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Thread: How to master lvl 51?

  1. #11
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Christchurch, nz

  2. #12
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Whoops... I meant left. LEFT!!! Sorry. Gotta bounce it off the LEFT WALL.

  3. #13
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Try and pop all the bottom bubbles of the top left cluster first, knock a few off the bottom left as well if you can- if you don't knock most of those bubbles off the bottom of the top left cluster first the black sludgy thing will clog it and you won't get any through. I've snapshotted the angle to hit the top middle ones- so if you can tell me how to put a picture on here I'll share it with you.

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by sunstorm01 View Post
    Whoops... I meant left. LEFT!!! Sorry. Gotta bounce it off the LEFT WALL.
    Omg I didn't read the whole thread and bounced off the right thinking something was wrong lol

  5. #15
    Nightclub Owner
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    May 2011
    I used the long aim boost. But sunstorm is right. Focus on those glass/mirror bubbles at the top. Once you get those the whole thing collapses, including the black sludge balls.
    If you don't have enough money to buy the boost just head back to island 5/level 25 and earn some money there.

  6. #16
    Admin Community Manager [S8] Elsa's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    It's great to see everyone sharing strategies!

  7. #17
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    I used the arrow boost for this level.
    From the screenshot above, make sure you clear the very bottom row of top left and top right as soon as you can before it gets smudged.

  8. #18
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Yeah Ive been doing this level every spare min to see if there's some trick I used- and I'm going to correct myself AGAIN because the game shifts- last night I had to bounce off left wall and this morning ( without caffeine) I started throwing them off the left wall, till I realized the bigger gap was on the right * smacks forehead *. So rainys Hint is - look for the biggest gap between the middle top clusters and the clusters on top left and right- then bounce of the wall with the biggest gap. I did get stuck on this a bit when I first went through it, it was only at the point where Id gotten annoyed and just threw all my bubbles quickly that I actually got through. Funnily enough this happens to me in pool as well.

  9. #19
    Executive Chef
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    May 2011
    I didn't use the aim boost but it can definitely help. Depending on colour of first few balls, I decide on which side to clear, for this instance, I choose left. I'll then clear off bottom left balls of the bottom triangle. Then I'll bounce balls off the left wall to clear balls in the bottom half of the left diamond (aim boost can help in this case). Any balls not in the correct colour, I toss off to the right side, so I won't block access and I find this helps with sludge not blocking the side you want access to. This is just my strategy, not necessarily the best but got 3 stars at this level, I think it's similar if not identical to that suggested by sunstorm01.

    Choosing left or right may not matter, depends on the combo of the first few balls you get, I just got through using the left side a few mins ago, 3 stars

  10. #20
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    If its the bouncing off the walls at an angle getting you stuck- go back to an easier level that really requires no wall bouncing and bounce off the walls- you'll still get through those easier levels- get extra coins for doing it and get some practice.

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