Please, please give us some full cakes on pedestals or similar appealing designs on our countertops instead of the easier food-plates-on-trays route that has been cropping up lately.

I tend to think of the displayed food as a part of the bakery aesthetic and really do appreciate a well-designed full cake. There is truly nothing appealing or aesthetic about trays of sliced cake on the counters. Hence why real bakeries rarely display them as so!

I am sure the tray method is easier, which is why it has been utilized recently. The world is a bit off its rocker lately, and we appreciate the regular updates we have been receiving despite it all! I understand that virtual bakery countertop food displays falls pretty low on the list of priorities, but if there is any way we could receive some pretty designs, I know it would put a smile on my face and plenty of other fellow bakers.

Thank you for all that you do!