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Thread: Complete storyline

  1. #1
    Fashion Designer
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    Aug 2013
    Nederland / The Netherlands

    Arrow Complete storyline

    I'd like to see the complete storyline (so far) written out somewhere!

    I mean: sometimes I go so fast or have several quests at the same tims that I get lost. Or can't remember. For instance: how did Belladonna get involved? How did Greselda turn from evil to pretty nice?

    So please, I'd like to see written how the kingdom develops from start to.... Who is who, and how come. So I can check, read back....

  2. #2
    Nightclub Owner
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    Mar 2011
    Dabag has being going back and adding this info to his goal thread

    It's really interesting to re read it
    Have a Castle Story question? Check this thread to see if it's already been answered. For reference info check here and here. Info on goals is here.

  3. #3
    Fashion Designer
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    Nederland / The Netherlands
    Of course, I really appreciate the effort!
    But that's not what I mean: what I would like to see is the script, what is said, all the quotes, the storyline itself! They tell the whole story. And they are so funny sometimes

  4. #4
    Nightclub Owner
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    Mar 2011
    You'll find the script mixed in amongst the other info. Here's an example

    Quote Originally Posted by Dabag View Post
    STORYLINE: Chain 18 Poof & Gone goals 1 to 8
    FYI: You are the Ruler

    Old Thomas: Oh dear... Why, I just saw it here a moment ago!
    . Ruler: What's wrong, Thomas? You look flustered.
    Old Thomas: It seems I have lost scroll J971. I turned my back and then poof! Gone!
    . Ruler: Are you sure? You're pretty disorganized, maybe it's just misplaced.
    Old Thomas: I hope so. Shall we check the Library and my home?
    . Ruler: Yes, let's!
    Old Thomas: Well, this is a bummer.. I lost my scroll! Won't you help me find it?
    1. Poof And Gone!
    Old Thomas: No luck at all.
    IVY: Hey! I saw that! Come back here, thief!
    . Ruler: Did you say, thief? What did the thief take?
    IVY: I was making a delicious Skunkupine sandwich for lunch when someone stole my bread!
    . Ruler: No one steals in this Kingdom!
    IVY: I guess it's time to start over.
    . Ruler: I'll give you a hand, it'll be fun.
    2. Bread Thief
    IVY: Maybe it?s a hungry thief.

    Hey! I'm missing some chickens!
    Chickens?! Try missing a family pick-axe!
    . Ruler: Looks like our thief isn't just hungry. hmm.. What's the best way to catch a thief?
    Old Thomas: I know! How about we retrace their steps! Though now that I think about it, I don't even know where they started.
    IVY: Maybe Old Thomas is onto something. let's try circling around the Kingdom for something suspicious.
    3. Blind Leading Blind
    IVY: Something doesn't feel right . .
    . Ruler: I'm missing the necklace I was wearing the day I arrived here . .
    Baron> Oh? You too?
    . Ruler: What are you doing here?
    Baron> Hah, isn't someone a wet cat. I heard the news delivered by my favorite crow. Is your Kingdom ok?
    . Ruler: I don't trust anyone who receives news by crows.
    Baron> Why the mean face, friend. I only want to help.
    . Ruler: You can help by returning back to where you came from!
    Baron> That would be the beautiful golden throne.
    . Ruler: . . .
    Baron>Now, why don't you tell your King what you lost?
    . Ruler: I lost the necklace I was wearing the day you dropped me off here.
    Baron> You were wearing a necklace? What did it look like? When did you lose it?
    . Ruler: It's a locket that I could never open, so I stopped wearing it and kept it in my desk. Whats wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost.
    IVY: Baron looks like he's seen a ghostly Skunkupine! I wonder if we can bribe him into talking a little more.

    4. Missing Locket
    IVY: Nope, he didn't t buy it.
    . Ruler: Wow. You re not at all excited for expensive things? Are you possessed?
    Baron> Nothing will calm me until that necklace is found! There will be a royal decree for it!
    . Ruler: That's nice of you to care this much, but I'm sure it'll turn up eventually.
    Baron> Pah! It's not for you! It's for me!
    . Ruler: But its MY necklace. What do you want it for?
    Baron> Child, child, its best you not know. Or remember for that matter. Forget you had it.
    . Ruler: I don't like the sound of this.
    Baron> Stay away from that necklace, OR ELSE you'll see a side of me you won't like.
    . Ruler: I'm going to find it before you, just you watch.
    Baron> Not a chance! I have a grand reward for the necklace. It's as good as mine!
    IVY: Do you remember anything about that necklace? It has to be pretty darn special if he will give up gold for it!
    5. Baron Rejecting Gifts?!
    IVY: No luck yet?

    Old Thomas: As your royal council I suggest we find the importance of this necklace.
    . Ruler: I've tried opening the locket in the past . . nothing worked.
    IVY: I have the perfect potion recipe that can help us! It's a perfectly good potion it's a vitamin, pretty much.
    . Ruler: But . ?
    IVY: But . . it has a side effect of going into a deep sleep where you recall old memories.
    . Ruler: This is really complex.
    IVY: Yep. You're drinking a potion in hopes of receiving the bad side effect.
    . Ruler: Life the Glimmerwood is never boring with you guys.
    IVY: Hey! A girl can't do it all alone! Help me out with the ingredients!
    6. Ignore the Disclaimer
    IVY: I like to sip this potion every morning!
    . Ruler: You sure? It smells funky
    IVY: Yep. I drink this every morning for my daily vitamins! I mean, c'mon! Just look at my hair and skin! This is au naturale!
    . Ruler: I guess she looks pretty radiant. Alright. Baron! Here's to you not finding the necklace before me!
    Old Thomas: Safe travels into dreamland! I'll be here when you wake up from your slumber!
    7. Deep Slumber
    Old Thomas: Relax and fall asleep, we're here.
    8. Total Recall

    . Ruler is sleeping and these are the fractured memories

    *thump . . thump . . CRASH*
    (Leader: UGH! Can't you do anything right? *YOU* are more clumsy than that knight Thurston!
    . Ruler, still sleeping: Thurston?
    (Leader: They'll notice the child is missing if we don't hurry! I'll have your head for this!
    . Ruler, still sleeping: That sounds . . familiar . . .
    (knave: My King! Surely there is another way!
    (Leader: Fool! There is no other way. Besides, we're not committing any crime, per say. We're simply dropping off the child in the woods. And *I* will raise it instead. Think of me as . . the new parent.
    (knave: My King! The horses are ready to go again. This rainfall is a bad omen . .

    . Ruler awakens
    Old Thomas: Child! You've been sweating enough for 5 summers!
    IVY: Well? What did you see?
    . Ruler: It was more of the same dreams I've been having. Horses. Wagons. Two people arguing. . Nothing about the locket though.
    Old Thomas: No worries. I have a good feeling the Baron won't get to this necklace before we do.
    . Ruler: Okay. But let's keep searching too!
    Old Thomas: I think you should take a short nap and decode this dream later. It's no good to stress about it now.
    Old Thomas: We'll find that locket in due time. Let's set it aside for now . .
    Have a Castle Story question? Check this thread to see if it's already been answered. For reference info check here and here. Info on goals is here.

  5. #5
    Fashion Designer
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    I think there lies the problem for me: the script is too mixed in the other info. In the Netherlands we say: ik kan door de bomen het bos niet zien (I can't see the wood for the trees). For instance: I tried to find the story how Greselda came into the game and how she turned from evil queen to a sort of pleasant lady. I can't find it. And besides that: all the other info makes the search more difficult, and I get too distracted. But that's probably just MY problem...

    I'd like to see more like above(yes!!), the storyline written out, and only the storyline: like you read a novel!! (now that I can handle )
    Last edited by EBJW; 04-12-14 at 04:09 AM.

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