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Thread: Castle Story 7/18: Kappa Chaos | event info on page 1

  1. #41
    Fashion Designer
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    Jul 2016
    Based on page 1, Goals 11 to 14 will consume at least 140 iron ore and 200 coal. I recommend you have your favorite coal and iron ore droppers ready.

    Note: I adjusted these down after SW added the crafting to the goals. There is only 1 Bridge Toll for the final goal so I cut the requirements in half. I am very happy to see that as the Bridge Toll is a huge impact on resources and I might be able to finish the event now.

    Update: There are 2 crafts listed for the Samauri Kappa. 1 with 1 Bridge Toll and 1 with 2. That makes me think there is a lower and higher level requirement. If higher levels need 2 tolls, then the numbers above will need to be doubled. Not sure if I will finish the event now, that is a lot of baby sitting the 1.5 hr pools.
    Last edited by SylvanSanctuary; 07-21-24 at 04:57 AM. Reason: Updated after crafting info added.

  2. #42
    It looks like for Full of It though the harvest trees were 6000 coins but were 60 chops, these red maples are 6000 coins and only 10 chops, I keep running out of coins I don?t think I?ll be able to get through this one..

  3. #43
    The only thing with particularly intriguing drops is the cute kappa but reading along over goals, I don’t see where it comes into play. Not super in the mood to do 800,000 chops to score some fish droppers

  4. #44
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    I've finished gallivanting around the country and plugged my laptop in! Crafting info is available in post #2

    I also added them into the goals to make it easier to see everything in one place.
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  5. #45
    Fashion Designer
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    Jul 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by SpiritWind00 View Post
    I've finished gallivanting around the country and plugged my laptop in! Crafting info is available in post #2

    I also added them into the goals to make it easier to see everything in one place.
    Thank you so much SW! Do you know if the Cute Kappa is the Samauri Kappa we recruit in the final goal?
    I do not see a Cute Kappa as a reward in Post 3 or the drops for the Samauri Kappa listed with the others in Post 2.

  6. #46
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    I went back through the goals I'm provided and I've definitely transcribed correctly. Maybe it is. Would make sense given the drops as they're normally an end prize. It's that or possibly a value pack offer that coming later this week. Guess we might need to wait for someone to post that's finished these goals. I've so many requests in for info it might not be possible to get an answer before the event concludes.

  7. #47
    Fashion Designer
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    Thank you for checking. No need to request info, I can be surprised.

  8. #48
    Fashion Designer
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    I'm not happy that the Naughty Kappas are spawning from the same places that we normally get goblins. I want to get goblins, but keep spawning the 20 hit kappas instead (even though they don't seem to take nearly 20 energy to clear). But every time you get one of those you have to wait until your next collection to have a chance to spawn a goblin again.
    Disagreements are a normal part of the human experience and can be handled respectfully. Don't think I don't see.

  9. #49
    Fashion Designer
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    How/where do we get cucumber seeds and small cucumbers? (Goals 10, 11, 13)

    Also, just confirming: we craft Bridge Toll in goal 11 but don’t use it until goal 14? Or is that 2 Bridge Tolls needed?

  10. #50
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    Not up to that yet (still making more shields), but it seems to me that cucumber seeds will drop from the Kappa once it's grown and as for the bridge toll, it looks like we only need 1 and it's crafted in goal 11 and used in the Samurai Kappa craft in goal 14.
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