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Thread: Changes on trade tickets

  1. #1
    Farm Supplier
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Thumbs down Changes on trade tickets

    Thanks for adding more expansions but taking thirty trade tickets for an expansion permit takes forever. Some suggested moving feeding the Barron to the trade this helps with the lack of kitchens and trades. Plus some of the trades (like the rare fruit trade). are so not worth it. You get 15 energy then have to plant and pick seventy strawberry and 40 glimmerbs by the time I do that even with the energy give backs on farming I've spent at least sixty energy. It's so pointless I won't touch it until my magi fruits getting full. When this was first posted we were told there would be more then one trade ticket. There isn't. We should have a three two one trade ticket system. Energies a problem for everyone to play. The ones that take the most energy like rare fruit you should get three the ones that are used with extra stuff like the meat exchange you get one ect
    Last edited by mrosmeows; 12-13-13 at 12:41 PM.

  2. #2
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Harlow, England
    I think moving feed the baron to trade would be a great idea.

  3. #3
    I've given up on getting the tinkers camp since it will take me forever just to do some of the expansions. Especially when some of the expansions also take so many of the lanterns.

  4. #4
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    I wish we could buy trade tickets too, with COINS!!!!
    As far a I can tell, the $3 million plus I have in coins is useless!!!
    Would love to spend them on something!!!!!

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