In January 2020, over a year ago now, S8 made a sizeable number of animals that were previously not permanently breedable, permanently breedable. In the year since then, I have become convinced and also read elsewhere that some of these animals are not, indeed breedable. The list includes but may not be limited to:
1. Holly Collie*
2. Merry Meercat*
3. Harvest Hoarder*
4. Candy Crane
5. Vanillamb
6. Chocolate Lab
7. Sidekicker
8. Hamrock
9. Lucky Rabbit*
10. Tulip Tapir*
11. Sea Shell*
12. Wolffish*

Animals marked with an asterisk I am positive are not breedable. Can anyone at S8 confirm? Or has a fellow player been successful in breeding thee animals in the last year? Not bought them in a sale, but actually bred them? I was able to buy Holly Collie at Christmas time for 35 gems which was a great bargain.