Based on page 1, Goals 11 to 14 will consume at least 140 iron ore and 200 coal. I recommend you have your favorite coal and iron ore droppers ready.
Note: I adjusted these down after SW added the crafting to the goals. There is only 1 Bridge Toll for the final goal so I cut the requirements in half. I am very happy to see that as the Bridge Toll is a huge impact on resources and I might be able to finish the event now.
Update: There are 2 crafts listed for the Samauri Kappa. 1 with 1 Bridge Toll and 1 with 2. That makes me think there is a lower and higher level requirement. If higher levels need 2 tolls, then the numbers above will need to be doubled. Not sure if I will finish the event now, that is a lot of baby sitting the 1.5 hr pools.