! For ease of reference, the following links are provided for your information !
Game Guide Links: Main Story Goal Guide | Building Guide | Inventory Guide | Story Outline Guide | The HUB! sub-forum | Update Guide (list of all previous main story and event goals with links)
* You must be Level 25 to participate in these goals
* Madam Makeda makes an appearance for 3 days from Friday's 11am PT - Sundays 6pm PT
* The goal called 'Madam Makeda's Visit' shows the 3 day countdown timer
* Trade crystals in Makeda's Wagon (see below for details)
* There is a max of 999 of each crystal in inventory
Goblin spawn information - during the mini-event
* Goblins spawn when this goal is active (outside of the mini-event there is an extremely rare chance for Goblins to spawn from usual buildings and they will drop crystals as normal)
* Goblins spawns are listed below and there are no guaranteed spawns
* Goblins drop Traveler's Crystals during battle and once they are defeated drop a small bundle of Wanderer's and Seeker's Crystals
Goblin spawn information - outside of the mini-event
* Collecting from all of the Goblins you can craft (eg Gertie) may spawn a goblin (not guaranteed) | refer to the Inventory entries below for details
Goblin spawn information - during a Monster Hunt (Beast Master event) / Leaderboard event
* During a Monster Hunt, goblins will not drop tokens when being defeated; they will only drop crystals
* During battle, the hit points will count towards the Leaderboard score
Goblin spawn information - during a Realm Master weekend event
* During a Realm Master, when a goblin spawns, during battle, the hit points will NOT count towards the overall Realm Master score
* Crystals are awarded as the goal milestone prizes during the mini-event
* Link to previous discussion thread: click here
* For detailed information about Madam Makeda and all the information related to the weekend mini events, please visit the main (locked) thread located at the top of the Discussions forum: click here
The Madam Makeda Hub thread has detailed information about the following items:
Page 1:
Post 2: Initial goals introducing Madam Makeda
Post 3: Information about where Trade drops | Goblins spawn (with pictures) | Crystals | Makeda's Trap
Post 4: Inventory Information for Goblins, Crystals, Makeda's Wagon and crafts, Mystic Decor Shoppe and crafts
Post 5: Information about the Summoner's Portal and crafts
Post 6: Goals and dialogue for Suki
Post 7: Goals and dialogue for Suri
Post 8: Goals and dialogue for Sully
Post 9: Goals and dialogue for Goblin Gertie
Post 10: Goals and dialogue for Goblin Tallulah
Page 2:
Post 11: Goals and dialogue for Goblin Bartolo - Gobbling Goblins
Post 12: Goals and dialogue for Goblin Gur
Post 13: Goals and dialogue for Goblin Karan
Post 14: Goals and dialogue for Goblin Julian
Post 15: Goals and dialogue for Adamantia - Beak and Seek: Quest for the Stolen Egg
Post 16: Goals for The Tale of Thurbina
Post 17: Goals and dialogue for The Crystal Witch - Imogen
Post 18: Goals and dialogue for The Crystal Chronicles - Rockford
Post 19: The Crystal Witch Part 2 (Crystal Wyvern and Crystal Naga)
Post 20: The Littlest Dragon
Page 3:
Post 21Release of Gilded decorations
Post 22: Goals and dialogue for The Search for the Queen of the Jinn
Post 23: Release of Minnie, Meli and Murray
Post 24: Information on the Crystal Charm and Goblin Charm (1 time use only)
Post 25: The Gold Rider
Link to a post from Anniras about the 2 boosts that were introduced mid August 2024. Anniras tracked both boosts and recorded the findings.