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Thread: Castle Story 8/29: Autumn Wizard | optional gem purchase story

  1. #1
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Exclamation Castle Story 8/29: Autumn Wizard | optional gem purchase story

    Goal Notes:
    * This goal was released on 21 November 2022 for limited time purchase
    * The purchase of the Autumn Wizard is completely optional and is 500 gems to purchase
    * If you purchase the Autumn Wizard, you will trigger the following goals
    * The second last goal will reward you with the Wizard's Castle (2x2 building)
    * The last goal will reward you with 5 minutes of unlimited energy (which you can trigger whenever you want to)

    Note 1: there are 'rules' around unlimited energy which can be found in the Hub.

    Note 2: Energy that you had before activating unlimited energy will be available to you when the timer ends.

    Note 3: Energy gained from sources while unlimited energy is active does not add to your energy total after expiration. So, while you have the unlimited energy active, do not collect from other energy sources.

    Note 4: If you level up during this time, you will not receive the energy top up.
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 12-13-22 at 09:59 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Goal Information - A Magical Misunderstanding (complete)
    8 goals

    When you purchase the Autumn Wizard in the market for 500 gems, the following goals are triggered:
    Old Thomas: There is something magical in the air of this realm....or perhaps someone...
    Pre-Goal: The Autumn Wizard
    * Summon the Autumn Wizard to the realm 0/1 GO (skip 500 gems) | market 500 gems, limit of 1
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Autumn Wizard: Hello there, you young rapscallion! Allow me to profusely apologize for any errant winds.

    Autumn Wizard: The winds are my own doing, yes indeed, but there is a purpose to them, you see.
    Goal 1:
    * Visit the Autumn Wizard 0/1 GO (skip 9 gems) | 7 day timer to the first visit
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Autumn Wizard: Let us sit a spell and I shall explain my story.

    Autumn Wizard: You said a wizard names Thomas lives here? Why, I know him! He and I are great friends!
    Goal 2:
    * Visit Old Thomas's house 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Autumn Wizard: Hmm, no answer, though the lamps are on and I swear I saw a hat peek through the curtains.

    Autumn Wizard: The wind calls me in another direction... Will you try to reach Thomas again for me while I am gone?
    Goal 3:
    * Visit Old Thomas's house 0/2 GO
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Pssst... Is he gone?

    Old Thomas: I hope you do not find yourself in my position, having been abandoned by Bradley the wizard!
    Goal 4:
    * Visit library 0/1 GO
    Rewards: none
    Congratulations: Autumn Wizard: Oh hello, Young Ruler! No luck with old Thomas? Ah well, I suppose we should soldier on without him!

    Autumn Wizard: I can tell you are very magical. Just seeing you craft would provide me with limitless potential.
    Goal 5:
    * Craft at the Magic Forge 0/10 GO | craft any 10 things you would like to
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Are you helping Bradley? Be careful, Young Ruler!

    Autumn Wizard: I shall be crafting alongside you, you bright eyed little beaver!
    Goal 6:
    * Craft in the Potion Shop 0/10 GO | craft any 10 things you would like to
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Autumn Wizard: Look at us, working as a team! I feel as if I am a kid again, back at the academy!

    Autumn Wizard: I need just a few things more...
    Goal 7:
    * Give enchanted blocks 0/25 GIVE (skip 750 gems)
    * Give enchanted beams 0/25 GIVE (skip 750 gems)
    * give enchanted lanterns 0/12 GIVE (skip 3300 gems)
    * Give pile of seeds 0/80 GIVE (skip 320 gems)
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Autumn Wizard: What are you doing? Young Ruler? Have you been giving these items to Bradley? Enough is enough!

    Autumn Wizard: I'm really very sorry, old friend! I've spent my life paying for my aloof ways as a young whelp.
    Goal 8:
    * Visit the Autumn Wizard 0/1 GO (skip 9 gems)
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Autumn Wizard: I think it's time for me to do a spell on my own!

    Autumn Wizard: Abra, kadabra, alakazam... This spell doesn't actually call for any magical words, I just like saying them!
    Goal 9:
    * Visit the Autumn Wizard 0/1 GO (skip 9 gems)
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +Wizard's Castle
    Congratulations: Autumn Wizard: AHA! The spell is complete!

    Autumn Wizard: I"m so glad we could put this magical misunderstanding behind us.
    Goal 10:
    * Visit the Autumn Wizard 0/1 GO (skip 9 gems)
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +5 minutes of unlimited energy
    Congratulations: Autumn Wizard: I'm off to the library to read with Thomas! Thanks for all your help, you rascal!


    *A strange breeze blows through the realm....*
    Ruler: Whoa... What was that?
    Old Thomas: oho! I felt it as well, Young Ruler. That breeze was simply magical!
    Ruler: What does that mean?
    Old Thomas: Who knows! Take it from me, magical encounters pop up when you least expect them and there is rarely anything you can do about them but to simply enjoy the ride!

    Goal 1:
    Autumn Wizard: Oh my bones are aching... I've been on the road for far too long!
    Ruler: Uhm... hello? Who are you?
    Autumn Wizard: Well hello there! My name is Bradley the wizard! Who might you be?
    Ruler: I'm the ruler of this realm... can I help you?
    Autumn Wizard: I'd say you sure can! I should love to tell you my tale...
    *A strange breeze blows...*
    Ruler: There's that wind again!
    Autumn Wizard: Aha! So you did feel the wind! I knew there was something magical about you!

    Goal 2:
    Autumn Wizard: I am a wayward wizard, I'm afraid. Nothing but a humble wayward magic user who has been lost for decades, using hopeless spells to search for a place to call home.
    Ruler: You're lost?
    Autumn Wizard: Well, I certainly don't have a home... I've been searching for a new one. My spell carries the wind to me to pull me in the right direction... but as of lately, I seem more lost than ever. The wind seems to pull me in all directions, but pulls me back here all the same. Usually I can manage to right my wrong spells with enough time, but everything with my magic has gone all catawampus!
    Ruler: The wind brought you here?
    Autumn Wizard: Well, I should say, the wind brought me back here. I grew up not far from here... in fact, I attended school nearby, at the Academy.
    Ruler: You went to the Academy? I know there's people who live here who went there too!
    Autumn Wizard: Oh how marvelous! Will you take them to me, at one once, oh please? Someone with a little bit of magic is just what I need to figure out my spell!

    Goal 3:
    Ruler: Old Thomas must not be home...
    Autumn Wizard: You call him Old Thomas, but for me, he was Thomas the Goat! In our Academy days, he was the greatest of all time. Any spell that you needed help with, he was the one. He could solve any problem! In fact, I am sure if we are able to find him, he will help me with my spell... If this is the same Thomas, of course... Perhaps it is a different Thomas... Perhaps if we knock on his door just one time more, he will answer.
    *Knock knock!*
    *... ... ...*
    Autumn Wizard: Alas, it is simply not to be!

    Goal 4:
    Ruler: Thomas, were you hiding in there?
    Old Thomas: I am sorry, Young Ruler, but I had no choice! I do not wish for Bradley to know I am here! Our relationship ended badly. He and I are not on speaking terms.
    Ruler: Really? What happened?
    Old Thomas: It is a long tale, one that stretches back decades. He and I were classmates at the academy! We worked together closely... We worked very hard on a project that was very dear to me, but when it cam time to present our findings, he abandoned me! I was forced to do all the work on my own... I am sorry but I cannot forgive him! I wish you best of luck with him, Young Ruler, I hope that you do not end up as I did, with a half completed project running quickly out of time, as I was long ago. For the time being, you should consider me out of the realm!
    Old Thomas:

    Goal 5:
    Autumn Wizard: I have made an incredible discovery in the library! Your realm has such fantastic resources, by the by.
    Ruler: Well, thank you!
    Autumn Wizard: As I poured over the books, I pondered... The wind spell returns to me here... Perhaps this is where I am meant to be! So I looked and looked and found a spell I think should do the trick nicely. If this place is truly my home, this spell will make it clear! If not, I suppose I will continue on, wandering away in this lonely world.
    Ruler: I'm sure you'll be able to do it, Bradley.
    Autumn Wizard: Why thank you, you scallywag! Might you be able to help me with just a bit of magic?

    Goal 6:
    Autumn Wizard: Aha, your crafting is impeccable! Might you show me more?
    Ruler: More?
    Autumn Wizard: Oh yes, please! If you would! Just watching you do all this work is providing me with so much energy!

    Goal 7:
    Autumn Wizard: This spell is quite complex... It requires a lot of materials! Sometimes I struggle with spells like this... I'm a bit nervous.
    Ruler: It'll be alright, Bradley.
    Autumn Wizard: That's so kind of you to say! It would certainly ease my mind if you would be able to help me find just a few more things...

    Goal 8:
    Old Thomas: All right, Bradley! Stop this instance this instant!
    Autumn Wizard: Thomas! You are here, you old goat!
    Old Thomas: Bradley, you cannot keep taking the resources of the kind Young Ruler and giving nothing in return! This is just like being back at the academy again, that day where you left me along and I had to present my spell to Ms Trunchbull all by myself! I will not allow you to use the Young Ruler as you have used me.
    Autumn Wizard: Thomas... I had no idea! Did that really happen? I left you alone? I am so dreadfully sorry... I don't even remember. But it does sound like something I might have done... I was not the best student. Truthfully, I was intimidated by you. You were just so effortlessly talented! If I left you alone to present work, it was because I was ashamed to not measure up to you.
    Old Thomas: Bradley... I'm speechless!

    Goal 9:
    Old Thomas: I am the one who should be apologizing, Bradley. I hid from you when you attempted to reach me! I am ashamed.
    Autumn Wizard: It's all right, Thomas! I don't blame you... but I do thank you for telling me what I've done. I've spent so much time trying to find a new place, a home that would have me, when maybe I should have been spending time making things right here.
    Ruler: The wind was pulling you back here, after all.
    Autumn Wizard: Ahhh, of course! Why did I not realise? Excellent deduction, you young scoundrel! I need to try this spell right here and right now... and I need to do it all by myself!

    Goal 10:
    Ruler: Whoa! A castle!
    Old Thomas: Bradley, you've done it!
    Autumn Wizard: My home! This is where I belong! It was here this whole time... The materials you gave me helped me build a home but my home was here the whole time! I was supposed to be here.
    Ruler: It was your magic that put it all together.
    Old Thomas: Magic is a fickle thing, and every single ingredient needs to be just right. You just needed to have confidence in yourself! That's more powerful than any magic.
    Autumn Wizard: I wish I had learned this lesson many years ago and shown up for that presentation.
    Old Thomas: It is all right, Bradley! you have got it now and we can make up for lost time. I know a whole section of the library that should pique your interest.
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 01-26-23 at 06:10 PM.

  3. #3
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Inventory Information - added to the Guide

    Note: Lovecupine spawn - see the inventory guide information (under L) if triggering a Lovecupine for the first time as a mini goal may come up for you.

    Autumn Wizard (Bradley)
    Info: A magical wizard whose spells are more powerful in the autumn season. Visit him to collect energy!
    Found: market 500 gems during limited time sale November 2022 | will trigger goals: A Magical Misunderstanding
    Drops: energy (40), lovecupine spawn
    Collection time: 7 days

    Wizard's Castle
    Info: An enchanted adobe that practically sprouted up from the ground. Drops Orange Petal.
    Found: reward from goal during A Magical Misunderstanding
    Drops: orange petals
    Collection time: 10 minutes
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 12-13-22 at 10:10 PM.

  4. #4
    Executive Chef
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpiritWind00 View Post
    Inventory Information

    Autumn Wizard (Bradley)
    Info: A magical wizard whose spells are more powerful in the autumn season. Visit him to collect energy!
    Found: market 500 gems during limited time sale November 2022
    Drops: newborn sprite, sparkling toadstool, | more to come!
    Collection time:
    Does he drop 40energy too?

  5. #5
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hagypagy View Post
    Does he drop 40energy too?
    Yes I think so. I'm only hesitant to confirm it's 40 bc I needed to take screen shots and didn't take notice of my energy balance before. It definitely dropped energy. I didn't get any other drops this time though My 7 days is up now so I'll keep going with the goals now. Will keep adding additional drops as I go, but apart from energy, it will spawn a Lovecupine as well.

  6. #6
    Fashion Designer
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    At 500 gems, a 7 day timer and card saying collect for energy Bradley had better be worth it. All other items I have with those spec's drop 40 energy per wk.

  7. #7
    Nightclub Owner
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpiritWind00 View Post
    Yes I think so. I'm only hesitant to confirm it's 40 bc I needed to take screen shots and didn't take notice of my energy balance before. It definitely dropped energy. I didn't get any other drops this time though My 7 days is up now so I'll keep going with the goals now. Will keep adding additional drops as I go, but apart from energy, it will spawn a Lovecupine as well.
    Mine dropped 40 so I think it's safe to say that's the baseline.

  8. #8
    Executive Chef
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    i got 40 energy. then i had to visit thomas's house x 1
    give something
    then visit old thomas house x 2
    visit library
    craft at the magic forge (anything)
    -shortdanzr aka wicked red
    [Though she be but little, she is fierce]

    *accepting new neighbors. I answer all requests, but don't visit daily

  9. #9
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    I'm up to the crafting as well now. I'll write the first few goals up today sometime...

  10. #10
    Farm Supplier
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    The Grim Potion Shop crafting does NOT count towards the Autumn Wizard goals. S8 could you please look into this. I posted this in the known bugs thread as well, I hope that?s the right place.

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