I can see the challenge counting down to complete part 1 but the actual things I need to do to accomplish this is missing. I went to the tavern, Old Thomas, and Cottage and then the tasks were completely gone. Help!
I can see the challenge counting down to complete part 1 but the actual things I need to do to accomplish this is missing. I went to the tavern, Old Thomas, and Cottage and then the tasks were completely gone. Help!
If you have missing items, please reach out to support for assistance. Link is in my signature.
Storm8 Staff - [S8] HungryGoblin
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We have a discussion thread where all of the goals and tips/notes are available to all players. The goals for this storyline are right at the end of the list in your goal book (as a filledvbeige colour with dots to indicate sub-goals). The timed portion goal (as a filled purple colour) is at the very top which will either auto complete when you do all the step goals, or it will expire if you don't finish the timed portion within the allocated time. It doesn't matter if you don't complete this storyline when the deadline comes, you only miss out on the timed prize, but everything else will be available as normal.
Not sure what you're actually asking for with your post. You do get a scroll from visiting the tavern and a cottage but visiting Thomas doesn't give you anything. if you can double check if the goals are at the end of your book and let me know that would be great.
What game level are you on?
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I?m in Part 2 Stage 4 or 5 (not sure) of Symphony Skirmish and the Symphony of the Mines don?t seem to be generating when I visit Sparkling Mines. Zero from 10 visits. An already difficult task appears impossible to complete.
They are an extremely rare drop. It was the same when we did the Council goals which is why I put a big bold note in the goal in the main thread so that we can manage expectations. It's not timed and is intended to take a while. Continue crafting the songs of the wild and other things as you need lots and lots of them.