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Thread: Contest Questions

  1. #1
    Executive Chef
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    Thumbs up Contest Questions

    I want this to be a general thread to ask questions about any of the contests, or to share any concerns you may have about them.

    This is a PM I got from LanokaHarbor, and I thought this was a well-voiced concern. I'm re-posting it and responding to it with their permission here:

    Hi there. I am writing to ask you a question. The weekly contests were eliminated because it didn't engage the community. Apparently, posting a picture of their farm, restaurant, city did not engage the players in community development and communication.

    In the newest contest currently open, how does posting a business plan differ from the eliminated contest? There is still no interaction between community players. We are not really getting to know each other. In essence it is nothing more than posting a picture....with a little more work.
    Like you said, people would come to the message board, post their picture, then leave. Same thing is happening here.

    What is the goal of this message board? Are we to engage and learn about others users, and attract others to the forum? There must be something that can be offered that allows everyone a chance to participate....young and old...from the occasional iPad user to the most advaned software engineer. The contests are a way to go to fulfill this goal, but not if they are too complicated or involved, or require use of designing software that could exclude a significant percentage.

    What do you think about that?
    The Weekly Contests were eliminated for multiple reasons, only one of which being that they were unengaging (though this was a big one for me). And I would have to say that the current contest is more engaging, in the sense that it requires a bit of creativity. Posting the same picture every week, often followed by leaving for the week and coming back next week to post the same picture yet again, isn't creative. Sure, the individual pictures may be creative, but since the Gems/CC are awarded randomly, where's the incentive to make them creative?

    In this contest, at least as I hope, there's more of a potential for users to flex their creative muscle. I would also say that seeing someone's creative side offers more of an insight into the person than a picture of their bakery -- but maybe that's just me. Since pictures aren't required, it also offers Android users the capability to compete without hassle. And since users are putting more effort into their individual offers, I would think it compels users to check the threads more often, see how they stack up against the competition, or receive feedback from other users.

    Lastly -- and this is important -- I definitely don't have all the answers as to which events will or won't work. That's a big reason we're trying out multiple contests this month -- to see what does work. Hopefully, after we experiment with a couple of Contest ideas, we can all create something that makes everyone (or at least most people) happy.

    If anyone else has any questions about the events, or general feedback for them, this is the thread for it.

  2. #2
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    Hi groupmagma, I appreciate the response. I happen to come across the off topics portion of the message board, and I would love to see something like the acronym game as a contest. It's pretty simplistic, not too time consuming, creative, and funny. How do you select a winner? Random number I suppose.

    As for the current contest, which is a business plan, it is a wonderful idea (albeit coming up with a business plan for a city was quite the challenge) but it is time consuming for many, and a younger player may find the description of a mission statement to be overwhelming. Also, while I love seeing the ability some forum users have using designing software, again, a percentage of users don't know how to or can use designing software. Obviously, those that put up a designed flyer have an edge over those who do not.

    Personally, I enjoy the forum and love the off topics games. I am somewhat new to the forum so I may have missed failures in other attempts to increase forum usage. I apologize if I am redundant, but my intentions are to help increase forum activity, and not just as a place for users to vent frustration over losing gems accidentally.

    This being said, I want to thank you for posting my PM and I hope everyone chips in with positives and negatives regarding the current and future contests so as to find a well balanced mix of fun for everyone!

  3. #3
    Senior Moderator
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    I do have feedback/question with the current contest. I know you stated that posting a picture is not required. This is up for voting instead of random number drawing (I do love that aspect). I like the pictures so far, creative, using aspects of the game instead of just pics of their place. But does someone who doesn't post a picture stand any chance of winning?

    Another question, just general contest. Some of us have multiple devices, multiple ids, etc. I have 2, but only registered on the forum with the main one I use. If I did enter a picture type contest, could I use both places, using only the forum reg I have, or would I need to set up another one?

    To Lanoka: I agree with the Off Topic games. Very fun, and could be incorporated into contests somehow. Maybe if they did the Acronym game, it could run for a week, and have random number drawing for 5 people, no repeats. Or forum judging, so we all have to think about what we post, really read everything people wrote, and pick the most creative ones. I think spreading out the prizes to multiple people would encourage more people to try, and try harder.
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  4. #4
    Executive Chef
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    I'm a fan of the quicker, lighter contests as well, but and I'd like to do contests like the ackronym contest that are fun and foster interaction (as well as creativity). But I also like having a mixture of contests.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by GroupMagma View Post
    I'm a fan of the quicker, lighter contests as well, but and I'd like to do contests like the ackronym contest that are fun and foster interaction (as well as creativity). But I also like having a mixture of contests.
    SoTL: *acronym.

    Agreed. I do like the short, snappy ones where everyone gets a turn. The longer ones can be more interesting to look through though.

  6. #6
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    I think the key is to look at the big picture. There will be a few different contests in the rotation, and while they won't each address all of the goals of the contests in general (creativity, forum participation, etc) or cater to every forum members s**** set, as a whole I think they will.

    I put quite a bit of thought in to GMs suggest a contest competition, really tried to come up with one ultimate contest that would satisfy every forum member and hit on everything the contests are trying to do, but I just couldn't do it. Maybe someone else can?

  7. #7
    The Honorable Panda
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    Personally this recent contest is not my cup of tea, but I do like to go and look at the entries. The contests should be mixed up and changed around.
    You will only know if a contest will be successful if you try it out.
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mogwai4111 View Post
    I think the key is to look at the big picture. There will be a few different contests in the rotation, and while they won't each address all of the goals of the contests in general (creativity, forum participation, etc) or cater to every forum members s**** set, as a whole I think they will.

    I put quite a bit of thought in to GMs suggest a contest competition, really tried to come up with one ultimate contest that would satisfy every forum member and hit on everything the contests are trying to do, but I just couldn't do it. Maybe someone else can?
    If you can't, I doubt it.
    I tried looking at them and thinking of ways to combine some together. But I couldn't get anything that ticked all the boxes either.

  9. #9
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    I agree with the above. I think we're at a point now where the community is so diverse and on so many different devices that we aren't all compatable with everything. Although it's a great problem to have, no contest will make everyone happy. Such is the real world. I think the key will be contest diversity. Eventually we'll all come across a contest that we like.

  10. #10
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    Just another note for this topic...
    I am one of those people that would like to keep Facebook and Forum contests separate. My Facebook account is strictly personal and I want to keep it that way.
    Another word to the wise... When I won that Peaceful Bakery Contest that was voted on on Facebook, I was INUNDATED with neighbor requests. Probably a few HUNDRED. That was a month ago and I still get at least 10 a day. Great if you're looking for nbrs, but I like to keep my number a reasonable one, so I'm not interested. I'm almost sorry I entered that.
    Just something to keep in mind!!

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