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Thread: GOAL: In the Jungle - 2019 Jul 11 (15 Days)

  1. #121
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    May 2019
    Restaurant story goal has started yesterday. And same old story is repeating there also. Bad ... Bad .... Bad looking dishes. 1st one is a saucepan. I am afraid to see next recipes ! Dont know , if another black witch hat or black trash can is waiting or not !

  2. #122
    Admin Community Manager [S8] Elsa's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Naya2017 View Post
    Looks like S8 modes DO read our comments after all! Amazing - I just had an earlier comment removed because I said something negative and vaguely suggestive about Floral Delight's counter presentation. Maybe get your act together, stop making hideous designs, and I won't need to mock you.
    Moderators are real players who volunteer their free time on the forums to help the community because they're very kind. They play the game normally and experience all of the highs and lows of playing the game as anyone else. Please be respectful to them. They don't deserve to be mocked.

    Suggestive language isn't appropriate for the forum. If you have any concerns about your post, please post in Forum Disputes and a Community Manager will respond.

  3. #123
    Admin Community Manager [S8] Elsa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sohini4 View Post
    Restaurant story goal has started yesterday. And same old story is repeating there also. Bad ... Bad .... Bad looking dishes. 1st one is a saucepan. I am afraid to see next recipes ! Dont know , if another black witch hat or black trash can is waiting or not !
    Content is prepared in advance, so it may take multiple content cycles before shared feedback can be implemented.

  4. #124
    Nightclub Owner
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    Dang it, Anniras - every time!!!

    Every time, I ignore Goal 6 in favor of starting the recipe for goal 7 with full intentions to do the community stuff 'later'. Only, I never seem to remember that I've done this (despite doing it continuously) and cook waaay more recipes than required for goal 7. It's no wonder I always finish these goals at the last minute what with the extra two days I spend on a step that's all but finished. So very disappointed in myself.

    I can only hope to prevent this lunacy from repeating by setting some strongly worded reminders for myself - it's the only way I can think to stop this vicious cycle of self-sabotage.

  5. #125
    Rhino Keeper
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    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by AnnirasSweets View Post
    Dang it, Anniras - every time!!!

    Every time, I ignore Goal 6 in favor of starting the recipe for goal 7 with full intentions to do the community stuff 'later'. Only, I never seem to remember that I've done this (despite doing it continuously) and cook waaay more recipes than required for goal 7. It's no wonder I always finish these goals at the last minute what with the extra two days I spend on a step that's all but finished. So very disappointed in myself.

    I can only hope to prevent this lunacy from repeating by setting some strongly worded reminders for myself - it's the only way I can think to stop this vicious cycle of self-sabotage.
    Heh, I know how that feels. The community goal step usually unlocks for me when I was doing a quick log in to serve my dishes during breaks so I would buy the two counters first, and leave the tipping till later. Only that I'd forget and continue cooking. It was after cooking several times that I thought, "Wait, did they require that many servings??" and realised that I'd served more than the required servings.

    I now make it a point to always check the goals when I log in, and right before I leave. Just in case I missed the first check. lol It's good to have paranoia sometimes.
    You don't know what you're capable of until you can pick yourself up after falling down.

  6. #126
    Everytime I set up my 2 hour recipes on my orchid appliances (orchidai swirls & sloissant) & then come back 2 hours later to serve them, they have reverted back to the state in which I'm preparing them. So I am never able to serve them. This has happened all day today. This nonsense also happened during the previous goal & it's not just me. A bunch of my nbrs had the same issue. Please fix it. We cannot progress with the goal & it's costing a fortune.

  7. #127
    Farm Supplier
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    Sep 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Sugar_Rush_753 View Post
    Everytime I set up my 2 hour recipes on my orchid appliances (orchidai swirls & sloissant) & then come back 2 hours later to serve them, they have reverted back to the state in which I'm preparing them. So I am never able to serve them. This has happened all day today. This nonsense also happened during the previous goal & it's not just me. A bunch of my nbrs had the same issue. Please fix it. We cannot progress with the goal & it's costing a fortune.

    I know how frustrating this is! Luckily, the only issue I had this goal (besides the game-wide mixup) was with the free gem videos. The "live" videos sometimes do not give me credit, or there is an error message that pops up after watching one video, forcing me to close and reopen - each video at a time. I believe "optimizing" my phone by clearing the cache a few times per day helps eliminate the refresh problem while actually playing the game, though. Otherwise, I have to redo whatever I was doing - whether it be serving recipes or storing/moving items. Sometimes, I have to move or rotate an oven just to serve the dish. Hopefully, your issue will be resolved soon!

  8. #128
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    So I've been inactive on the forums just like I've been inactive in the game as of late but I'd like to throw in my 2 cents for this goal and express my frustrations. I just don't see how anyone can possibly finish these goals anymore with the allotted time given. There's 18-7 hr recipes and 24-10 hr recipes to complete for the second oven with only 14 days to build at least 6 ovens and get it all done? This is nuts and why I've practically quit after 6 years. The goal prices are repetitive and not worth it in my opinion... I don't need another useless group of kids in a flower garden so I find myself just hopelessly waiting for LTOs to spend my remaining gems on because I haven't been able to complete a goal in almost 6 months nor have I felt the need to collect from my ever so popular and much desired gem dispenser... that's right, that's what I think of this goal and the future of this game in general.

  9. #129
    The end prize is jungle parade it is also 65 gems if you want to buy another one. It's cute so you should def finish the goals.

  10. #130


    Quote Originally Posted by AnnirasSweets View Post
    Mainly my issue is that I know they can give us lovely counter presentations so when we get things that are eyesores it's disappointing. There are so many recipes that serve to the counter as fully decorated layer cake displays and are nothing short of gorgeous. They've already drawn the art for a tiered Flower Tower cake as we see in the cook book so why is the counter display so much worse? It's baffling.

    I'll never serve any of these dishes once they're mastered, if I want a floral themed cake I'll just use one of the older recipes. For example, any recipe from the Succulent, Garden Grove or Woodland Ovens have displays that can really add to and elevate a floral theme unlike these new additions. I can only hope they stop this trend soon and get back to the lovely recipe artwork that got me (and many others) hooked on the game in the first place.
    Just curious, did S8 hire some new programmers that truly don?t understand object oriented programming? What language is this written?

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