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Thread: Castle Story 1/2: Monster Hunt season 22 (Hiss in Boots)| event information on page 1

  1. #301
    Executive Chef
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    Virginia, USA
    My first drop from Hiss in Boots was 200 coins, glimmerdust, milk, 2 energy, and a longsword. Lots of nothing very remarkable after a very intense LB.
    Last edited by Stymie52; 01-10-20 at 03:49 AM.

  2. #302
    Nightclub Owner
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiryuuku123 View Post
    No I didn?t use any gold tokens as I?m saving up for the cooking camp and I last saw them the night the event finished. I didn?t even go anywhere near my MRC. I spent all of my energy whacking purple golems this hunt so I could try and get the camp either this hunt or next hunt. If it was 1 or 2 gold troll tokens then I wouldn?t mind so much but losing 26 due to a bug in the game is not fair. 😡
    Perhaps you could contact support? If nothing else, they could tell you precisely what happened to your tokens.

  3. #303
    Rhino Keeper
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    Oct 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Stymie52 View Post
    My first drop from Hiss in Boots was 200 coins, glimmerdust, milk, 2 energy, and a longsword. Lots of nothing very remarkable after a very intense LB.
    I got exactly the same. Glad I won it by accident as I was chasing (and bagged) a second wizard portal. I would be disappointed if I had invested in getting it. Second LB prize I got by accident and second one in storage.
    Not accepting neighbors. Sorry. Gratitude for all forum contributors and leaders. This game would be unplayable without you.

  4. #304
    Executive Chef KadeeDid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RonjaR82 View Post
    I agree with you here ellieofrivendell.
    It's just wrong to treat in game currency so careless. Make us players feel like it's our own fault.
    I play another game which has a button in the settings you can select which disallows any gem purchases without you authorizing it. This eliminates gem traps.

  5. #305
    Executive Chef KadeeDid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by la_cross View Post
    I have 23 hats and 27 swords left in my inventory.😩
    I have a bunch too! I didn't get a chance to use them.

  6. #306
    Rhino Keeper
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnnirasSweets View Post
    Perhaps you could contact support? If nothing else, they could tell you precisely what happened to your tokens.
    Ive contacted support but I don?t know whether I?ll be able to get them back as I haven?t got a screenshot of when I did have them 😕. You don?t think to take one as you expect them to still be there when you log on next. Not being funny but rather than rolling out new events each week can?t they fix all the in game bugs. As the events go by I?m encountering more and more in game bugs and it didn?t used to be this bad before. It?s just really upsetting as I?ve spent all that energy and time ****ing all those purple golems for all the hard work to go up in smoke.

  7. #307
    Admin Community Manager [S8] Elsa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ellieofrivendell View Post
    Ah, Storm8, in this crazy world, it's lovely to see some things never change. It's been months now since I decided I have enough crooks in real life and stopped logging into a game in which the main objective is to trick me into pressing something I don't see just so they can have some sort of excuse (really? Even you don't buy that) to simply steal gems from my account. I really hope that brings 98% of your revenue and at least you have that to fall on when you feel crappy about offering such a shady product. Yeah, I also laughed, of course you never feel crappy about treating your customers like toilet paper. It's so comforting, though, finding games that actually deserve my money and actually make me - not trick me into - spending gems. It's wonderful when you don't feel like cattle, usherd into a game just to give money. Aaanyways, I accidentally (I swear) pressed Castle story a few days ago instead of my lovely new game and, seeing there was a monster hunt, got nostalgic and decided to give you another chance. Also, I had a few hundred energy stored up from before I quit the game. The entire app is simply just harder and harder to use on Android devices. I really know the difference, because I also had a secondary account on an old iphone. There is simply no comparison. Did you simply stopped updating the Android version? That's how it seems, compared to last year, for instance. But, all in all, the monster hunt went ok, you only tricked me with the 20 gems for 12 energy just once and I aditionally spent 40-50 gems on the double points boost. So, today, I logged in again to see if I won anything. I did, but then I noticed there's a weekend warrior going on and decided it's a great opportunity to get rig of some ugly decorations I had from previous events. And what happened simply blew me away. You don't even show the timer for the unlimited energy anymore. For the second 10 minutes of unlimited energy, I used a pond. Collected from it the second after I, theoretically, got my unlimited energy. The timer on the pond is, obvoiously, 10 minutes. By the time my "unlimited" energy ran out, the pond still had 1:30 to go. Seriously, how pathetic is it to do that? To the Storm8 emplyee reading this and then telling his buddies 'You won't believe how silly this one is, she noticed that, doesn't she have a life or something?' I can only say joke's on you, sweetie. The money I used to spend on this game - little, much, doesn't even matter - is now going hopefully to your former college roomate, the one you couldn't stand. And simply because you couldn' t be bothered long enough to stop treating your customers like utter idiots and cash cows. Byeeee ❤️✌️
    Wow, how cruel. It's astonishing that you'd send a hateful message knowing real humans are going to read it without any insider information to support any of these sinister claims. None of these comments are true. Our design team are really kind people who love to make content for our players and respond very quickly to make little quality of life updates to events (like changing the Miko craft to be available until the final quest). It's rare that a design team would even bother gracing a forum, but we're lucky. It's disappointing to see this, but we know that this isn't the attitude of most of our players.

    If you need help, please contact our support team. They will kindly assist you, even if you aren't kind to them.

  8. #308
    Rhino Keeper
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    Quote Originally Posted by [S8] Elsa View Post
    Wow, how cruel. It's astonishing that you'd send a hateful message knowing real humans are going to read it without any insider information to support any of these sinister claims. None of these comments are true. Our design team are really kind people who love to make content for our players and respond very quickly to make little quality of life updates to events (like changing the Miko craft to be available until the final quest). It's rare that a design team would even bother gracing a forum, but we're lucky. It's disappointing to see this, but we know that this isn't the attitude of most of our players.

    If you need help, please contact our support team. They will kindly assist you, even if you aren't kind to them.
    G'day Elsa,and the rest of the s8 team. I hope you don't take negative comments like that too personally. You can't please all the people all the time. You have lots of loyal fans of castle story,myself included,who will still be around when others crack the sads and leave. Keep your chin up😉,you all do a great job,CS wouldn't be the game we all love without you guys👍🏻 P.s. Happy new year to all the team. Here's to another year of castle story🍻🍻🍻

  9. #309
    Executive Chef
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    Quote Originally Posted by KadeeDid View Post
    I play another game which has a button in the settings you can select which disallows any gem purchases without you authorizing it. This eliminates gem traps.
    Wow, that's how it's supposed to be.

    Does anyone know information (or know a place on the forum that has the info) about why there is no GEM CONFIRMATION BUTTON?
    I know players are asking for them and probably ALL players hate Gem traps and have most likely had one.
    But is there any knowledge to why? (why no confirmation button?)

    Without any information I can't help feel angry about it, and feel like S8 means us to 'fall into these traps' to earn extra money.
    I don't think it can't be done (agreed, I have limited knowledge about coding/ making games, but still..), and I can't think of any other reason not to give players this longed for confirmation button.

    Maybe some insight in the matter/ decision can make me less upset about it.
    I don't mean to be mean.

  10. #310
    Fashion Designer
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    Quote Originally Posted by RonjaR82 View Post
    Does anyone know information (or know a place on the forum that has the info) about why there is no GEM CONFIRMATION BUTTON?
    I know players are asking for them and probably ALL players hate Gem traps and have most likely had one.
    But is there any knowledge to why? (why no confirmation button?)

    Without any information I can't help feel angry about it, and feel like S8 means us to 'fall into these traps' to earn extra money.
    I don't think it can't be done (agreed, I have limited knowledge about coding/ making games, but still..), and I can't think of any other reason not to give players this longed for confirmation button.
    The only reason is that they don't want to. I too can only think of one reason they don't want to as they've never give another. In fact, I'm not sure they've ever replied to the requests.

    There is confirmation for us to use our free and readily replaced resources in some of the crafting buildings but one for costly gems... no.

    I've played several games with a confirmation button - it is heavenly.

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