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Thread: UPDATE: Extractor, Hydroponics & Limited time goal - 2019 Aug 7

  1. #111
    Fashion Designer
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    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by RoyalBlue305 View Post
    Same with me. Didn?t finish the Alien game either. I get maybe 4 total Soy milks a day. Haven?t even made it to the green crates yet. Not sure if I?ll finish. How do these other people get the prizes so quickly? I don?t understand how they finish days in advance. Are they all just buying the prizes basically buy paying for the extra parts?
    I MISSED AN ALIEN EVENT?! WITH AN ALIEN AS A PET?! why oh WHY did I take such a long break?! D'oh!

  2. #112

    Bug? How can I get the second ingredient for the spicy edamame?

    Quote Originally Posted by Meowmeowbeans View Post
    This issue should be resolved now! Sorry for any inconvenience!
    I'm trying to complete Soy Good 9/9,but I cannot make the spicy edamame, no matter what I try to get that 2nd ingredient. Where do I get those greens, what are they? I'm playing on Android, level 24, newest version of the game.
    I'm already disappointed that the so fresh so green mission was super short, but I honestly would be mad if I can't finish soy good, because I can't get the ingredients for a dish... Help, please??

  3. #113
    Executive Chef
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    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Chocofrieda View Post
    I'm trying to complete Soy Good 9/9,but I cannot make the spicy edamame, no matter what I try to get that 2nd ingredient. Where do I get those greens, what are they? I'm playing on Android, level 24, newest version of the game.
    I'm already disappointed that the so fresh so green mission was super short, but I honestly would be mad if I can't finish soy good, because I can't get the ingredients for a dish... Help, please??
    The second ingredient are the Herbs that can be collected from the Herb Garden, once you have expanded to it.

  4. #114
    Thank you for the clarification! But wow, that stinks... I won't be able to expand up to the herb garden within the given time. I guess I'll continue to roam the neighborhood and try to buy herbs, but I can't find them at all!
    Again, thanks though.

  5. #115
    I did not get my aquaponic. I finished the last step. What?s happened? I have checked everywhere in my farm

  6. #116
    Moderator (volunteer) judyandthecat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marbellaeu View Post
    I did not get my aquaponic. I finished the last step. What?s happened? I have checked everywhere in my farm
    Force close and then check your cellar.

  7. #117
    I got it

  8. #118
    Moderator (volunteer) judyandthecat's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by marbellaeu View Post
    I got it

    Congratulations and welcome to the forum!

  9. #119
    Me Again.
    What exactly do you mean by force close, please explain as if this is to close the game entirely and reopen it after I did that many times, still no Aquaponics.
    So unfair after all that time spent.
    PLS HELP, no way to write to support about this

  10. #120
    Fashion Designer
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    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by lidesnceto View Post
    Me Again.
    What exactly do you mean by force close, please explain as if this is to close the game entirely and reopen it after I did that many times, still no Aquaponics.
    So unfair after all that time spent.
    PLS HELP, no way to write to support about this
    Welcome to the forum. One thing you'll start to understand is that the major form of support for this game and all of the Storm8 family of games is these forums. There are some extremely helpful people here that know what all the problems are and all the frequently asked questions. So be patient and ask how to do something, and someone soon will either direct you to a thread, or they'll explain or both. You can also always PM a moderator, which if you do a little lookin' you'll find them with the user names.

    Every phone has a setting that allows you within the Apps to force close them, which is different from just closing and opening again. You have to go into the settings > apps > find Farm Story 2 > click the force close button. BEFORE you do that, i recommend doing a force save. Your game is really smart and knows where you left off, but sometimes it's off by a couple steps. To ensure a force save, there are a few things you can do, as there's no "save" button. The easiest thing you can do is just go visit another farm. While you're there, click their shop to see what's there, and then go back to your own farm. That's a guaranteed save. You know your game is saving when the chicken shows up and walks across your screen. So do the force save then force close. Then go get a cookie or coffee or something. THEN come back and open your game again, and it should be there. if it's not, trust me, Storm8 is gonna make it right for you. You can either open a ticket, or you can let a mod here know, ,and they'll take care of you.

    I also recommend to you and to everyone who's relatively new to go read the "Help me I have a question" threads, especially #1. I read the entire thing top to bottom, and THAT'S how i learned how to play this game. There are alot of nuances to this. how to get the most coins quickly, where to expand to next, lots of little stuff that makes a huge difference, especially in the EVENTS.

    Finally, when in doubt during an event, READ THRU THE ENTIRE event thread before asking your question. If there are 9 or 11 pagees of thread, your question is probably asked and answered.

    Good luck.

    -- Fairy

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