picture)
    ☐ Trade Wagon (picture)
    ☐ Troll Armor (picture)
    ☐ Troll Banner (picture)
    ☐ Troll Castle (picture)
    ☐ Troll Club (picture)
    ☐ Troll Essence (picture)
    ☐ Troll Fireworks Case (picture)
    ☐ Troll Horn (picture)
    ☐ Trollish Weapon Rack (picture)
    ☐ Troll Sparring Pit (picture)
    ☐ Troll Token (picture)
    ☐ Troll Training Dummy (picture)
    ☐ Troll Vault (picture)

    Tips: Most items are easy to get or should have been hoarded during the different events or quests. Some items can be obtained during recurrent timed events.

    36. Hunter Grandmaster
    Teaser: Be the greatest hunter of the Glimmer Forest!
    Difficulty: Hard
    Achievement: Hunted down all monsters until the inventory hold every Monster Hunt event item.
    Requirements: Have the following items:
    ☐ Cooking Camp (picture)
    ☐ Dire Boar Statue (picture)
    ☐ Fangbeast Statue (picture)
    ☐ Mythic Research Center (picture)
    ☐ Shield Token (picture)
    ☐ Skunkupine Statue (picture)
    ☐ Staff Token (picture)
    ☐ Sword Token (picture)
    ☐ Troll Token (picture)

    Tips: Focus on monster spawning during the Hunt event. Try to get as many ****s as possible.
    Alternative [ALT]: Only for hard core players to push the envelope to insane level. Have each of the following items [n] times.
    ☐ Cooking Camp [1] (picture)
    ☐ Dire Boar Statue [1] (picture)
    ☐ Fangbeast Statue [1] (picture)
    ☐ Mythic Research Center [1] (picture)
    ☐ Shield Token [120] (picture)
    ☐ Skunkupine Statue [1] (picture)
    ☐ Staff Token [120] (picture)
    ☐ Sword Token [120] (picture)
    ☐ Troll Token [99] (picture)

    37. Smeely O' Fishin
    Teaser: Beat Unhygienix with his own game!
    Difficulty: Insane
    Achievement: Have all the fish related items overflowing the market
    Requirements: Have the following items maxed out (max)
    ☐ Baked Butterfish (picture)
    ☐ Blue Fish (picture)
    ☐ Breaded Fish (picture)
    ☐ Butterfish (picture)
    ☐ Catfish (picture)
    ☐ Catfish Soup (picture)
    ☐ Fish (picture)
    ☐ Fishing Net (picture)
    ☐ Fishing Pole (picture)
    ☐ Glimmermouth (picture)
    ☐ Plain Bait (picture)
    ☐ Smoked Fish Sandwich (picture)
    ☐ Super Bait (picture)
    Tips: This is a very long run goal, just net & pole will take eons to make. Without the bait market, this goal will be insane long to finish as getting 99 super baits might just discourage you.

    38. Mythic Zoo
    Teaser: Got bored of my Pink life, switched to Deep Purple!
    Difficulty: Insane
    Achievement: Have half-dozen of each mythic beast
    Requirements: Have half-dozen of the following beast:
    ☐ Glimmer Manticore (picture)
    ☐ Glimmer Dragon (picture)
    ☐ Glimmer Alicorn (picture)
    ☐ Armored Manticore (picture)
    ☐ Armored Alicorn (picture)
    Tips: Troll Token requirement is very high. Unless a Troll Token source is used, it will take numerous hunting seasons to achieve this.
    Remark: The Glimmer Alicorn is restricted to 1; the armored Alicorn is restricted to 4.

    39. Super Glimmer-Egg Hunt
    Teaser: Easter is so past
    Difficulty: Insane
    Achievement: Max all the base eggs and have 100 Jeweled Eggs of each
    Requirements: This is only possible with the [GE] mode. Also you need to have the glimmer animals (Glimmeregg Alicorn or Glimmeregg Chick) to have an egg supply.
    ☐ Glimmeregg Alicorn (picture)
    ☐ Glimmeregg Chick (picture)
    ☐ Glimmeregg Forge (picture)

    Items to max:
    ☐ Baby-Blue Glimmeregg (picture)
    ☐ Baby-Blue Jeweled Egg (picture)
    ☐ Glimmerglue (picture)
    ☐ Lilac Glimmeregg (picture)
    ☐ Lilac Jeweled Egg (picture)
    ☐ Mint Glimmeregg (picture)
    ☐ Mint Jeweled Egg (picture)
    ☐ Pink Glimmeregg (picture)
    ☐ Pink Jeweled Egg (picture)
    ☐ Yellow Glimmeregg (picture)
    ☐ Yellow Jeweled Egg (picture)
    Tips: Buy several Glimmeregg Chick, best return on investment a steady drop of base eggs.

    40. Flower Power! (Screenshot)
    Teaser: My game board will soon be a tenfold of Versailles's Garden.
    Difficulty: Miracle
    Achievement: Max all the regular shrubs from the Arboretum.
    Requirements: You need to unlock the Arboretum (level +17) to start this goal.
    ☐ Auranticum Shrub (picture)
    ☐ Iceland Poppy Shrub (picture)
    ☐ Larkspur Shrub (picture)
    ☐ Penstemon Shrub (picture)
    ☐ White Trillium Shrub (picture)
    Resource needs for each shrub are easy to craft in parallel; most advanced players will have no difficulty to produce them each day.
    Tips: Each shrub takes 1 day to produce. This goal, without using gems, will take you 500 days of work.

    41. One Flew Over the Cloud Sparrow's Nest
    Teaser: Randle Patrick McMurphy, you got me inspired!
    Difficulty: Miracle
    Achievement: Max all the items in the Elven Reliquary.
    Requirements: Part of the [ELF] arc. You need to nay out all the following items:
    ☐ Elvenite Node (picture)
    ☐ Glimmerite Elixir (picture)
    ☐ Ancient Pottery (picture)
    ☐ Magic Headband (picture)
    ☐ Elven Spices (picture)
    Tips: A long term goal! The Elvenite is not used after the initial storyline goals, but easy to access, it is a good goal to offload unused supply from the inventory. Some other resources are demanding to obtain (Lumin Essence or Blythedust) but not too complex.

    42. Atlantean Vault
    Teaser: Beware ground crawlers; the mighty Atlantis is well equipped!
    Difficulty: Miracle
    Achievement: Max the permanent mermaid items.
    Requirements: Part of the [MER] arc. You need to max out all the following items:
    ☐ Aqua Silver (picture)
    ☐ Black Pearls (picture) *
    ☐ Blue Coral (picture) *
    ☐ Blue Fin (picture) *
    ☐ Blue Shell (picture) *
    ☐ Blue Starfish (picture) *
    ☐ Clownfish (picture) *
    ☐ Coral Reef Block (picture)
    ☐ Coral Reef Column (picture)
    ☐ Coral Sword (picture)
    ☐ Cursed Coral (picture) *
    ☐ Cursed Pearls (picture) *
    ☐ Dark Pollen (picture) *
    ☐ Electric Eel (picture) *
    ☐ Enchanted Pearls (picture)
    ☐ Gold Storm Trident (picture)
    ☐ Jellyfin Jelly (picture) *
    ☐ Luminous Silver (picture)
    ☐ Luminous Starfish (picture) *
    ☐ Marmosea Venom (picture) *
    ☐ Mermaid Mirror (picture)
    ☐ Mermaid Necklace (picture)
    ☐ Mermaid Wand (picture)
    ☐ Mermaid's Brew (picture)
    ☐ Mermaid's Perfume (picture)
    ☐ Mermaid's Purse (picture)
    ☐ Ocean Clay (picture) *
    ☐ Ocean Compass (picture)
    ☐ Ocean Hors D'oeuvre (picture)
    ☐ Orange Coral (picture) *
    ☐ Orange Dye (picture)
    ☐ Orange Fin (picture) *
    ☐ Orange Shell (picture) *
    ☐ Orange Starfish (picture) *
    ☐ Pink Coral (picture) *
    ☐ Pink Fin (picture) *
    ☐ Pink Shell (picture) *
    ☐ Purple Coral (picture) *
    ☐ Purple Fin (picture) *
    ☐ Purple Shell (picture) *
    ☐ Red Coral (picture) *
    ☐ Red Fin (picture) *
    ☐ Reef Block (picture)
    ☐ Reef Column (picture)
    ☐ Reef Slab (picture) *
    ☐ Sea Witch's Calling (picture)
    ☐ Seaweed (picture) *
    ☐ Seaweed Salad (picture)
    ☐ Shipwheel (picture)
    ☐ Trident (picture)
    ☐ Storm Water (picture)
    ☐ Tidebloom (picture) *
    ☐ White Pearl (picture) *
    ☐ Witch's Scent (picture)
    * are harvested items, no crafting needed.
    Tips: A very long term goal! Some of the items are not too complex to get, but producing the insane amount of storm water needed makes this goal very difficult to achieve, only for the very advanced player with enormous amounts of coins at hand.

    43. A Smelly Business
    Teaser: This is gonna smell a little
    Difficulty: Easy
    Achievement: Max the fish items.
    Requirements: You need to max out, reach 100, for all the following items:
    ☐ Baked Butterfish (picture)
    ☐ Blue Fish (picture) *
    ☐ Breaded Fish (picture)
    ☐ Butterfish (picture) *
    ☐ Catfish (picture) *
    ☐ Catfish Soup (picture)
    ☐ Clownfish (picture) *
    ☐ Fish (picture) *
    ☐ Fishing Net (picture)
    ☐ Fishing Pole (picture)
    ☐ Glimmermouth (picture) *
    ☐ Plain Bait (picture)
    ☐ Smoked Fish Sandwich (picture)
    ☐ Super Bait (picture)
    * are harvested items, no crafting needed.
    To produce 1 Super Bait it is necessary to craft nearly 20 times the Bait.
    Tips: An easy goal reachable even for low level players, it still needs some dedication and time.

    44. Ivy's Baby Boom
    Teaser: If the zoo or the mythical beasts are not enough, let's have a baby zoo!
    Difficulty: Miracle
    Achievement: Max Ivy's Nursery permanent baby's crafting.
    Requirements: You need to max out, reach 99, for all the following items:
    ☐ Aquanther Cub (picture)
    ☐ Baby Glimmer Golem (picture)
    ☐ Dire Piglet (picture)
    ☐ Direwolf Pup (picture)
    ☐ Fangpup (picture)
    ☐ Flyger Cub (picture)
    ☐ Marmopea (picture)
    ☐ Skunkupea (picture)
    ☐ Spring Skunkupea (picture)
    ☐ White Direwolf Pup (picture)
    ☐ White Flyger Cub (picture)
    ☐ Wyvern Hatchling (picture)
    Tips: A very long term goal! Getting the various baby milk requirements is an exhausting job. The other requirements are straight forward.

    45. Bacchus
    Teaser: We throw a huge party!
    Difficulty: Medium
    Achievement: Max the Vineyard Brewery & Fruit Stand crafts.
    Requirements: Only accessible for those who played the Vineyard (January 2018) event. You need to max out, reach 99, for all the following items:
    ☐ Acer Berries (picture) *
    ☐ Base Cider (picture)
    ☐ Cider Basket (picture)
    ☐ Cider Spices (picture) *
    ☐ Fruit Basket (picture)
    ☐ Golden Cider (picture)
    ☐ Golden Grapes (picture) *
    ☐ Golden Pears (picture) *
    ☐ Grape Cider (picture)
    ☐ Green Grapes (picture) *
    ☐ Pear Cider (picture)
    ☐ Pears (picture) *
    ☐ Purple Grapes (picture) *
    * are harvested items, no crafting needed.
    Tips: An easy goal reachable even for low level players, it still needs some dedication and time as Acer Berries are the longest to get.

    46. Goblin Slayer
    Teaser: Hmmm... Goblins... Yes... 1, 2, 3, 4... Quest cleared!
    Difficulty: Medium
    Achievement: Max all the Madame Makeda's Crystal.
    Requirements: You need to unlock Makeda's Wagon (level +25) to start this goal.
    ☐ Traveler's Crystal (picture)
    ☐ Wanderer's Crystal (picture)
    ☐ Seeker's Crystal (picture)

    Special Goals
    Out of league goals, for really challenged players only.

    1. Double Sighted
    Teaser: I underestimated Truston's Booz
    Difficulty: Miracle
    Achievement: Own two special items when only 1 in meant.
    Requirements: Some items are not meant to be double owned. To achieve this, you need the following:
    ☐ Bijou Dragon (picture) (*)
    ☐ Matrix Dragon (picture) (*)
    ☐ Boarina (picture)
    ☐ Goddess Tree (picture)
    (*) items are special event items, thus cannot be achieved anymore.
    Tips: You need to be very well timed and have the required resources at hand. This generally also implies usage of gems to bypass certain game constraints. Please check the game forum foe detailed explanations.

    2. Get Them All
    Teaser: I am sure I will need it someday
    Difficulty: Impossible
    Achievement: Have every possible items
    Requirements: Have at least 1 item of each the game has to offer. The game has over different 1000 items. So, having 700 or more is a challenge on its own. Refer to the full item list here. Several are quest items, other from legacy versions or special events. Those are impossible to get if the opportunity window is passed.
    Tips: When special events happen or quest items are needed, try to have at least one extra in stock before consuming them. This quest is not possible if you are not a long time player (nearly since day 1) and already did this for fun.

    3. Christ-mass
    Teaser: Where did I put my tree?
    Difficulty: Medium
    Achievement: Have >100 classic Christmas Trees in your inventory.
    Requirements: Buy 100 classical Christmas trees. You will need coins 2,500,000.
    Tips: You just need a lot of coins! Only possible during the 2013 & 2014 Christmas events!

    4. Floriade
    Teaser: The Dutch connection.
    Difficulty: Insane
    Achievement: Break 10K Tulips mark in the Flower Frenzy event.
    Requirements: Hit the 10K or more mark:

    Courtesy of Kingdom Puffhausen

    Tips: Only possible during the 2015 Flower Frenzy event!

    5. The Power Plant
    Teaser: Energy, more energy, give me more!!!
    Difficulty: Miracle
    Achievement: have at least 100 Alicorns populating the map.
    Requirements: Have 100 Alicorn standing ground:

    Courtesy of Kingdom Puffhausen

    Tips: Possible in a reasonable time span with massive amounts of gems; with the Love Shack 40?000 gems, normal purchase 60?000 gems. Just through adventure, it will take several decades of playing.

    6. Beat the Start Screen
    Teaser:It's a lie! I am much better than that!
    Difficulty: Miracle
    Achievement: have at least 999 Royal Points, 99'999'999 Coins, 9'999 Gems, AND 100 Energy or more. Be better than the game's start screen when it initializes:

    Requirements: Have a lot of everything!

    Courtesy of Queendom emanon

    Tips: Possible in a reasonable time span with significant amounts of gems. Gathering 100 million coins takes time, but 10'000 gems, by regular play, takes a life time.

    To be continued....
    Last edited by ShibuyaCloth; 10-29-23 at 06:33 AM. Reason: GE Arc, Updates & New Goals
    Castle Story "Tome of Knowledge", visit for: Interactive Map, Inventory Cards, Detailed Inventory, and more...

  2. #2
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Not going to get any but #12 and #13 where I have been for awhile, with nearly #3 but not 2 of everything if all it would get is coins. Do have 1 of each main building.

    This must have taken a considerable amount to pull together ShibuyaCloth (Hope I spelled your name correctly)! Thanks, it puts things in perspective and makes me appreciate the work involved to craft or items that I see maxed in other's posts!


  3. #3
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Boulder, Colorado
    This is wonderful! Thank you so much for putting this together! I've mostly there on most of these, but I will never get #13 'cos of the resetting game timers!

    Currently I'm working on glues. It does seem like all I ever do is make glue, but my numbers just don't go up! It does require an insane amount of sap and what seems like years of crafting. Didn't Maguar say recently that she has 99 architects paste? I don't even know how that gets done. 'Because then you have to take those to make magic cement.

    I'm gonna be a little, wrinkled old lady on my deathbed, saying "I just need to make one more builders paste" before I get this done...
    Proud member of the Thuakie Sword Society. Close and personal friend of The Great Thuan.

  4. #4
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Glimmer Forest (A0)
    Goal #1 is the most hard of all until now. I am on it since 1 1/2 year and still need to get 40 cements. The #14 is also a long shot, but currently I am churning 1-2 adamant per week out. I leave #9 for later. In summary:

    1. Sooo Sticky: 60%
    2. Colorful World [alternative]: Done
    3. Master Builder [alternative]: Done
    4. Love Shake [alternative]: Done
    5. Botanic Frenzy: 70%
    6. Blocks & Beams: Done
    7. Baking Power: 50%
    8. Jamie Oliver: 10%
    9. Knights or the round Belly [alternative]: 50%
    10. Call me Midas: 60%
    11. The RP Race: 65%
    12. Light-up the Forest: 99%
    13. Quest-less: 99%
    14. Magic Smith: 50%

  5. #5
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    2,3,4,10,12 done.

    6 only need ornate beam

    13 stuck at 13/20 inscriptions.

  6. #6
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    I propose one new achievement:

    The two timer:
    Having the privilege to own either two sabina houses or goddess tress.

  7. #7
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by echowuuu View Post
    I propose one new achievement:

    The two timer:
    Having the privilege to own either two sabina houses or goddess tress.
    Got two goddess trees but couldnt get more Sabina houses, I missed that goal.

    Insane collection of quests, Shibuyacloth thank you for it! Like the names.

    Completed a few, I got 10k RPs, all buildings on 5 and so, but many of these quests are really hard

    I add more:

    15. Over the limit
    Have every possible items in your inventory

    What does this mean: when a quest requires to craft some item (that you can craft ONLY during the quest and the crafting ability goes away with the quest) then always make 2 of them that one of it should remain in your inventory "forever".

    Only available for new players only; if you ever skip one of these items you wont be able to craft them any more.
    For examples, I have pink wing in my inventory (it is a half of a pink alicorn), also I have a poor reindeer in my inventory which will never get its stable. (finished reinder stable quest but achieved two reindeers).
    Visit my main island: ZX71

  8. #8
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    awesome idea totally gonna do it

  9. #9
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Glimmer Forest (A0)
    echowuuu & Anyuszko, thanks for the idea. I had something similar in mind, but refrained to add it. Those goals are not SMART (see definition update in the first post). I will add a new section for those goals, though. Let me think how to rephrase them. Also for the double tree and Sabrina's house, a little walkthrough will be needed. I think for the tree it has been discussed.

  10. #10
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    4. Love Shake

    Awesome thread. I want to make a binder but hubby would freak if he saw it. Lol

    Do the VE animals drop from the valentine adventure? I want the heart cow.
    I haven't completed the VE quest so I don't have Alicorn. Do the parts drop only from the Valentine adventure?

    To max on the pink fur in these goals I'm assuming they need to be crafted?

    Sorry a bit off topic.

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