23 turn-ins, a lot of duplicates (too many), no Spring Meadow (fortunately, I have the original), and no Red Kite. Oh well...kind of expected it.

The event was doable. Although short, the event could be done in the limited time available. If a player focused and conscientiously opened the app regularly, it could be done quickly. And if a player opened the app frequently (but not necessarily regularly), it could still be done within the time constraints.
Players could sell extra parts. Players could sell their extra event items in their Side Shops, so--in theory--a player could theoretically complete the event solely by constantly scanning the Newspaper rather than using valuable tools in the Mine or spending time crafting in all the required buildings. I'm not saying it would be easy, but it would be possible.
It was paired with a Leaderboard event. Having concurrent events has its share of problems, but in this case, the overlap works to players' advantage, in that we needed to collect from the Pigs for the Pigs' Kite String, so we could also collect Leaderboard points at the same time. At the same time, we weren't being pulled in multiple directions to get things done, with nothing getting done because event-related tasks conflicted in what we could do.

Always the Mine. Why must the Mine always be used for these events? Not only are players reliant on good luck just to get the required event item, they are also reliant on good luck to get the mining tools in the first place. We can get them from deliveries, from loading the Train, awards from a Mole collection, from pets, and crafting them in the Forge (assuming we have the Forge and are willing to wait 8 hours for a tool...assuming we have Wood Boards to spare), but it is always--with the exception of the Forge--dependent on luck. Maybe if tools dropped more readily, the Mine would not be such a burden to go to for events. Honestly, I mined...but I also scoured the Newspaper hoping someone was selling Chicken Kite Paint, so I would not need to sacrifice more hard-to-come-by tools.
Too many parts. I mentioned this before, but I'll mention it again. Having the parts (Chicken Kite String) dropping from the crop Plots in such large numbers was a huge burden on many players' farms (to judge by how many of my neighbors had Side Shops filled with nothing but Chicken Kite Strings and how many times I saw up to 15 slots filled with Chicken Kite Strings in the Newspaper). In fairness, the day after I posted my initial complaint, it seemed like the drop rate decreased and my Barn filled less quickly with Chicken Kite Strings. Either that, or I was just not harvesting crops as often. But my suggestions, to repeat, are as follows:
- only drop 1 each time. That will slow things down but still provide a lot of event items. And if we want more, we just grow more crops and harvest more often.
- keep it random at 1 or 2, but slightly lower the drop rate. Again, that will slow things down but still provide a lot of event items.
- switch to something else, like the Cocoa Trees. The wait time is longer, but even dropping 1 or 2 EVERY time would not so quickly fill and overburden our Barns.
- choose one level-appropriate crop--Sugar Cane, perhaps--and have all drops come from that crop only. If players need a lot of parts, they can plant a lot of that crop.
- lower quantities required for the event from 10 to 4 or 5. Reducing the drop rate won't affect outcomes because we won't be needing quite so many as before.
Players still get a lot of drops, the Newspaper won't be flooded with extras of one specific part that no one wants (because everyone is getting them), and progress can still be made on the event. And for those players who finish early but no longer need event parts, they might still be able to find other items in the Newspaper and other players' Side Shops because there ARE other items players can sell instead of only event items that are taking up space in their Barns.
Paired with a Leaderboard...again. Yes, pairing the event with a Leaderboard event has its advantages. At the same time, though, why? IF I was lucky, plane deliveries requested items from the buildings that provided Leaderboard points and I was already crafting those items. More often than not, they weren't, and I wasn't...and when they DID show up, I already had items crafting that would take hours to finish. That meant discarding plane orders--necessary for the Cow Kite String--and having to wait for about 37 minutes for the next order to appear. I know I had to discard orders for Apple Cider because I had just queued a number of Pear Ciders to craft overnight, and to discard orders for Potpourri because I had Banana Chips queued up. The reverse also applies: the Chocolatier, Deep Fryer, and Farmer's Outpost were all busy crafting for this event, so I had to discard orders that might otherwise have been completed for the Leaderboard points...not because they wouldn't have provided event parts--it is possible they could have--but because the crafting times would be longer than I could spare while I was needing event parts (in particular the Cow Kite Frame). And, of course, the Farmer's Outpost was crafting the kites and the Kite Kit, so that was basically off-limits to any other purposes during the event.

Final Thoughts
I'm not going to complain about not receiving the Red Kite. Do I wish I had received it? Yes, of course. But I understand and accept that it was luck-based. Still, I can't help but feel that receiving 5 more Balloon Elephants, 3 Wooden Elephants, and 5 more Rainbow Arches (in addition to what I had before) was a bit frustrating. Oh well. Final rating: 3 out of 5 stars. (Would have gone 2 out of 5, but the seeming tweak in the middle to the drop rates from the plots gave me a better impression overall.)