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Thread: Main Goal: Doggone Good - June 13th, 2024 (14 days)

  1. #31
    Is anyone else having trouble with the bonus recipe? I went to collect my order and all it did was RESTART the recipe!! Can the moderator PLEASE notify the developers so they can fix it so that I can complete the goal? I already tried restarting the game & am currently trying dumping & restarting the recipe. Nothing has worked so far. Any help you can give me would be appreciated!

  2. #32
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Storm8Chef19Too View Post
    Is anyone else having trouble with the bonus recipe? I went to collect my order and all it did was RESTART the recipe!! Can the moderator PLEASE notify the developers so they can fix it so that I can complete the goal? I already tried restarting the game & am currently trying dumping & restarting the recipe. Nothing has worked so far. Any help you can give me would be appreciated!
    Is this happening for everyone?

    OP, please don't create duplicate threads. There was a response on your other thread this morning that said you should keep tapping and preparing the recipe until the timer shows.

  3. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by SpiritWind00 View Post
    Is this happening for everyone?

    OP, please don't create duplicate threads. There was a response on your other thread this morning that said you should keep tapping and preparing the recipe until the timer shows.
    I couldn't find the original post nor have I seen the response you said someone else posted. I don't really understand what you mean by keep tapping until the timer shows. The problem is NOT with beginning a new recipe but with collecting it once its FINISHED. When I tap on the recipe that SHOULD be ready to collect, it just RESTARTS the 2 hour timer so that what is a 2 hour recipe becomes a 4 hour recipe, then a 6 hour recipe, etc.!

    One weird thing... I tried using only ONE appliance to check to see if they'd fixed it. The result was that I was able to collect it normally and thought Storm8 had fixed the problem... but they hadn't. When I cooked 8 recipes on 8 appliances, the problem returned! There is NO WAY for me to complete the challenge in time whilst using only ONE appliance (I have 10 of them). I NEED SLEEP & RL needs to be dealt with as well. It's ridiculous that I CAN'T use multiple appliances to finish this challenge!

    HELP PLEASE! Thanks in advance for your time & trouble (I wish Storm8 was as diligent as the moderators of this forum. I'm getting tired of all the errors that the developers keep making on nearly every challenge that they've put out this year!

    I successfully collected from 2 appliances at the same time. Once I successfully complete the challenge (assuming 2 appliances keeps working), I'll keep testing with additional appliances to see where the problem starts occurring. I'm hoping that they fixed the problem!🤞
    Last edited by Storm8Chef19Too; 06-25-24 at 07:17 PM.

  4. #34
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Ok, that sounds super frustrating and I hope it stays fixed for you [I removed your duplicate thread from view (as the one here was posted first), which is why I added what the other player wrote to you in my post above. Hope that helps.]

    If anyone else is having issues, can I ask that it gets flagged in the Bugs/Issues forum rather than here in the discussion thread so the issue can be easier tracked and reported on. Thanks all!

  5. #35
    I have the same problem. Not enough time left before the goal expires to fix it unfortunately.

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