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Thread: Daily Video Prizes - Apple Trees??

  1. #1
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Jan 2020

    Question Daily Video Prizes - Apple Trees??

    So I know that you can win both lemon and orange trees as prizes from watching the daily videos but has anyone ever won an apple tree as a daily video prize? So far I?ve won 2 lemon trees and 4 orange trees but no apple trees. Every time I save up almost enough gems to buy an apple tree I wind up losing all my gems from one gem trap or another 郎!!! I honestly feel like the only way I?ll ever get an apple tree is if I win one as a daily video prize but since I only ever seem to win orange or lemon trees I?m now wondering if apple trees are even one of the prizes (you can?t tell from the pics since all the miniature trees look the same lol). So before I continue trying to win an apple tree can anyone please confirm whether or not they are actually a winnable daily video prize?

  2. #2
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Planet Earth
    If I were trying to get more Apple Trees, I'd focus on Adventures, not daily videos.

    I know that realms experiences different drop rates for things but my videos almost only yield coins and blocks while Adventures drop trees pretty regularly. I feel safe encouraging others to try Adventuring for them as well, maybe check out the Adventure Guide to see which Adventures to focus on?

    That said, I think daily videos are always worth the time so long as the possibility of a weekly Ali is on the table!

  3. #3
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    May 2013
    I agree that one should keep adventures running continuously in your keep and barrack.

    As for videos, I've won a lot of fruit trees from watching videos so I think you should definitely try that. I've also been lucky enough to get many Alicorns as well, I think I average one alicorn every 3 months or so. Best of luck to you.

  4. #4
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Ahh, I thought I was special, but I guess not. Lol! I just got my first Alicorn from a video!
    I've spent thousands of dollars on Storm8 games, but I'm still not valued by the company.

  5. #5
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    sunshine state
    i have alll of your apple trees. i have double the number of apple trees as i do orange and lemon combined. from videos and adventures. trade you?
    -shortdanzr aka wicked red
    [Though she be but little, she is fierce]

    *accepting new neighbors. I answer all requests, but don't visit daily

  6. #6
    Fashion Designer robotparade's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    I have gotten several apple trees from adventures.

  7. #7
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    I find after purchasing my first one of something - like red flower bushes, adventures and videos can be more generous. Now if that could only happen with an Aliā€¦ keep saving. And watch for a good gem sale. 😀

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