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Thread: Improvements to Gifting desperately needed.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Improvements to Gifting desperately needed.

    Gifting items has become a chore for anything other than the current goal parts. Want to send a friend a Sapphire? Prepare to tap about 150 times to find it.

    How about a quality of life improvement where the tabs are now organized into "Current Goals", "Past Goals", "Basic Parts", and the completely unwanted "Food" category. Even better would be if the "Past Goals" category could be alphabetized. Sure, you will still have to tap a ton to get to Sapphire, but at least you can know when you are getting close to the S's and didn't accidentally pass it up at tap number 132. Don't want to alphabetize? At least break them into tabs for A-M and N-Z.

    Also, would be nice if the "gift" button was greyed out beforehand for a user so you didn't go through all that tapping only to be told, "User has already received all their gifts for the day."

    These small changes would help everyone out and encourage building something other than challenge ovens.

  2. #2
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Jan 2023
    Yes yes yes!!!!! Such great common sense suggestions. I would still keep food gifting as an option though. I remember when I first started playing and would run out of food and had nothing ready to serve and my food gifts kept my customers happy.

  3. #3
    I agree as well! Gifting anything other than new goal parts is challenging and time consuming, Why not add a search button? this way we can type in the name of the gift and be able to find it quickly.

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