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Thread: Goal: Kitchen Master - February 23rd, 2024 (5 days)

  1. #21
    They usually will be 3/4 star, and just take notice of who gifts you, also be proactive.. When I visited a neighbour I would say if possible please can I have basic parts or food or whatever you would like, and then ask what would they like too, and I wrote down all of my neighbours names and then for a week I marked off who gifted me each day, then its easy to see who is active.
    I personally dont do the main goal, so I only gift food or basic parts, when I add someone I check which one they want and make a note too,only a couple of my neighbours do the main goal, most like to be sent basic parts and a few like food, you just have to find your people. !

  2. #22
    Keep a list of who gifts daily. Visit & tip. Then you'll know. When not playing goal, see whos accepting requests by writing down who u send to and only sending out 4-5. Or just send 1 at a time. Delete non gifters & non request accepters.

  3. #23
    You need better neighbors not more bad ones. I have 25ish as well and decline bad gifts to get good gifts. Also i delete consistent bad gifters. I also tell my neighbors daily what i need.

  4. #24
    Definitely need better neighbors

  5. #25
    I do not find that "good" neighbors, to you, are always those with 3 and 4 stars. All that can show is that they visit others, not always you.

    I do look at those who have visited and leave a tip, but I also look at those who sent me a gift and those who sent my request to me.

    Many of my neighbors wish to do goals and help me, yet cannot always find time to visit, so they help in other ways.

    Easiest way to determine those who are actively helping is to keep a list with the following:

    《1》Neighbors who visit
    《2》Neighbors who send gifts
    《3》Neighbors who send your request back

    ☆ This list should help you determine your active players.

    Yes... While only looking at 3 and 4 star players is the easiest way, you may be letting go of some neighbors who help you daily.

  6. #26
    Farm Supplier
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    I have 83 neighbors. I delete 0 & 1 star neighbors (that dont gift or help with goals) once a month. I tip all 3&4 star neighbors and my constant visitors/helpers. I fill every gift request and follow up gift requests with messages on their walls like …..I filled your gift request please send me xyz gift……. My 85 tables are full at least twice a day. So I have active neighbors, its just like they dont see my gift requests or something. Or they are gifting so much before they get to me, they are maxed by the time they get to me.

  7. #27
    You can send as many gifts as you have neighbours, you only max out on receiving gifts, not sending.
    Definitely write down who is gifting you and how many gifts you get a day, also 85 tables filled up twice is only about 28 neighbours tipping you, so compared to having 83 neighbours that means you do not have active (to you) neighbours. You need to seriously look at who comes and helps you reliably

  8. #28

    Part 3

    I can't seem to upload the picture but it's 5 Orange Sodas, 10 Ethiopian Spiced Teas, and 20 Purple Grape Platters

  9. #29
    Thank you for sharing part 3!

  10. #30
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    anybody also have the echo fondue oven?

    I pulled it out to see if it had this new set of recipes added. It DOES have the new recipes added, but the problem is the echo now has the same star progress as the original fondue appliance. I had made progress on the echo version of the original recipes which is all gone now

    hesitated to make a bug post because I'm not sure if this is the way echo ovens are supposed to work i.e. they have 3 recipes, but if a 5 day comes along and uses the original appliance then the echo is converted to an original appliance in terms of both recipes and progress. Sucks if true I usually buy all echos for goals I missed

    Hope I explained this right, its pretty confusing

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