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Thread: Castle Story 8/22: The Monkey King (main story) | goals on page 1

  1. #111
    Fashion Designer
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by bfsmith View Post
    I posted the problem with the Jinn not spawning in the bugs forum to be told they couldn't replicate the problem and to report it. I DID! But it was over the weekend of course, so who knows when it will be addressed. Hopefully they see that more people than just me are having this problem.
    I cannot spawn any Jinns either. Just getting dragon after dragon after dragon from bushes for hours. I am on part 2 of both storylines. Part 1s worked fine.
    I am focusing on working ahead to make cloud boots for this storyline, and hoping they fix this soon for those of us affected.

  2. #112
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    I'll flag this with the team for you all and report back.

  3. #113
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Hi all, I've created a bugs thread for the issue on the Jinn not spawning from bushes for comment and help. Please refrain from further discussion on this in this thread as it is off topic. Thanks all.

  4. #114
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Hi all, I've added a new note to Part 2 which says:
    * The crafts for the Cloud Walking Boots and Golden Armor are removed from the Forge once you complete Goal 8. They will return when needed in Part 3

    I am only assuming goal 8 is when it disappears because the crafts aren't needed again for the remainder of the Part, but it has been noticed that they are not available when you get to the final goal, so if anyone can confirm when it leaves the Forge that would be great.

  5. #115
    Executive Chef
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpiritWind00 View Post
    Hi all, I've added a new note to Part 2 which says:
    * The crafts for the Cloud Walking Boots and Golden Armor are removed from the Forge once you complete Goal 8. They will return when needed in Part 3

    I am only assuming goal 8 is when it disappears because the crafts aren't needed again for the remainder of the Part, but it has been noticed that they are not available when you get to the final goal, so if anyone can confirm when it leaves the Forge that would be great.
    They disappeared after Goal 10, Defeat the Dragon of the West Sea.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  6. #116
    Rhino Keeper
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    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by belbar22 View Post
    I have a tip for collecting your first 99 peaches of immortality during goal 3 of Part 2
    1. Grow 12 willow trees
    2. Hit them 9 times = 9 Peaches of immortality per tree
    3. When you get to 99. Hit 1 of the trees a 10th time to clear and you have 99 peaches of immortality in 12 trees. Actually it might be 11. my maths brain isn't working but I hit some trees 8 times so I didn't clear a tree by accident.
    I'm adding that clearing any type of tree checks off / clears the willow tree goal in the goal book. Instead I triggered a non-dragon monster instead. Then I gathered my 99 peaches. So you don't even need all the real estate fir all those Willow trees.
    Thuakie Sword #19

  7. #117
    Farm Supplier
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    May 2014
    Good to know that any tree would have worked. I followed Belbar's advice with the willows and it was AMAZING! Thank you both!

  8. #118
    The craft of expansion permit is removed from the royal exchange after I have finished all my land expansion. But goal 7 part 3 ask for expansion permits again.

    Goal 7:
    * Pay 400000 Coins (Check your wallet!) x400000
    * Give Wisp Lanterns (To light your way!) x50
    * Give expansion permits (Should we send Sun Wukong away?) 0/5

    Please return back the craft of expansion permit!!!
    Thank you.

  9. #119
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wallada View Post
    The craft of expansion permit is removed from the royal exchange after I have finished all my land expansion. But goal 7 part 3 ask for expansion permits again.

    Goal 7:
    * Pay 400000 Coins (Check your wallet!) x400000
    * Give Wisp Lanterns (To light your way!) x50
    * Give expansion permits (Should we send Sun Wukong away?) 0/5

    Please return back the craft of expansion permit!!!
    Thank you.
    Unfortunately there is no work around for this issue as yet which was reported in the other main story goal that most of us are still working on. I think that's why they released a bit more land so the permits returned to the Exchange. Players are encouraged to stockpile a few before expanding. I hope you have something on your board that has the chance to drop an expansion permit?

  10. #120
    I know I finished Part 2 in plenty of time but do not see the prize on my board or inventory. I think I put it on the board but cannot find it. Would someone who has it please post a picture so I can locate it? There is not one yet on page 1. Thank you in advance.

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