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Thread: Gift & Request Quota

  1. #21
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    How come the gifts I've already accepted from the day before keeps popping back the next morning? :s

  2. #22
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    New Hampshire
    Because TL doesn't want you to forgot about those neighbors that sent you stuff yesterday.

    In all seriousness, I have no idea. It is some type of bug and is happening to many of us in all the games. Quite frustrating to get rid of as well. I manage to get most of them to go away by gifting them again and tipped/watering/cleaning them again, and then I maybe have 1 or 2 left that just won't leave my feed. I have one person in RS that is hanging around twice, one from yesterday and one from today. Both buttons are greyed out so there isn't anything more I can do to get them to leave. LOL!!!!

  3. #23
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    I'm sorry, but I have no idea what this thread is about... I'm just confused

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Im new and need food and realized people in higher levels need parts since they already have enough appliances to produce theyre own food so i came up with a system, i send food to neighbors in Level 1-30 then send parts to those in Level 31-99. I decline the parts but dont think so that i get 20 gifts in a day, just round about 10

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Wow... I have a master's degree and you all are over thinking something that should be fun. A gift is something I don't expect from anyone and is received no matter what because someone took the time to send it :-) I used to get irate with team lava for the way they did things, then I put my tablet down and took the dog for a walk. :-) life is short.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by TheRandomDude View Post
    I'm sorry, but I have no idea what this thread is about... I'm just confused
    It's OK... just have fun being random :-)

  7. #27


    Do parts requests look the same as a gift when it comes in to my news or does it automatically go to my gifts?

    Gift = where neighbour manually select the type of Gifts and send to you as Gift
    Request = where you select the type of gift via a appliance in construction or specific Goal requirement

    I noticed the Gift quota is 10 per day (not 20 as claimed)
    Request is 20, which is correct.

    Which means one can only receive a maximum of 30 parts a day. if an appliance requires 40 parts, best case scenario is you need two days, not one day.
    I tested and I can't get more than 10 parts as Gift per day.

    also, I really hate neighbour send me food, especially French Toast as gift, and wasted my precious daily quota for parts!!!!!!

    I can produce food and feed those Clone Troopers myself! I don't need food from neighbour, no thank you!

    Why if I declined the food as gift and it is still counted as part of the quota? Means delining anything is not an option at all! Why give us the option to decline it where it carries no meaning at all?

    TeamLava should allow if I decline the Gift, it should NOT be counted parts of my daily quota; some morons just love to send French Toast for no reason, resulting I have to remove them from my neighbour list!

    Why need to send food as Gift in the first place? We are playing Restaurant Story! We are not playing Old Folks Home Story or Orphanage Home Story![/QUOTE]

  8. #28
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    New Hampshire
    I'm not sure why you're not getting 20 gifts a day except that maybe your neighbors are sending you a gift and your queue is already full of 20 gifts, you go to decline the gifts you don't want an hour or so later, but that neighbor doesn't know that as they only gift once a day. I can assure you that the gifting system does allow for 20 food or 20 parts, or a combination of the two that equal 20 per day, as I get 20 gifts from my neighbors every day.

    You could just write on your neighbors wall to not send you food gifts, or look for neighbors that only send parts as gifts. There is an Add Me thread here >>>
    You can try to locate neighbors that play the same way you do.

    The gift isn't counted when it is declined, but it is counted UNTIL you decline it. Once you decline the gift you should be able to receive more, if you're not, then I'd suggest emailing and ask them to look into your game for you. I decline gifts for the mystery machines every single day and still get 20 gifts daily, so I know that declining a gift isn't going against the quota.

    In regards to people sending food, well there are those of us that have played this game since the beginning, or almost. I started in late Oct 2011, so I've got more parts than I know what to do with, especially when TL releases a new appliance and doesn't use the standard parts but comes up with brand new ones. Most of the older players will ask those that don't mind sending food, to send Stew, as it sells at a higher per coin rate than any other food gifting option, and considering most new dishes are only $2 per dish, Stew is worth it. Look at how long it takes to cook Stew and how many servings there are on your appliance, and then do the math. The food will sell out fairly quickly unless you supplement with the gifts at times. You want to make money and Stew is one of the better options, hence why they send food, and Stew in particular. They don't need the parts unless it is a new appliance.
    Current games on queentina3 ID: Castle, Fairytale, Farm 2, RS 1, Diamond Quest. Games under this ID are named AppleBlossom.

    Current game on 2tina ID: Castle only and goes by the name AppleBlossom2. I know, it isn't very original. Shut up!

    I tip and run - don't ask me to write on your wall, as I won't. I don't expect you to write on mine. If you tip, great, if you don't, also great. Just answer my requests and I'll be happy.

  9. #29
    Nightclub Owner
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    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by sarabearaugust78 View Post
    do parts requests look the same as a gift when it comes in to my news or does it automatically go to my gifts
    When you request a part from a neighbour and the neighbour accepts your request for the part the part the neighbour sends goes straight into your inventory. You also get a notification in your News Feed that the neighbour answered your part request. It doesn't at all look like the notification that a neighbour has sent you, for example, a screw or a spring or stew.

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