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Thread: GOAL: A Thanksgiving Crafternoon - 2024 Nov. 12 (14 Days)

  1. #1
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Planet Earth

    GOAL: A Thanksgiving Crafternoon - 2024 Nov. 12 (14 Days)

    14 Day Goal - A Thanksgiving Crafternoon
    Lv. 12+
    *Goal should end 2024 Nov. 25*
    (19:00 UTC / 2pm EST /11am PST)

    ISSUE: Collectibles invisible - FIXED!!
    please refer to bug post here for further details/continued discussion

    Goal 1: A Thanksgiving Crafternoon
    Buy 8 Quilted Wallpapers (16g to skip)
    - Wallpaper
    - $8,000 each
    - ANY wallpaper will count
    Buy 14 Granny Square Floors (24g to skip)
    - Floor Tiles
    - $9,000 each
    - ANY tile will count
    *Rewards: $2,620, 70 xp, UNLOCKS - Quilted Oven Appliance* *Side Goal Opens*

    Goal 2: A Quilted Quest
    Build 3 Quilted Ovens (4g to skip)
    - 1 Fully Built for Free
    - $35,000 each
    - 28 Quilt Squares + 12 Thimble
    Serve 27 Autumn Button Cookies (27g to skip)
    - Quilted Oven
    - 2 Hours
    *Rewards: $2,650, 70 xp, UNLOCKS - Quilted Cake Recipe*

    Goal 3: Getting Crafty
    Serve 16 Quilted Cakes (48g to skip)
    - Quilted Oven
    - 3 Hours
    Buy 3 Craft Shelves (6g to skip)
    - Wall Deco
    - $22,000 each
    - Must be purchased during this task
    *Rewards: $2,700, 75 xp, UNLOCKS - Quilted Turkey Cake Recipe*

    Goal 4: Sew Good
    Serve 20 Quilted Turkey Cakes (64g to skip)
    - Quilted Oven
    - 5 Hours
    Buy ANY 1 floor decoration (can't skip)
    - Must be new purchase
    - Table/Chair/Counter will count
    *Rewards: $2,770, 75 xp, UNLOCKS - Crocheted Stove Appliance*

    Goal 5: The Knitty Gritty
    Build 3 Crocheted Stoves (4g to skip)
    - 1 Fully Built for Free
    - $39,000 each
    - 40 Crochet Needles + 32 Yarn
    Serve 34 Crocheted Cookie Squares (48g to skip)
    - Crocheted Stove
    - 2 Hours
    *Rewards: $2,880, 80 xp, UNLOCKS - Autumn Crocheted Cake Recipe*

    Goal 6: Y'all Thready For This
    Visit 12 Community Members (12g to skip)
    - Neighbors do NOT count
    Leave 12 Tips (12g to skip)
    - Tipping ANY other bakery counts
    Have 2 Craft Table Counters (4g to skip)
    - Counter
    - $15,000 each
    - Can be purchased before this goal
    *Rewards: $3,000, 85 xp, UNLOCKS - Knitting Loretta Floor Deco*

    Goal 7: Splitting Seams
    Serve 25 Autumn Crocheted Cakes (63g to skip)
    - Crocheted Stove
    - 7 Hours
    Have 2 Knitting Lorettas (4g to skip)
    - 1x1 Floor Deco
    - $20,000 each
    *Rewards: $3,300, 90 xp, UNLOCKS - Crocheted Turkey Cake Recipe*

    Goal 8: Crochet Away
    Have 4 Quilted Tables (8g to skip)
    - Table
    - $14,000 each
    - Can be purchased before this goal
    Have 6 Crochet Blanket Chairs (12g to skip)
    - Chair
    - $16,000 each
    - Can be purchased before this goal
    *Rewards: $3,470, 95 xp, UNLOCKS - Stitching Group Floor Deco*

    Goal 9: Purls of Wisdom
    Serve 40 Crocheted Turkey Cakes (99g to skip)
    - Crocheted Stove
    - 10 Hours
    Have 2 Stitching Groups (4g to skip)
    - 3x3 Floor Deco
    - $32,000 each
    *Rewards: $3,700, 100 xp, 1 Free Crafted Thanksgiving Display Floor Deco*

    Final Goal Prize:
    Crafted Thanksgiving Display, 4x4, 65 Gems
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	BS 11-12-2024 Goal Prize.PNG 
Views:	3319 
Size:	54.3 KB 
ID:	76678

    Lv. 12+

    *Recipes moved to Basic Oven for SG Duration
    *Recipes will return to original locations when finished with final task of last goal
    *If skipping SG, recipes will return to original location at end of goal timer
    *Timer banners on recipes are just to help players find them during the goal

    *Notes based on past goal behavior*

    Turkey Trot Parade Part I:
    Serve 25 Autumn Cookies (99g to skip)
    - Basic Oven
    - 4 Hours *under COOKIES tab*
    Serve 8 Autumn Cakes (48g to skip)
    - Basic Oven
    - 18 Hours *under CAKE tab*
    Serve 10 Autumn Turquoise Cakes (60g to skip)
    - Basic Oven
    - Moved from Autumn Turquoise Stove
    - 2 Hours *under CAKE tab*
    Rewards: $1,800, 53 xp

    Turkey Trot Parade Part II:
    Serve 25 Autumn Cookies (99g to skip)
    - Basic Oven
    - 4 Hours *under COOKIES tab*
    Serve 6 Autumn Cakes (36g to skip)
    - Basic Oven
    - 18 Hours *under CAKE tab*
    Serve 10 Autumn Turquoise Cakes (60g to skip)
    - Basic Oven
    - 2 Hours *under CAKE tab*
    Rewards: $1,800, 53 xp

    Turkey Trot Parade Part III:
    Serve 25 Autumn Cookies (99g to skip)
    - Basic Oven
    - 4 Hours *under COOKIES tab*
    Serve 4 Autumn Cakes (24g to skip)
    - Basic Oven
    - 18 Hours *under CAKE tab*
    Serve 10 Autumn Turquoise Cakes (60g to skip)
    - Basic Oven
    - 2 Hours *under CAKE tab*
    Rewards: $1,800, 53 xp, 1 Free Turkey Trot Parade Floor Deco

    Final Side Goal Prize:
    Turkey Trot Parade, 4x4, 20 Gem Value (Originally released 2023 Nov. 03 as Limited Market Purchase)
    *Original version released in RS - 2022 Nov. 17 as final prize in Turkey Time goal*

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	BS 11-12-2024 SG Prize.PNG 
Views:	3266 
Size:	76.9 KB 
ID:	76676
    Deco placed, click for larger image/greater detail:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	BS 11-12-2024 SG Prize Placed.PNG 
Views:	238 
Size:	812.7 KB 
ID:	76677
    *Sun Quilt tiles in front of deco to show footprint

    BONUS GOAL: Complete A Thankgsiving Crafternoon!
    *Must complete all tasks of the current Main Goal in order to access this goal

    *If you want to unlock the new recipe, be sure to allow yourself a bit of extra time on the final day
    *Loretta's Oven is the bonus appliance again, but a new recipe is added.
    *Only new recipe will unlock with this goal, other recipes will remain locked if you missed previous bonus goals
    *Using 99 gems to skip the first task will only unlock the NEWEST Loretta's Oven recipe
    *You WILL NOT get any goal locked recipes or decos from main goal if you use gems to skip any BG tasks

    Goal 1:
    Unlock the Crafted Thanksgiving Display (99g to skip goal)
    - task auto-completes by winning final goal prize from the Main Goal
    Rewards: $2,620, 70 xp, UNLOCKS - Loretta's Oven Appliance

    Goal 2:
    Have the Loretta's Oven (99g to skip goal)
    - $35,000
    - Comes Fully Built
    - task auto-completes if you've already purchased the oven
    Rewards: $2,650, 70 xp, UNLOCKS - Crafter's Basket Cake Recipe

    Goal 3:
    Serve Crafter's Basket Cake 10 times! (20g to skip goal)
    - Loretta's Oven
    - 2 Hours
    Rewards: $5,400, 150 xp

    Main Goal Items:
    Spoiler: show

    Side Goal Recipe Images:
    Spoiler: show

    Bonus Goal Recipes Images:
    Spoiler: show

    iOS Value Pack Info:
    Spoiler: show
    High Level:
    Cupcake Coaster - 4x4 - 24g Value
    Originally released 2022 Nov. 01 as 1st place prize in Theme Park Box

    Low Level:
    U-Cupcake Mountain - 4x4 - 33g Value
    Originally released 2022 Nov. 21 as Limited Market Purchase
    *original version of deco released as final prize in 2021 May 25 Climbing High goal*

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    *link auto opens with Storm 8's time in San Francisco preset
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    Popular Links:
    Daily Gem Videos -- BS Master Box Guide -- BS Speculation Thread -- BS Neighbors and Etiquette -- BS Suggestion & Feedback Forum -- Financial Analysis of Goals -- Recipe Revamp Suggestion Thread -- Petition for New BS Bonus Appliance

    Common Issue Links:
    SweetCo Goal Issue - FIXED! -- No Notifications -- Videos with Issues -- Goal Deco STUCK on board

    Common Questions Explained:
    How to Read Recipe Cards -- Confusing Goal Timers -- Part Requests -- Table Layout + Max Profit -- Dump Method = build ovens FAST -- How to master SG Recipes -- Timed Goals Explained

  2. #2
    Really found the table&chair duo cute ! 🩷
    But the counter disappointed 😮*💨 Why storm8 isn't coming with gorgeous stuff as they used to in old times. The whole game is a vintage thing and players love it for its vintage-ness. They should re-introduce the 2010-2015 goals again. A lot of players won't mind.

  3. #3
    The goals used to be so fun before cuz they were surprising. But these goals now are just patterned which makes me skip goals and the intrest just flews away. I guess storm8 should sometimes give some unique patterned goals too. Sometimes the themes are so boring man !

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Not impressed with anything about this goal. Waiting to see 2nd oven recipes to decide if going that far, along with counter presentation for 1st oven recipes. I don't want tables, chairs, counter, wall decor, prizes, or Loretta recipe. This does not look fall in the way I want fall/thanksgiving. They do a ton of Halloween and totally skip fall once again. I remind you fall is a full season and Halloween is ONE DAY. Can we put a bigger focus on fall please? You do Halloween for over 6 weeks and that isn't fair since no other event gets that much attention. As soon as I get a gem sale will skip to 2nd oven quickly. Haven't had a gem sale since before last Friday so can't even buy sale items. I don't know why they think anyone will pay full price for gems. Btw - chairs kinda weird with fall colors and a snowflake? Hmmm????

  6. #6
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Planet Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by DawnLovesDD View Post
    Not impressed with anything about this goal. Waiting to see 2nd oven recipes to decide if going that far, along with counter presentation for 1st oven recipes. I don't want tables, chairs, counter, wall decor, prizes, or Loretta recipe. This does not look fall in the way I want fall/thanksgiving. They do a ton of Halloween and totally skip fall once again. I remind you fall is a full season and Halloween is ONE DAY. Can we put a bigger focus on fall please? You do Halloween for over 6 weeks and that isn't fair since no other event gets that much attention. As soon as I get a gem sale will skip to 2nd oven quickly. Haven't had a gem sale since before last Friday so can't even buy sale items. I don't know why they think anyone will pay full price for gems. Btw - chairs kinda weird with fall colors and a snowflake? Hmmm????
    Judging by the names of the recipes alone, I'm expecting the second set to be very similar to the first - with slight variations. Maybe different colors but mostly I'm guessing we'll see different patterns/styles of frosting to showcase the quilt vs crochet stitching?

    Sadly, I find this one kind of uninspired... the names are so close that I honestly thought I copied the names wrong when I was first typing up the info! Once I realized I didn't make a mistake, I lost most of my zeal for this one. I'm not a fan of the decos and most of the unlocked items are too busy for my liking so all my hopes were pinned on the recipes which seems a letdown as well.

    I don't want to sound negative, I get the theme and think there's probably a lot of players out there that will love it. I'm a knitter myself so I can see where the appeal might lie in this theme but it's just not what I want in my bakery.

    And I totally agree with your opinion on spending so much time on Halloween and so little on Fall - same thing seems to happen every year with Xmas vs Winter. I'd much rather lots of seasonal items and way less holiday but perhaps we're in the minority?

  7. #7
    This is one of those goals where the recipes are cuter than the prizes. I won't rush to finish, but the side goal turkey prize is ADORABLE!

  8. #8
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Planet Earth
    Started bug post as several players are reporting invisible collectibles.

  9. #9
    The button cookies are adorable, but Im not certain about the cakes. Hope there will be some cute displays & guess I will wait to see what 2nd oven recipes look like

  10. #10
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    I thought same with the names. If anyone has got to 2nd oven please post recipe pictures. Whoever submits the names of these recipes should also have the photos. I wish I had gems to jump ahead. I definitely won't finish this goal, but stop at last recipe I like. I mean it would be one thing if the recipes and prizes knocked it out of the park, but they don't even make it to 1st base lol. Its like a fly ball and goes nowhere.
    I just have to ask why the theme during fall. There is no correlation! I don't like posting negative comments like this, but I feel we have to be honest hoping the designers get the information.
    I agree the creativity and quality needs to be much better. Many of my neighbors are skipping these goals. That never happened in the past. But they take so much time and so many coins you gotta evaluate them all. In the past year, I can count how many goals I have done on probably one hand. RS is even worse.
    Please read these comments Storm and take the feedback seriously. I filled out detailed and long surveys as I am sure many did. Please read them.

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