I got kick out at 4:30pm central time with the announcement of the new event just got back in 26 hrs later.
I got kick out at 4:30pm central time with the announcement of the new event just got back in 26 hrs later.
I think it's getting worse. I did not have as many issues as others but now I'm starting to have problems every time. It usually takes a minimum of 3 attempts to log in, but on top of that the game basically reloads my entire farm from scratch and sometimes it will time out before finishing.
There is a true time-out issue with our devices connecting to their servers. While there may be some players with the device being the cause of the time-outs, it's definitely not the reason for most players. As I've said before, I play Castle Story everyday and check it multiple times a day. I'm a long time player on that game just like Farm and I have a lot of neighbors and items on my kingdom. I rarely have any problems with that game so it's not my WiFi or device obviously which makes the problem with Farm a server issue. Until the issue of database storage on their servers is addressed we will continue to see the login request time-out, along with the constant reconnect and reboot issues. I don't see the issue changing tbh.
Day 20 and counting of not being able to get in. . . this is prob gonna surpass my longest streak (i think it was close to a month one time) of not being able to get on even for a split second. . .sigh. . .
I was able to connect a couple of times today after being completely locked out for at least 3 weeks. I only occasionally attempt to connect, if I?m on my tablet doing something else, but at least 5-10 times a day. I sure was happy to have success today. I immediately moved a bunch of animated decorations to storage and deleted about 70 neighbors that seemed to be inactive (down to about 400 neighbors). Hopefully this is a good sign and other friends have luck too. Fingers crossed.
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Well tried from 3:21 am to 3:51 am. I usually try longer but ugh. No luck. Patience for hitting try again is done. Oh well. Hope others are having better luck, especially Judy!