Okay. So here's my question: Ya know how after you've planted and harvested so much of a particular crop, e.g. spinach... ? ... then you achieve a "rank" of crop mastery. I think you get 20 XPs for this, right? And in Game Center it shows that you have "achieved" a point for doing this. There is a little depiction of a percentage circle there, in game center, showing you your status as to how much of a given crop you have left to do before getting an achievement point.

Now, here is the crux of my question: In order to go up to higher levels of achievement, do you HAVE TO HAVE MASTERED ALL crops to LEVEL 1, FIRST??? Or can you, for example, start going to Level 2, 3, etc. on say grapes, before you have attained Level 1 on any of the other crops? Any thoughts or insight on this would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance.