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Thread: Update Needed to Place Animals and Habitats In Storage

  1. #1

    Update Needed to Place Animals and Habitats In Storage

    I have been playing FFS for far too long, almost the very beginning of when it came out. I was there for the first Battle Arena Tournament. I was there when Gem animals were breedable. I was there when they gave you habitats for free. (Yes, they did that!) And now, I am still here playing a limited amount because...well, what can I do when I've long since maxed out on expendable space and habitats can only hold so many animals.

    I have a simple suggestion, one that's been said countless times, and I would like others to add to this discussion to hopefully help S8 see a need for this.


    Simple. In and out. No more complaining about space (unless you want all the animals out at once but like, good luck) No more need to add expansions. Just beautiful forests we can actually put decorations or our Leaderboard trophies in!

    I love my animals. I know you all love your animals. Please S8, it's a simple request. ❤️

    PS I would spend more money on this game if I could actually do something with my forest ��
    Last edited by PookieBearsGirl; 05-03-23 at 11:12 AM.

  2. #2
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Feb 2023

    I was there at the beginning, too, and remember breeding gem animals! But I lost that old account and started over. Yes, we absolutely need the ability to be able to store animals and habitats. It is possible on both Dragon Story and Castle Story, so why not on FFS? And it is absolutely true that this would lead to us spending more money on our islands if we had space to put out more habitats, animals, and even decorations.

  3. #3
    This is what I feared would happen. People reading this post and not responding.
    Last edited by PookieBearsGirl; 04-29-23 at 08:54 PM.

  4. #4
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    This would be great. I?m down to 3 farms coz I needed space for habitats & pets. Why keep releasing new pets when players haven?t got room for them?? If you won?t open up land, at least let us store pets & habitats. I have 96 different pets in storage to place IF I had room😔

  5. #5
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Feb 2023
    I sold off all my farms on my oldest account and most of them on my newer accounts. At least now I can get a little food from the Spin to Wins. But being able to store animals and habitats would help me get some farms back on the board.
    Disagreements are a normal part of the human experience and can be handled respectfully. Don't think I don't see.

  6. #6
    *sigh* Oh look, more animals I want and would spend money on if only Storm8 would let me put my other animals in storage. All these sales and events and for what? I want the option ��

  7. #7
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Feb 2023
    I have requested that they make all the habitats upgradeable to hold 5 animals instead of just 4, but no luck. They did this in Dragon Story over a year ago. Of course it would cost a lot of money at 100 gems per habitat to upgrade. Allowing us to store animals would be a great solution, or even giving us MORE LAND!
    Disagreements are a normal part of the human experience and can be handled respectfully. Don't think I don't see.

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