OK just beat the whole island.

For 498...

- As ever, productive shots are really important. Meaning shots that help you: (1) save babies before spiders get them, (2) pop bubbles to keep them from building up too quickly, (3) break ice bubbles, (4) get prize bubbles. The more of those things that one shot does at the same time, the better.

- Personally, my strategy was to save the middle baby first. Then go after the two lower prize bubbles on either side (and in the process, get rid of those bubble blowers).

- Then, I ignored the spider stuck on the egg bubble in the middle and just went after the other prize bubbles. (Note: I did have to use one fireball to save a baby before a spider could get to it.)

- Once I had all the prizes, I popped the egg bubble in the middle (****ing the spider in the process) and then cleared a path to the bubble blowers and babies in the middle, until I was close enough to use 2 fireballs to **** the blowers, and then the next fireball to save the babies and win.

Not sure if this is the best way, as I only played the level a few times, but it worked.