I've gone back through your previous thread (
https://forums.storm8.com/showthread...echaun)/page3) where you posted about this issue. Did you send a PM to Elsa? I can't ask follow up questions about this without compromising the forum rules I also am held accountable to. All I can tell you is that you should follow up with Elsa and go back to her last comms with you. This is NOT an issue the forum can help with. As your issue is an individual one, then you need to either follow up with Support or go back to Elsa. I don't know what help was offered once the instruction was made in the linked/original thread, so I cannot comment on any progress or resolution you were offered and posting any further about this will be a violation of forum rules given the issue has been escalated direct with S8.
I will leave this thread open for a short time if you could please acknowledge you've seen this post and then I intend to close this duplicate thread. I will flag with S8 that you've posted again and ask for any instructions I could pass on. Thanks.