I'm not sure what was meant either
Everyone has different goals and different game play styles in the game. I have quite a few energy droppers because I have been playing almost since the beginning and I also like to gem ahead and go all out if there's a prize/ reward I want which was mostly energy droppers and expansion permit droppers. Others like to have a "set" of every available item and many are "free to play". It's unfortunate when people are jealous of what others have acquired whether due to hard work, luck and/ or spending real money. It's important to remember it's just a game and this game (vs pretty much EVERY game I have played) has THE BEST forum staff and just regular folks who try to help others with their strategies on moving forward in the game. It's definitely EXTREMELY frustrating when you first starting out and have absolutely nothing on your board and/ or in storage. One of the best things you can do in that case is give gifts and visit other people's kingdoms and build a friend list. SpiritWind is incredibly helpful and you can DM her if you need help but try to read through the forums first because often it's right there and SpiritWind is extremely busy and I think I just read she is traveling as well right now. Good luck everyone
Sorry if my post went off topic @SpiritWind I just got on a roll
All good! And thank you for your kind words. I was away for a couple of weeks, but back home now. Thankfully I had wifi and data, so I was able to be online as often I could be.
And to stay on topic myself, if you have baby flygers then they are an excellent source of coal and iron ore as are rock outcroppings so a good use of chopping. I did put the 5 day crafts on for excess wood, water and stone in the crafting buildings down on the Island (High Climb Mountain etc). Still plenty going to waste, but what can you do!
I gather this means the red ore and red logs are capped at 999, and you get a point for each one that’s chopped. So someone with tons of coins and energy could chop a zillion of them and get a lot of points. But not 8000! So that’s not the only way people have been building their scores.
It does take a few years of play to have this luxury. But I think the fun has been building the kingdom slowly, not trying to get everything possible. I will make an effort for desirable (to me) items.
I like to participate in all the events, including most of the ones where we buy the first item to open a new storyline (eg Luna) however I feel that to improve the drop rates from the lily ponds I might be forced to buy a 400 gen item that will be useless to me at the end. I'm finding it feels a little unfair as almost necessary to spend such a large amount. I'm feeling that without such a purchase i may not be able to finish s as my drops from the lily ponds over the last 2 days have dropped from 3-4 per collection to 1-2 per collection. I have the time to babysit my iPad, and have lots of earned energy dropped but I do have to sleep sometimes. I wonder how those who have lots of real life obligations would be able to finish without the booster. Also I can't do the realm master as I'm unable to leave the window without force closing the game every time it comes up, and I've not found a solution to this problem in over 8 months of it being that way. I really like this game and refer to the forum a number of times a day (usually while waiting for items to mature for collection) and find it both helpful and on occasion funny. I also like to contribute if I know the answer to questions or to offer ideas about how to make some storyline's easier to follow. Anyway I'd just like to drops from my lily ponds to go back to where it was without the perceived need to buy an over priced boost item. (getting off my soapbox now)
I had the same problem with the realm master window...
I'm not sure if you have tried this ... but works for me
Go to "How to" when Realm Master Window is open
& then press 'FAQ" then close with the "X" there
and then the "Realm Master' window closes without leaving the game/force closing
Hope works for you too...
Works also with the "Points" window when an event has to "gather" /"Craft" ...press on any of the 'gather' buttons & you can leave
Sorry SW if off topic for this thread but this had me frustrated for months too so just want to help but don"t know where to post this