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Thread: Purchased Sapphire oven but the goal is disappear

  1. #1

    Purchased Sapphire oven but the goal is disappear

    The Sapphire Goal said that ?BUY the Sapphire oven to unlock permanent goal?.
    I did purchased the Sapphire oven (haven?t finished building yet), but the entire goal was gone when the days expire and every related items are now unlocked.
    The goal requires purchasing the Sapphire one, not ?Fully built to count?, so it should be remained with players who did purchased Sapphire oven.
    Please take a look and fix this issue.

  2. #2
    I have the same problem.

    Please bring back the goal and fix the first step so that those of us who have purchased the Sapphire Oven can actually keep and do this goal.

    It?s ridiculous that we have to spend gems AND also need 144 oven parts just to build one Sapphire Oven to start with.

    It's not right that the first step in the goal says "BUY" Sapphire Oven but actually expects us to have finished building the oven in order to fulfill the first step of the goal.

    I don?t want the gems I spent on the oven back. I want the goal to be reinstated permanently for those of us who bought the Sapphire Oven but simply haven't finished building it. Thanks.

  3. #3

    Sapphire Oven bought but Goal Gone

    I also bought the Sapphire Oven, believing it unlocked the permanent Goal as it stated BUY, not BUILD Sapphire Oven to unlock permanent goal. Please add permanent goal for those of us that followed your written instructions and spent gems buying the Sapphire Oven to gain access to the permanent goal.
    Thank you.

  4. #4
    Thank you for bringing the Sapphire Goal back. I see the wording was changed to "Build" now for the first part of the goal.

    While I would have preferred to have the goal be permanent, I'm glad to have another 31 days to gather oven parts to build my oven so I can keep the goal.

    Thanks, Storm 8 for listening and fixing this issue!

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