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Thread: Accidentally using gold without knowing

  1. #1
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Accidentally using gold without knowing

    So I started playing this game with 60 gold bars and now I'm down to 8. What I didn't notice until today when I went from 17 gold bars to 8 is that while I'm busy strategizing my next move, the slightest touch on my screen makes a gold purchase. The only reason why I caught it is because while deciding on my next move, I got a pop up screen saying I didn't have enough gold for my purchase. A purchase I was not trying to make in the first place. Would have been nice to get a pop up screen whenever I did accidentally touch my screen near the gold purchases at the bottom. So 52 gold bars gone and I don't know when or what they were used on. Ugh!!!!

  2. #2
    Farm Supplier
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    yeah, that happens.... I wasted most golds and gems( for zoo story) accidentally.

  3. #3
    I bumped the middle of my iPad and lost 20 gold accidentally. I think I got 5 extra moves for it, which I didn't need. Yes, a pop-up box for confirmation would be nice.

  4. #4
    Same problem here.. Must have purchased something during a round without knowing it.. Ughhhh.. Don't get enough energy as it is and that's what I spend gold on..

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