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Thread: Castle Story: OLD Main Goal Guide - SUPERCEDED

  1. #551
    Executive Chef
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    Jul 2011

    Poof and Gone!

    Bread Thief

    Blind Leading Blind

    Missing Locket

    Baron Rejecting Gifts?

    Ignore the Disclaimer

    Deep Slumber

    Total Recall

  2. #552
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Reserved for PHOTOS Poof & Gone

    Last edited by Dabag; 03-11-14 at 01:51 PM.

  3. #553
    Executive Chef
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    Jul 2011
    Thread: Castle Story Update: 9-26-2013 (Poof and Gone!)!)

    SL: OT seems to have lost or misplaced scroll J971 (hmmm wonder what this scroll is for?)

    1. Poof and Gone! .Rewards 280 coin 2xp
    Looking for the missing scroll
    . CHECK Old Thomas Home 3x GO (collection> 2hr)(skip 6g)
    . CHECK the Library 3x GO (collection> 8hr.)(skip 6g)

    2. Bread Thief
    .Rewards 280 coin 2xp
    . BAKE some Bread(x2) with Ivy (skip 10g)
    (2x Bread: Kitchen 2hr. 2 flour. 2 water. 6 milk

    3. Blind Leading Blind .Rewards 280 coin 2xp
    . CHECK (2x) the Hatchery (we should start here)(skip6g)
    . CHECK (2x) the Stables (skip 6g)
    . CHECK (2x) the Cottage (4hr reset) (skip 6g)

    4. Missing Locket .Rewards 2,100 coin 7xp
    . Make small TALK with the Baron (1x) (skip 5g)
    . GIVE Baron some Prime Cuts(x10) (skip 20g)
    . GIVE Baron some Truffles (x10) (skip 20g)

    5. Baron Rejecting Gifts?! .Rewards 1,300 coin 5xp
    . SEARCH every nook and cranny for the necklace! (skip 10g)
    (collect from a patch of tall grass (buy from the market if you don't have any)
    will complete this goal)

    6. Ignore the Disclaimer .Rewards 1,300 coin 5xp
    (tap GIVE to take from your inventory/storage)
    . Ivy needs some Earth Wisps (x5) for the potion GIVE (skip 20g)
    . Ivy needs some Glimmerdust (x20) for the potion GIVE (skip 15g)
    . Ivy needs some Mushrooms (x50) for the potion GIVE (skip 20g)
    . Fetch Ivy some Water (x25) for the potion GIVE (skip 25g)
    . CRAFT Ivy some Sugar (x3) to sweeten the potion(15min: kitchen) GIVE (skip 9g)
    . CRAFT Ivy some Enchanters Essence (x3) for the potion(2hr: potion shop) GIVE (skip 12g)
    . GIVE Ivy some Faerie Jars (x1) for the potion GIVE (skip 3g)
    . BREW the Potion (x1) at Ivys Home GO (skip 10g)

    7. Deep Slumber .Rewards 100 coin 1xp
    . DRINK the Recall Potion

    8. Total Recall .Rewards 100 coin 1xp
    . REST (think about this later)

  4. #554
    Executive Chef
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    Jul 2011
    STORYLINE: Chain 18 Poof & Gone goals 1 to 8
    FYI: You are the Ruler

    Old Thomas: Oh dear... Why, I just saw it here a moment ago!
    . Ruler: What's wrong, Thomas? You look flustered.
    Old Thomas: It seems I have lost scroll J971. I turned my back and then poof! Gone!
    . Ruler: Are you sure? You're pretty disorganized, maybe it's just misplaced.
    Old Thomas: I hope so. Shall we check the Library and my home?
    . Ruler: Yes, let's!
    Old Thomas: Well, this is a bummer.. I lost my scroll! Won't you help me find it?
    1. Poof And Gone!
    Old Thomas: No luck at all.
    IVY: Hey! I saw that! Come back here, thief!
    . Ruler: Did you say, thief? What did the thief take?
    IVY: I was making a delicious Skunkupine sandwich for lunch when someone stole my bread!
    . Ruler: No one steals in this Kingdom!
    IVY: I guess it's time to start over.
    . Ruler: I'll give you a hand, it'll be fun.
    2. Bread Thief
    IVY: Maybe it?s a hungry thief.

    Hey! I'm missing some chickens!
    Chickens?! Try missing a family pick-axe!
    . Ruler: Looks like our thief isn't just hungry. hmm.. What's the best way to catch a thief?
    Old Thomas: I know! How about we retrace their steps! Though now that I think about it, I don't even know where they started.
    IVY: Maybe Old Thomas is onto something. let's try circling around the Kingdom for something suspicious.
    3. Blind Leading Blind
    IVY: Something doesn't feel right . .
    . Ruler: I'm missing the necklace I was wearing the day I arrived here . .
    Baron> Oh? You too?
    . Ruler: What are you doing here?
    Baron> Hah, isn't someone a wet cat. I heard the news delivered by my favorite crow. Is your Kingdom ok?
    . Ruler: I don't trust anyone who receives news by crows.
    Baron> Why the mean face, friend. I only want to help.
    . Ruler: You can help by returning back to where you came from!
    Baron> That would be the beautiful golden throne.
    . Ruler: . . .
    Baron>Now, why don't you tell your King what you lost?
    . Ruler: I lost the necklace I was wearing the day you dropped me off here.
    Baron> You were wearing a necklace? What did it look like? When did you lose it?
    . Ruler: It's a locket that I could never open, so I stopped wearing it and kept it in my desk. Whats wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost.
    IVY: Baron looks like he's seen a ghostly Skunkupine! I wonder if we can bribe him into talking a little more.

    4. Missing Locket
    IVY: Nope, he didn't t buy it.
    . Ruler: Wow. You re not at all excited for expensive things? Are you possessed?
    Baron> Nothing will calm me until that necklace is found! There will be a royal decree for it!
    . Ruler: That's nice of you to care this much, but I'm sure it'll turn up eventually.
    Baron> Pah! It's not for you! It's for me!
    . Ruler: But its MY necklace. What do you want it for?
    Baron> Child, child, its best you not know. Or remember for that matter. Forget you had it.
    . Ruler: I don't like the sound of this.
    Baron> Stay away from that necklace, OR ELSE you'll see a side of me you won't like.
    . Ruler: I'm going to find it before you, just you watch.
    Baron> Not a chance! I have a grand reward for the necklace. It's as good as mine!
    IVY: Do you remember anything about that necklace? It has to be pretty darn special if he will give up gold for it!
    5. Baron Rejecting Gifts?!
    IVY: No luck yet?

    Old Thomas: As your royal council I suggest we find the importance of this necklace.
    . Ruler: I've tried opening the locket in the past . . nothing worked.
    IVY: I have the perfect potion recipe that can help us! It's a perfectly good potion it's a vitamin, pretty much.
    . Ruler: But . ?
    IVY: But . . it has a side effect of going into a deep sleep where you recall old memories.
    . Ruler: This is really complex.
    IVY: Yep. You're drinking a potion in hopes of receiving the bad side effect.
    . Ruler: Life the Glimmerwood is never boring with you guys.
    IVY: Hey! A girl can't do it all alone! Help me out with the ingredients!
    6. Ignore the Disclaimer
    IVY: I like to sip this potion every morning!
    . Ruler: You sure? It smells funky
    IVY: Yep. I drink this every morning for my daily vitamins! I mean, c'mon! Just look at my hair and skin! This is au naturale!
    . Ruler: I guess she looks pretty radiant. Alright. Baron! Here's to you not finding the necklace before me!
    Old Thomas: Safe travels into dreamland! I'll be here when you wake up from your slumber!
    7. Deep Slumber
    Old Thomas: Relax and fall asleep, we're here.
    8. Total Recall

    . Ruler is sleeping and these are the fractured memories

    *thump . . thump . . CRASH*
    (Leader: UGH! Can't you do anything right? *YOU* are more clumsy than that knight Thurston!
    . Ruler, still sleeping: Thurston?
    (Leader: They'll notice the child is missing if we don't hurry! I'll have your head for this!
    . Ruler, still sleeping: That sounds . . familiar . . .
    (knave: My King! Surely there is another way!
    (Leader: Fool! There is no other way. Besides, we're not committing any crime, per say. We're simply dropping off the child in the woods. And *I* will raise it instead. Think of me as . . the new parent.
    (knave: My King! The horses are ready to go again. This rainfall is a bad omen . .

    . Ruler awakens
    Old Thomas: Child! You've been sweating enough for 5 summers!
    IVY: Well? What did you see?
    . Ruler: It was more of the same dreams I've been having. Horses. Wagons. Two people arguing. . Nothing about the locket though.
    Old Thomas: No worries. I have a good feeling the Baron won't get to this necklace before we do.
    . Ruler: Okay. But let's keep searching too!
    Old Thomas: I think you should take a short nap and decode this dream later. It's no good to stress about it now.
    Old Thomas: We'll find that locket in due time. Let's set it aside for now . .
    Last edited by Dabag; 04-11-14 at 01:44 AM.

  5. #555
    Executive Chef
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    Jul 2011
    Castle Story UPDATE March 13,2014

    The event is available to players Level 15+ & EXPIRES on MARCH 20.2014

    Photos and details available on Post #2 of the Update Thread
    Last edited by Dabag; 03-14-14 at 04:11 PM.

  6. #556
    Executive Chef
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    Jul 2011


    1. A Terrible Boar
    2. Trolls Will Be Trolls
    3. Troll Alert!
    4. How To Catch A Troll
    5. Pay Back
    6. Thurston Went Feral!
    7. The Boar-dom, Not Kingdom
    8. Sweating Like A Piggie
    9. Sending A Scented Message

  7. #557
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    reserved for photos & storyline THE TROLL TRIBE PART 1
    *A new monster appears after collecting from a sparkling mine 2x or more. (Deep Mines do not count)

    Ruler: A Boar? I`ve never seen one around before.
    OT: Ah, that`s a Dire Boar.
    Ruler: Do they come into the Glimmerwood seasonally?
    OT: Hmm, I don`t believe so. Allow me to consult the scrolls.
    Ruler: I`ll take a look around and see if the Kingdom is safe
    (OT> As your Royal Council, I urge you to be careful. Dire Boars are not like other monsters you have encountered thus far in the Glimmerwood. They`re tough.
    1. A Terrible Boar

    (OT> Scrolls never boar me! )

    OT: This is most curious! Dire Boars live far away in the Feral Lands. I`m surprised they`re here!
    Ruler: How long would it take to travel from the Feral Lands?
    OT: A while. Perhaps a few weeks?
    Ruler: Maybe a few of the Dire Boars got lost? I didn`t see too many.
    Thurston: Aye, a boar problem is nothing to fear. Better than a Troll, I say!
    Ruler: Speaking of Trolls.. I haven`t seen many around lately.
    Thurston: And I say HUZZAH to that!
    Ruler: I guess.. Let`s go check if there are any around.

    (Thurston> My liege, don`t go looking for Trolls! Be happy you`re free of them!
    Once you find one, ten more will come! )

    2. Trolls Will Be Trolls

    (Thurston> Thankfully the Excalibam is by our side. )

    Thurston: TROLL! Stand back, my liege. I will soil my hands for thee!
    TROLL: Good luck with that! They`re already soiled!
    Thurston: You know naught of the graceful Ruler, filthy Troll!
    TROLL: No such thing as grace in someone that destroyed our King and stole our heirloom.

    Ruler: I ..
    Thurston: Do not listen to his foul lies, my sovereign. They`re just as bad as his stench! TO BATTLE, TROLL! Or return to where you belong!
    TROLL: I would rather go home than stand here and look at your fleshy face.
    The Dire Boars have taken a good chunk of our land and we`re too disorganized to fight. Ever since the King`s passing the Trolls are more concerned with fighting each other for leadership than focusing on things that truly matter.
    Thurston: You`re the reason the boars disturb the Ruler's sleep!
    TROLL: Your Kingdom Ruler is the reason FOR the Dire Boar invasion!
    I don`t have time to explain this to you.
    Ruler: . .
    Thurston: You look disturbed. How are ye?
    (OT> Sir Thurston, in my years of experience, I believe it`s best to leave a troubled Ruler alone while they reflect.
    3. Troll Alert!

    (OT> Don?t push yourself too hard.. )

    OT: How does your heart feel?
    Ruler: Not good. Did I misjudge my actions?
    OT: You did what was right at the time. You couldn`t have predicted what was to come.
    Ruler: Dire Boars are here because of me.. If I hadn`t fought the Troll King, they wouldn`t be here.
    OT: That may be true, but their numbers are small.
    The Dire Boars pose no threat.
    Ruler: Not to us, but they do to the Trolls.
    Thurston: Have no mercy for Trolls, my liege. Don`t forget what they did to us!
    They ravage our crops and terrorize our citizens!
    Ruler: And in return we fight them off and dethroned their King.
    It`s a never ending cycle.
    Thurston: There is no such thing as making peace with Trolls.
    Trolls FEED on nonsense!

    (Thurston> My liege, where are you going? )
    4. How To Catch A Troll (Troll from before, are you there? )

    (Thurston> This stench is hideous! )

    SL: at the Troll Pit
    TROLL: Whaddya want? Can`t you see we`re too busy to play swords with you?
    Ruler: As Ruler of this Kingdom, I`m here to apologize for what we did to you.
    TROLL: That`s great and all, but it doesn`t do us any good right now.
    Thurston: Good for nothing swamp creature! The Ruler just extended a peace offering to you!
    TROLL: And I accept it. You may think little of me, but I`m capable of seeing the cycle we`ve created.
    Ruler: Maybe we can stop this cycle now..
    TROLL: How many years have you seen? You smell younger than the previous Kingdom Ruler.
    Regardless, you`re naive. How would you feel if we destroyed your Ruler? Maybe we should have.
    Thurston: Take it back, Troll! Or feel the steel of the Excalibam!
    TROLL: And how do I know your apology is sincere?
    You`ve been silent after you stole the Big Ruby. Now you`re sorry and want to be friends?
    You just want us to fight off the Dire Boars.

    Ruler: That`s not true at all! It just happened to be this way, but it`s not the truth!
    TROLL: Here`s a good start. Give us back the horns of our brethren.
    Ruler: Hey, wait!
    Thurston: Nay, my liege. Let him go.
    (OT> Troll Horns and Troll Essence, you say? We collected quite a handful of those.. I hope they accept our apologies and return of their belongings. )
    5. Pay Back

    (OT> It`s not everything, but it will do. )

    TROLL: That`s not even close to what you took from us.
    Ruler: I know.. How about the Ruby?
    TROLL: Keep that for now. I would rather not bring attention to selecting the next Troll King.
    Ruler: Ok. Let us know when you want it back.
    So.. why did you attack us and our crops?
    TROLL: Well that`s a silly question. Why did you take our lands in the first place?
    You look lost. Didn`t that old man teach you history?
    The one they call Mad Old King drove the original inhabitants out of the Glimmerwood.
    Our pit ruler, Troll King Zeba`jin favored peace. He let the Mad Old King have his way.
    Thurston: Nay! Your foul armpit ruler didn`t favor peace!
    TROLL: Troll King Zeb`jin DID favor peace. He never condoned the actions of troublemaking Trolls.
    I do apologize on their behalf.
    Thurston: Lies. You ALL stripped my armor and left me in the COLD!
    TROLL: Those Trolls are troublemakers, they are not EVERYONE.
    Thurston: Swear it on the Excalibam, hornless Troll!
    TROLL: You`ve gone too far! Defend yourself and we`ll defend ourselves.
    I hope the Boars getcha!
    Ruler: Thurston! Why did you say that?!

    (Thurston> Don`t trust a Troll, my liege. You`ll thank me later! Let me be your champion! We don`t need Trolls to fight off Dire Boars! )
    6. Thurston Went Feral!

    (Thurston> *pant pant* Everything.. is under.. control..

    Ivy: The Dire Boars are everywhere..
    OT: Indeed, we may have to call it a Boar - dom!
    Ruler: Thurston, we have to put our differences aside and work together with the Trolls.
    Thurston: We can protect ourselves without the Trolls, my liege!
    Ruler: I`m doing all I can! This is not sustainable!
    Thurston: Perhaps sharpened swords and tougher armor will turn the tides during combat.
    Ivy: It`s worth a shot. I`ll look into potions that can increase our energy.

    (Ivy> I guess you`ll need shinier sword and stronger armor. I still think we should paint the sword and armor with scary faces! It`ll definitely scare them off faster! )
    7. The Boar-dom, Not Kingdom

    (Ivy> The Dire Boars are not afraid at all! )

    Thurston: See! Nothing.. to sweat about!
    Ivy: Nothing to sweat about?! You`re drenched in it like a piggie!
    Thurston: Nay.. Miss Ivy! I .. am as dry .. as the desert!
    Ruler: Thurston, you can barely breathe.
    Ivy: Something isn`t right..
    Ruler: what do you mean?
    Ivy: I saw one of the Dire Boars drop some Faerie dust.
    Ruler: Are you sure?
    Ivy: Nope. But it`s magic of some sort though.
    Ruler: Magical or not, we can`t stop them on our own.
    Ruler : Thurston, if you don`t agree with my command then stay out of it.
    Thurston: But .. but ..

    Ivy> Ouch, that was the first time I have ever seen you that upset!
    I hope Thurston takes it well)

    8. Sweating Like A Piggie (Let?s talk! )

    (Ivy> I bet Thurston`s at the tavern! )

    * Unlocks the Swampy Pond

    SL: Ruler greets TROLL at the Troll Pit
    Ruler: Hi, it`s me again.
    TROLL: Where`s your friend?
    Ruler: I`m here to apologize for what happened.
    TROLL: Are you apologizing for him? Tell him he should do it himself.
    Ruler: Remember how you said the troublemakers do not represent ALL the Trolls?
    Well, Thurston is like that ..but in human form, I guess?
    TROLL: I suppose WE can be friends. Let`s start there before we jump into something official.
    Ruler: Umm ..ok, let`s start there.
    How do we fight off the Dire Boars together?
    TROLL: If we build a swamp in your Kingdom, it may help hold them off.
    Ruler: How?
    TROLL: They`ll sense the Troll presence on your land and may back off.
    Ruler: I see we?re making them believe you have more power.
    TROLL: Precisely.

    (Ivy> Pee ew! A Troll Swamp?! I guess our noses will have to endure it.
    9. Sending A Scented Message
    (Ivy> Are there any side effects to this? )

    end of part 1
    Last edited by Dabag; 03-21-14 at 08:38 PM.

  8. #558
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Thread: Castle Story: 03/20/2014 Update Troll Tribe Part 1
    - To start this quest you must: have defeated the Troll King, be Level 22+, and scare off a new monster (look around your Kingdom for it!)

    Summary: The Glimmerwood has unexpected visitors from the Feral Lands. Thurston hangs onto his grudge. The Kingdom builds a Swampy Pond at Kaz Tzul'jin's advice.

    *A new monster appears after collecting from sparkling mine 2x or more (Deep Mines do not count)
    The Dire Boar is not a guaranteed spawn from your Sparkling Mines. It is high (50%+) but it may take a few tries to spawn.

    1. A Terrible Boar .Rewards 1,400 Coins, 5 XP
    . CHECK the Farmhouse x 1 (skip 5g)
    . CHECK the Hatchery x 1 (skip 5g)
    . CHECK the Stable x 1 (skip 5g)

    2. Trolls Will Be Trolls .Rewards 2,400 Coins, 7 XP
    . FIND 5x Trolls (skip 25g)
    . VISIT the Troll Pit 1x (skip 5g)
    Note: trolls are triggered by collecting from buildings, mushrooms

    3. Troll Alert! .Rewards 2,400 Coins, 7 XP
    . HARVEST 10x Wheat (doing field work helps relax the mind (skip 10g)
    . HARVEST 10x Sugarcane ( These are tough, but great for exercise (skip 10g)
    . HARVEST 10x Glimmerbulbs (Maybe eating a few will clear the mind? (skip 10g)
    *note: must plant & collect, inventory does not count.

    4. How To Catch A Troll .Rewards 1,400 Coins, 5 XP
    . TO the Troll pit x1 GO (Troll from before, are you there?

    5. Pay Back .Rewards 2,400 Coins, 7 XP
    . GIVE 10 Troll Horns (do horns grow back? (skip 10g)
    . GIVE 10 Troll Essence ( What is this made of? (skip 10g)
    . GIVE 10 Glimmerdust (What do they do with this? (skip 10g)

    6. Thurston Went Feral! .Rewards 2,400 Coins, 7 XP
    . FIGHT off 6 Dire Boars (the Boars are everywhere! (skip 60g)
    Note: Ponds and wells can now trigger the Boars as well

    7. The Boar- dom, Not Kingdom .Rewards 2,400 Coins, 7 XP
    . GIVE 50 Iron ( perhaps they?ll run from pointy swords (skip 25g)
    . GIVE 75 Wood (build heat for our smiths (skip 25g)
    . CRAFT* 1 Faerie Elixir (an energy boost to keep us going (skip 10g)

    *NOTE: Faerie Elixir inventory does not count. You can prepare but do not craft & collect until reaching this goal.
    Faerie Elixir: Greenhouse craft 2min. 10 Floral Glow. 4 Vital Extract. 20 Water.
    10x Floral Glow GH 15min. 5 Red Petals. 5 Purple Petals. 5 Glimmerdust
    4x Vital Extract GH 2hr. 3 Piles of Seeds. 15 Mushrooms. 3 Living Wood.

    8. Sweating Like A Piggie .Rewards 2,400 Coins, 7 XP,
    . VISIT the Troll Pit (let?s talk! (skip 5g)

    *Unlock Swampy Pond

    9. Sending A Scented Message .Rewards 2,400 Coins, 7 XP
    . BUILD a Swampy Pond
    *Swampy Pond Building Materials: 10 Troll Essence. 30 Water. 20 Living Wood. 40 Mushroom.
    . VISIT the Swampy Pond (1x collection 15 min. completes the quest

    END of Part 1

  9. #559
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    1. Humans Just Don't Understand
    2. In The Swamp
    3. Kaz Tzul'jin
    4. Fishin' Ain't Easy
    5. Weapon Of Choice
    6. The Red Feral Lands
    7. Don"t Be So Paranoid

  10. #560
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Chain # 24 TROLL TRIBE Part 2

    1.Humans Just Don't Understand .Rewards: 8 gems 5 XP
    . PLACE and CHOP a Dire Boar Trap (Market>Nature>Other or Special 5gems)
    . BATTLE Dire Boars x 3 (skip 30g)

    2.In The Swamp .Rewards: 1400 Coins 5 XP
    . VISIT Troll Pit x 1 (skip 5g)

    3.Kaz Tzul?jin?s .Rewards: 2400 Coins 7 XP
    . GAIN Catfish x 5 (Pond and Swampy Pond)(skip 20g)
    . GAIN Butterfish x 5 (Pond and Swampy Pond)(skip 20g)

    4.Fishin' Ain't Easy .Rewards: 2400 Coins 7 XP
    . COOK Baked Butterfish x 1 (skip 10g)
    Kitchen 1hr. 5 Butterfish. 2 Lemons. 10 Milk.
    . COOK Catfish Soup x 1 (skip 10g)
    Kitchen 1hr. 5 Catfish. 10 Tomato. 10 Cabbages.
    . COOK Mercury Feast x 1 (skip 10g)
    Kitchen 3hrs. 1 Baked Butterfish. 1Catfish Soup. 20 Mushrooms.

    5.Weapon Of Choice .Rewards: 2400 Coins 7 XP
    . CRAFT a Troll Club (skip 10g)
    Magic Forge 1hr. 10 Wood. 3 Boar Tusks. 1 Troll Essence.
    . CRAFT a Sentry Horn (skip 10g)
    Magic Forge 2hrs. 1 Boar Tusks. 5 Cow Hides. 5 Iron Ores.

    * unlocks Feral Lands Adventure
    (1 Day in King's Keep/Queen's Court, 2 Days in Barracks)

    6.The Red Feral Lands .Rewards: 2400 Coins 7 XP
    . ADVENTURE to the Feral Lands x 1 GO
    Feral Lands Adventure: 1. Mercury Feast. 3 Troll Club. 3 Sentry Horn.

    7.Don't Be So Paranoid .Rewards: 2400 Coins 7 XP
    . GIVE Boar Pelt x 3 (skip 15g)
    . GIVE Boar Tusks x 5 (skip 25g)
    . GIVE Feral Magic x 3 (skip 30g)

    Note: Dire boar spawns > sparkling mines, character homes, Special buildings (like the Tablet of Tabernum and the Magic Garden) Iron Rich Rock ponds, wells, and strawberries.
    In other words > check everywhere
    Note: Feral Lands Adventure remains available after all quests completed.

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