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Thread: Castle Story 04/22: The Island of Audra (main story) | goals on page 1

  1. #381
    Nightclub Owner
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    Dec 2013
    Glimmer Forest (A0)
    Quote Originally Posted by Stymie52 View Post
    Do you have a monster out in your realm? The Dark Elf won't spawn if there is a monster out.
    No, since the LB-MH started I have not been able to spawn a single Dark Elf. I get plenty of Skyhawks though.
    Castle Story "Tome of Knowledge", visit for: Interactive Map, Inventory Cards, Detailed Inventory, and more...

  2. #382
    Quote Originally Posted by gympie View Post
    Sorry that is what I meant, can?t upload picture, but the goal is search farmhouse which is ticked of and then the find the wind chaser arrows which don?t appear, none do far
    I also have farmhouse ticked, have searched over50 farmhouses and not one windchaser arrow

  3. #383
    Rhino Keeper
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    Sep 2012
    The Pleroma.
    �� There are NO dark elves spawning for me from the sky shards.. I have reached the last step of part #3. I demolished 3 sky shards: The monster spawn was 6 sky hawks and 4 skunks
    I am putting in a ticket and will report on the bug discussion.
    Last edited by eastie41; 05-03-21 at 04:36 PM.

  4. #384
    Quote Originally Posted by SpiritWind00 View Post
    I reported the missing Dark Elves that should appear from Sky Shards which should start spawning when you get to the last goal of part 3. I note that they do spawn from the Outpost as previously posted.
    I still don?t have dark elves appearing from chopping sky shards?? We sure would appreciate a fix soon, Storm8!

  5. #385
    Rhino Keeper
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    Nov 2013
    Gold Coast, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by petparadise007 View Post
    I still don?t have dark elves appearing from chopping sky shards?? We sure would appreciate a fix soon, Storm8!
    I have wasted coins on Sky Shards and gone through about half a dozen and not a single Dark Elf.....only ever got them from Outpost during Part 3.

  6. #386
    Fashion Designer
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    Mar 2013
    Dark Elves now spawns from the cloud and small cloud The sky hawk is no longer a guaranteed spawn, so you get a mixture of hawks and elves and you have to collect from several clouds to get a spawn

  7. #387
    Rhino Keeper
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    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by shambalaya View Post
    Dark Elves now spawns from the cloud and small cloud The sky hawk is no longer a guaranteed spawn, so you get a mixture of hawks and elves and you have to collect from several clouds to get a spawn
    Why why why

    I was so enjoying to have a guaranteed Skyhawk spawn!!

  8. #388
    Executive Chef
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    Virginia, USA
    After you finish Part III and get the Dark Elf as your reward, the Dark Elf becomes available in the Market for 300 gems.

  9. #389
    Fashion Designer TeikaEmberstorm's Avatar
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    May 2020
    Erg..... The skyhawk spawn had a lesser waste of energy to spawn like the golem with the added benefit in balancing the tokens a bit more. I thought that was a good thing. I think adding in the elves was a good thing, but I'm not liking the extra energy drain to get spawns and don't understand the need to change that. Monster hunts are designed to be energy intensive already. Energy waste during monster hunt is a real thing, and it matters. I don't like to complain, truly. But I would like to give feedback to the change. It's frustrating to have what felt like a system that added some balance, some excitement from actually being able to get walls and do the silver trade, to what feels like throwing a bit of a wrench in the cogs. Not earth shattering, but it is disappointing.
    Last edited by TeikaEmberstorm; 05-04-21 at 05:37 AM.

  10. #390
    Totally agree. It was useful to balance swords tokens and staff tokens!! Maybe it is just a temporary bug ...

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