I have reported this bug.
Last edited by SpiritWind00; 06-27-24 at 05:33 PM.
The issue was that the Song of the Fang was not dropping from defeating fangbeasts. Skunks spawning from trees is completely normal. The cheaper the tree the more chance for the skunkupine to spawn. That's why Pine trees are best, but I don't like waiting on the watering time hence why I always go for crab apple. If you want to spawn fangbeasts, you're better to go for chickens and cows, hatchery, stable and farmhouses.
Still the sparkling mines gives you nothing. This is just stupid
Come on storm8. Sparkling mines are empty. What is the point?
Even my Musical Tributes are not giving Song of the Mine 😡 I have TEN PLUS the Violinist reward. Last night with two mine collections, ten Musical Tributes and the violinist I got THREE MEASLY Song of the Mine and this morning I got ZERO! Last night I spent a bunch of gems speeding up the mine timers. THIS IS NOT RIGHT!
Castle Story "Tome of Knowledge", visit for: Interactive Map, Inventory Cards, Detailed Inventory, and more...
The musical tribute does not drop the Song of the Mine. Only the elven violinist and the sparking mine do.