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Thread: Castle Story 3/5: The Will O' The Glimmerwisps | event information on page 1

  1. #271
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by ladlasse View Post
    I just found out the Goal to install and play Home Design game gives you 3 Rainbow Fragment 1. I thought it might just be 3 red wispies, but the actual fragment is even better.
    For me it was 1 Rainbow Fragment 1 for Farm Story.

    Thanks for pointing this out. I might have a chance now.

    (I received important items from installing and playing Home Design a few events ago)

  2. #272
    Farm Supplier
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    Mar 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by queens15 View Post
    I have played this game for some years now and have never done a task with as few drops as this one - is this because to complete it we are being forced to purchase the Cloud Troll? Unfair if so.
    I do not think it is to force us to buy the cloud troll. I did buy the cloud troll, worst decision, it did not improve drops AT ALL. I am still getting a whopping ONE mysterious matter from every 1-2 trees if I am lucky. The other drops are horrendous as well. My only option to finish was to buy the pack they had on offer today. So I did. I am now on the second to last step... I still have to make all of the parts for the last step though and I have not collected close to enough pieces. I only have what the pack gave me. I have been playing basically non stop my drops are just that bad. I want my gems back for the troll. I wanted them to fix it in the beginning but now even if they fix it it does not matter. But I bought the pack to then find out it drops 2 energy. They need to tell us more details before hand. They are not transparent and conceal information for their
    monetary benefit. Eventually people get fed up.
    Last edited by sunnyhook; 03-11-20 at 03:17 PM. Reason: Typos

  3. #273
    New Resident
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    Jun 2019
    I purchased the cloud troll as well and my drops are scarce. It just sucks when you have to use all your energy on the event if you chose to participate. It would be nice to at least get a decent amount of event drops, especially if you purchase something for 180 gems that’s supposed to increase the drops. I won’t be doing that again.

  4. #274
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    Nov 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by jaynejynx View Post
    I purchased the cloud troll as well and my drops are scarce. It just sucks when you have to use all your energy on the event if you chose to participate. It would be nice to at least get a decent amount of event drops, especially if you purchase something for 180 gems that?s supposed to increase the drops. I won?t be doing that again.
    S8 has turned to greed again.. not a surprise. Dont give me this stuff about hard working people at S8... they are prolly getting compensation by making stupid events with horrible drops to,increase gem purchases... the Storm8Greed Virus needs a cure

  5. #275
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Logged onto the forum to see if others were also experiencing dismal drops. I have the cloud troll, too. Just collected from 12 watchtowers. Not one blue wispy to be found

  6. #276
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    What a shame about the drops. Another thread re Feaonor also upset about S8 greed - the communication and glitch fix rate has improved SOOOO much lately. I was so so so pleased S8 turned a corner. I got lulled into a false sense of trust. : (

    Please please S8, take care of your customers. Other online game companies manage it, and the 'bones' of this game are soooooo awesome w the graphics, the concept, the storyline that you can revive any time - did the Baron disinherit our kind, somewhat pushover Ruler? : ) The pretty, the unicorns, the village medieval feel but without serf suffering and loads of royal stuff and Pink, and cool warriors, not fighting other players, and, and, and. : )

    This game could be perfect, the Lego pieces are all there, the ONLY one missing is loving the customer.

    Please and thank you. I have faith. : )
    Not accepting neighbors. Sorry. Gratitude for all forum contributors and leaders. This game would be unplayable without you.

  7. #277
    Quote Originally Posted by gridgirl View Post
    Logged onto the forum to see if others were also experiencing dismal drops. I have the cloud troll, too. Just collected from 12 watchtowers. Not one blue wispy to be found
    I have the troll as well and I collected the wispies from the watch tower in no time. Looks like there is something wrong in the code. All the watch towers I used were lvl 1 (not upgraded at all). An other thing I noticed on this forum is that it might help to put the troll in the storage, close game, open game and place the troll back on the board. I really hope that one of the two things will help increasing wispies drops for players that bought the troll.

  8. #278
    I agree with the others who say that even an extra energy or two helps in the long run. It's not about the 2 energy tomorrow, it's about the 2 energy that you put towards the next energy dropper or monster hunt. Then that thing helps you advance to obtain more things. And so on and so forth.

    The return on investment (of energy) compounds which makes it worth it imo.

    If you choose to spend real money, obviously that changes the equation. Your dollars are more efficiently used elsewhere going by the cold numbers (there are other factors of course).

    I do feel some sympathy for S8. Aside from a few universal complaints, there are some (valid) frustrations that are completely at odds. Too easy or too hard. Love the community events or find them boring. Some people like certain themes, other find them too odd for their traditional castle look. I think everyone is entitled to be satisfied or unsatisfied with their experience. But I do imagine that some of these are hard to reconcile which means the developers make some compromises which means everyone isn't going to be 100% happy with game pacing/difficultly.

    Just my 2 cents.

  9. #279
    Executive Chef
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    The Netherlands
    Quote Originally Posted by Rosewood_Keep View Post
    I do feel some sympathy for S8. Aside from a few universal complaints, there are some (valid) frustrations that are completely at odds. Too easy or too hard. Love the community events or find them boring. Some people like certain themes, other find them too odd for their traditional castle look. I think everyone is entitled to be satisfied or unsatisfied with their experience. But I do imagine that some of these are hard to reconcile which means the developers make some compromises which means everyone isn't going to be 100% happy with game pacing/difficultly.

    Just my 2 cents.
    Well said Rosewood_Keep. I feel the same. Sympathy for the impossible task of pleasing everyone.

    Apart from that I do feel bad for the people who bought the Troll and don't notice any change. I almost feel guilty for having decent drops without the Troll.
    Good luck everyone!

  10. #280
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Just started the last task so need 12 of the red wispies, I guess. It will be close. The other drops are coming along slowly.

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