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Thread: GOAL: Cambodian Confections - 2024 Sep. 03 (14 Days)

  1. #1
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Planet Earth

    GOAL: Cambodian Confections - 2024 Sep. 03 (14 Days)

    14 Day Goal - Cambodian Confections
    Lv. 12+
    *Goal should end 2024 Sep. 16*
    (18:00 UTC / 2pm EDT /11am PDT)

    NOTE: In game typo showing Aspara instead of Apsara - FIXED!
    If you're not seeing the corrected names in your game, you may need to uninstall/reinstall the app

    Goal 1: Cambodian Confections
    Buy 8 Khmer Wallpapers (16g to skip)
    - Wallpaper
    - $8,000 each
    - ANY wallpaper will count
    Buy 14 Khmer Floor Tiles (24g to skip)
    - Floor Tile
    - $9,000 each
    - ANY tile will count
    *Rewards: $2,620, 70 xp, UNLOCKS - Khmer Oven Appliance* *Side Goal Opens*

    Goal 2: Southeast Asian Sammies
    Build 3 Khmer Ovens (4g to skip)
    - 1 Fully Built for Free
    - $35,000 each
    - 28 Khmer Spring + 12 Khmer Knob
    Serve 27 Khmer Sandwiches (27g to skip)
    - Khmer Oven
    - 2 Hours
    *Rewards: $2,650, 70 xp, UNLOCKS - Pumpkin Coconut Custard Recipe*

    Goal 3: Tropical Treats
    Serve 16 Pumpkin Coconut Custards (48g to skip)
    - Khmer Oven
    - 3 Hours
    Buy 3 Apsara Goddesses (6g to skip)
    - Wall Deco
    - $22,000 each
    *Rewards: $2,700, 75 xp, UNLOCKS - Cambodia Cake Recipe*

    Goal 4: Cakes in Cambodia
    Serve 20 Cambodia Cakes (64g to skip)
    - Khmer Oven
    - 5 Hours
    Buy ANY 1 floor decoration (can't skip)
    - Must be new purchase
    - Table/Chair/Counter will count
    *Rewards: $2,770, 75 xp, UNLOCKS - Khmer Stove Appliance*

    Goal 5: Steamin' Stovetop Sweets
    Build 3 Khmer Stoves (4g to skip)
    - 1 Fully Built for Free
    - $39,000 each
    - 40 Khmer Nut + 32 Khmer Screw
    Serve 34 Num Chak Kachans (48g to skip)
    - Khmer Stove
    - 2 Hours
    *Rewards: $2,880, 80 xp, UNLOCKS - Rice Balls in Coco-Ginger Syrup Recipe*

    Goal 6: Khmer Community
    Visit 12 Community Members (12g to skip)
    - Neighbors do not count
    Leave 12 Tips (12g to skip)
    - Tipping any other bakery counts
    Have 2 Khmer Counters (4g to skip)
    - Counter
    - $15,000 each
    *Rewards: $3,000, 85 xp, UNLOCKS - Floating Market Floor Deco*

    Goal 7: Markets and Munchies
    Serve 25 Rice Balls in Coco-Ginger Syrup (63g to skip)
    - Khmer Stove
    - 7 Hours
    Have 2 Floating Markets (4g to skip)
    - 2x1 Floor Deco
    - $20,000 each
    *Rewards: $3,300, 90 xp, UNLOCKS - Khmer Doughnut Recipe*

    Goal 8: Southeast Asian Style Seating
    Have 4 Khmer Tables (8g to skip)
    - Table
    - $14,000 each
    Have 6 Khmer Chairs (12g to skip)
    - Chair
    - $16,000 each
    *Rewards: $3,470, 95 xp, UNLOCKS - Apsara Dancers Floor Deco*

    Goal 9: Doughnuts and Dancers
    Serve 40 Khmer Doughnuts (99g to skip)
    - Khmer Stove
    - 10 Hours
    Have 2 Apsara Dancers (4g to skip)
    - 3x3 Floor Deco
    - $32,000 each
    *Rewards: $3,700, 100 xp, 1 Free Angkor Wat Floor Deco*

    Final Goal Prize:
    Angor Wat, 4x4, 65 Gems
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	BS 09-03-2024 Goal Prize.PNG 
Views:	2686 
Size:	55.7 KB 
ID:	75868

    Lv. 12+

    *Recipes moved to Basic Drink Mixer for SG Duration
    *Recipes will return to original locations when finished with final task of last goal
    *If skipping SG, recipes will return to original location at end of goal timer
    *Timer banners on recipes are just to help players find them during the goal

    *Orange Guava Juice is Echo version of recipe
    *It can be mastered for gems even if original version is already mastered

    *Notes based on past goal behavior*

    U-Peaceful Cooking Part One:
    Serve 15 Orange Guava Juices (99g to skip)
    - Basic Drink Mixer
    - Moved from Echo Tropic Juice Maker
    - 7 Hours *under COFFEE tab*
    Serve 22 Pineapple Juices (99g to skip)
    - Basic Drink Mixer
    - Moved from Tropic Juice Maker
    - 3 Hours *under COFFEE tab*
    Rewards: $1,800, 53 xp

    U-Peaceful Cooking Part Two:
    Serve 18 Orange Guava Juices (99g to skip)
    - Basic Drink Mixer
    - 7 Hours *under COFFEE tab*
    Serve 23 Pineapple Juices (99g to skip)
    - Basic Drink Mixer
    - 3 Hours *under COFFEE tab*
    Rewards: $1,800, 53 xp

    U-Peaceful Cooking Part Three:
    Serve 20 Orange Guava Juices (99g to skip)
    - Basic Drink Mixer
    - 7 Hours *under COFFEE tab*
    Serve 24 Pineapple Juices (99g to skip)
    - Basic Drink Mixer
    - 3 Hours *under COFFEE tab*
    Rewards: $1,800, 53 xp, 1 Free U-Peaceful Cooking Floor Deco

    Final Side Goal Prize:
    U-Peaceful Cooking, 4x4, 25g Value (Originally released 2022 Aug. 29 as limited market purchase.)
    *original deco released 2017 Jun. 28 as final prize in All Around the World goal

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	BS 09-03-2024 SG Prize.PNG 
Views:	2743 
Size:	138.9 KB 
ID:	75869
    *Deco placed, click for larger image/greater detail:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	BS 09-03-2024 SG Prize Placed.jpg 
Views:	303 
Size:	108.7 KB 
ID:	75872
    *image from original release thread

    BONUS GOAL: Complete Cambodian Confections!
    *Must complete all tasks of the current Main Goal in order to access this goal

    *If you want to unlock the new recipe, be sure to allow yourself a bit of extra time on the final day
    *Loretta's Oven is the bonus appliance again, but a new recipe is added.
    *Only new recipe will unlock with this goal, other recipes will remain locked if you missed previous bonus goals
    *Using 99 gems to skip the first task will only unlock the NEWEST Loretta's Oven recipe
    *You WILL NOT get any goal locked recipes or decos from main goal if you use gems to skip any BG tasks

    Goal 1:
    Unlock the Angkor Wat (99g to skip goal)
    - task auto-completes by winning final goal prize from the Main Goal
    Rewards: $2,620, 70 xp, UNLOCKS - Loretta's Oven Appliance

    Goal 2:
    Have the Loretta's Oven (99g to skip goal)
    - $35,000
    - Comes Fully Built
    - task auto-completes if you've already purchased the oven
    Rewards: $2,650, 70 xp, UNLOCKS - Khmer Wedding Cake Recipe

    Goal 3:
    Serve Khmer Wedding Cake 10 times! (20g to skip goal)
    - Loretta's Oven
    - 2 Hours
    Rewards: $5,400, 150 xp

    Main Goal Items:
    Spoiler: show

    Side Goal Recipes Images:
    Spoiler: show

    Bonus Goal Recipes Images:
    Spoiler: show
    *counter image courtesy of ptest

    iOS Value Pack Offer:
    Spoiler: show
    Classroom Train Table - 3x3 - 24 Gem Value
    Originally released 2023 Aug. 29 as 1st prize in School Crate

    Inventory Image:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	BS 09-03-2024 VP Inventory.PNG 
Views:	29 
Size:	62.3 KB 
ID:	75907
    Deco on display, click for larger image/greater detail:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	BS 09-03-2024 VP Placed.PNG 
Views:	38 
Size:	727.9 KB 
ID:	75908
    Autumn Teardrop Tile in front of deco to show footprint

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    Popular Links:
    Daily Gem Videos -- BS Master Box Guide -- BS Speculation Thread -- BS Neighbors and Etiquette -- BS Suggestion & Feedback Forum -- Financial Analysis of Goals -- Recipe Revamp Suggestion Thread -- Petition for New BS Bonus Appliance

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    SweetCo Goal Issue - FIXED! -- No Notifications -- Videos with Issues -- Goal Deco STUCK on board

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  2. #2
    What is the side goal prize? I can't tell. Are those Christmas trees on the side? Lol

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Punkin2Bakery View Post
    What is the side goal prize? I can't tell. Are those Christmas trees on the side? Lol
    I thought they were national flags, no?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by letitiazeh View Post
    I thought they were national flags, no?
    You are correct.

  5. #5
    Oh okay I see it now. I thought the thing on the left was a little tree.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Punkin2Bakery View Post
    What is the side goal prize? I can't tell. Are those Christmas trees on the side? Lol
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_0333.jpeg 
Views:	115 
Size:	292.9 KB 
ID:	75871

    Sorry- I don?t know how to make the pic bigger. This was a goal prize a few years ago.

  7. #7
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Planet Earth
    Khmer Sandwich:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_6168.PNG 
Views:	2036 
Size:	276.5 KB 
ID:	75879

    First thoughts on the new goal: Solid idea and a decent showing, overall I'm happy enough and plan to finish this one.

    I always love seeing other countries/nationalities/ethnicities showcased in goals so I was happy with the theme. And despite having no idea how I'll be able to use them, I'm really looking forward to getting the Aspara Dancers and Angkor Wat. Both of those decos look to be ornately detailed (in the icons at least) which is one of my favorite things to see in a deco.

    Not thrilled with seeing the brightly colored trays for counter displays again. This style just pulls so much focus from the actual food and clashes with most everything else in my bakery as the bright colors seem to jump out to my eye. It's funny because my biggest disappointment in the rest of the goal is the lack of color in most of the items - where I actually want to see it, lol.

    When I first saw the floor tile I was excited and thought we'd get lots of richly colored items to match but most appear pretty neutral once placed. The new tables and chairs have a lovely body design but I can't help but wonder how much better they could've been. I would have loved to see the little table detail in a brighter gold that was also copied on the top surface and that same pattern could've carried over to the chairs as well. I think just adding a few tweaks to the base items would've really made them more memorable and work better as a set with the other new items.

    I can understand wanting to have items that can be used in a wide variety of ways but at this point it seems like we're so swamped with wooden tables and chairs that none of them really stand out anymore. For me, even if the new items had distinct and bold details added, they would still mix and match with a number of other items already in our games. Hopefully the team can find a better balance in creating unique goal items that can still be used outside of that context.

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    I googled Cambodia, Khmer, and Aspara in order to get an idea of how to decorate for this challenge. All results for 'aspara' autocorrects to 'apsara' which refers to a Cambodian dance and a Hindu goddess. (Makes sense considering the goal items in the graphic above.)

    I believe that the term may be misspelled in the game. Maybe a suggestion could be sent up the line to have the spelling checked and, if need be, corrected? We wouldn't want to accidentally insult someone's culture. Thoughts?

  10. #10
    Thanks for reporting. The spelling error should be fixed soon.
    Storm8 Staff - [S8] HungryGoblin
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