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Thread: Castle Story 1/7: Out of this World | event information on page 1

  1. #71
    Storm8 Staff SgtBeebo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ladlasse View Post
    S8 - thanks for the gift to help us play the game. I was a little concerned when it looked like I was going to have to wait 12 hours to get the 6 vines needed for crafting. Also it seems like the next time I collected from the bloom, I may have received 2 vines not 1 like previously.
    We have implemented feedback from previous events. One suggestion that we've implemented is the chance for the tendable items to drop multiples.

  2. #72
    Fashion Designer
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    We feel heard, thank you SgtBeebo!

    Quote Originally Posted by SgtBeebo View Post
    We have implemented feedback from previous events. One suggestion that we've implemented is the chance for the tendable items to drop multiples.
    Queendom Name - Hyrule

  3. #73
    Rhino Keeper
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    New York
    Btw, as with the bamboo saplings, the eclipsed elm saplings are storable cut the fully grown eclipsed elms are not.

  4. #74
    Executive Chef
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    I recommend only buying 1 of the hogs for now because pigs also drop the item. They are $10,000 each.

    I did buy extra and will report if their drops are better.

  5. #75
    Fashion Designer TeikaEmberstorm's Avatar
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    I just spawned a Portalpillar from a willow tree. I had multiple spawns from willow including portalpillar, fang tooth and skunkupine. Oak and red acer had a ppillar spawn each. Multiple willow tree chopping netted good results of one to two ppillars per tree, plus the lunar wood. One tree that I chopped spawned four creatures. That was interesting. I think I chopped about 10 willow trees.

    Not so great spawns with limited testing:
    Out of two white birch trees, I spawned 3 fang tooth and one portalpillar
    One spawn out of two crab apple trees.

    I didn't try aspen or golden acer.

    The grown eclipse elm cannot be placed in inventory.

    19 black pigs and zero perihelion green glue. I sped up the two new perihelion hogs and got two glue. I think the drop table for black pigs might need goosing.. It might work to collect from one perihelion hog and then try pigs. Royal pig dropped one.
    Last edited by TeikaEmberstorm; 01-07-21 at 08:07 PM.

  6. #76
    Nightclub Owner
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    500 Gems for the Planomos Pine? Are you kidding me with this noise? I won't even spend that on an energy dropper!

    Like the good little collector I am, I was going through the Market and making my usual purchase of every item when I about choked on my coffee at the price on that one! Thank goodness I noticed the insane price before I placed it - can't imagine the buyer's remorse I'd have over that one, lol.

    Just seems crazy to me that they're offering an event item for such a high price without us even knowing how useful it would be; not to mention the fact that we have zero idea what it will turn in to after the event ends. No matter how I look at it, I just can't wrap my mind around this one.

  7. #77
    Executive Chef
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    Red face Thank you so much Storm8

    Quote Originally Posted by SgtBeebo View Post
    There was an issue with the Apotranus Bloom being rewarded twice when it was intended to be rewarded once, and it was the potential cause of it not showing up correctly. We have addressed this issue, and any players that received an extra Apotranus Bloom will be able to keep it. We will also make it storable post-event. We appreciate any and all feedback on this event, which we are continuously trying to improve, and will consider all of it for future iterations.
    I went ahead and bought one even though I read in here to reset. I reset after the second drop so I am lucky enough to have 3. I also spent the massive amount of gems for the other one. Often these high cost items have HUGE payoffs and really help finish the quest line with much less stress and worry.

    I too LOVE the artwork and am looking forward to finishing the event.

    I also really appreciate that you guys are listening to us. StormWind and everyone on the forums are so incredibly helpful. Most games I play and have played don?t pay as much attention as Storm8 has done lately and it really means a lot. I complain often LOL but I try to give credit and appreciation when it?s due

  8. #78
    Fashion Designer TeikaEmberstorm's Avatar
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    And thank you S8 for the gift of extra drops and Sgtbeebo for monitoring the thread.

  9. #79
    Rhino Keeper
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stymie52 View Post
    After completing Goal 3, you are rewarded again with 1 Apotranus Bloom and 3 Eclipsed Elm. As before, the Apotranus Bloom doesn't show up in inventory until I rebooted my device.
    Same issue. I?ve closed and opened the game several times and even rebooted my IPad. This Apotranus bloom doesn?t appear. I also don?t think I got the Eclipsed Elms.

  10. #80
    Rhino Keeper
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    Cypress, TX, USA
    So I’m confused. After we have upgraded the Portal to Level 3, how many Apotranus Blooms and Eclipsed Elms should we have total?

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