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Thread: Why oh why am i in this LB group?

  1. #1
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Why oh why am i in this LB group?

    I just don't understand how players are grouped. Month after month i am tossed into groups where at least the top 2 will get 2000, 3000 points more than me and more often the gap is even wider. Last one i needed a boost just to get last dragon and finished around 10th!!! What is wrong with that?

    My smaller island this time is in with one of 1st place global players and another finishes around 50th. My isle is level 135 and only once has gotten enough points for last dragon and rarely gets first dragon. Last event she was 1 or 2 but low score so i guess you figure if player gets grand prize they are fair game for any group. This is such sad logic if you ask me. No wonder there are so fewer playing.

    The players in the top 250 seem to get placed in groups with much lower scoring players so it is a walk in the park for them to get grand prize and it leaves everyone else in their groups playing for a few apples. All those top players should be put into groups to fight it out among themselves and give lower scorers a fair chance for the top dragon.

  2. #2
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    May 2021
    Yet again my level 135 isle was grouped with monster players. 1 finishes in 1st place global, next usually finishes in top 50 and a third in top 100. There are at least 8 others that score at least 13000, 14000 points consistently while my poor island did not get enough points for the 10,000 milestone dragon in last LB.

    This seems radically unfair and unjust. Would S8 please explain why this has been happening over and over.

  3. #3
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    May 2021
    Well i have not posted to this thread in a while, not because the groupings have changed, they have not but since my question has not been answered is a why write more. However, this week is yet another more than less unfair match up. With 1.5 days remaining, the top 4 have 19309 down to 15548 then a precipitous drop to 7370 points. So no way any lower players can compete.

    It seems the theory in these groups is if you have been finishing in places like 5 thru 8 they will continue to dump you in a group where you have no chance to do better than that and if you finish 1,2,3 you will not be put with top 50 global players but regular players who plod along giving those 1,2,3s yet another walk in the park win.

    It used to be when leaders had such a lead the spins and quests would give the lower point players a few more points to at least assist to get the 12500 milestone. This little help seems to have diminished as the 7730 score illustrates. Last dragon with so little time left seems out of reach. Leaderboard has never been easy but it has gotten less so...too much work for too little reward and very little satisfaction. But i keep hoping the next one will be better.

  4. #4
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Well, on my small island, I don't really play hard. I am in a group with similar players and am currently in 8'th place with only 1453 points. That is fine with me as I should earn some apples. Still what I find interesting is I am, with less than 2 days remaining, in the 3500-3750 point group globally. In the past, with a similar score, I lwould often be outside of the top 5,000.What caused this? I believe there are a few causes. First, I believe rfs0404 is right in what she wrote, but there us more. One other thing, it may be minor, is the fact that a large number of IOS users have guven up trying to access the game at all. Even android users are starting to have mire issues with game slowness and getting thrown out. The other thing is the leaderboard, partly because of what rfs0404 wrote, become boring. I understand that, for whatever reason, there won`t be any mire world events. I also understand thatit is easier to say develope a new event than to actually do it but something needs to be done, to make the game enjoyable again for average players

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