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Thread: Tips for expanding while having money for quests

  1. #1
    Fashion Designer janddolphins's Avatar
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    Apr 2014

    Tips for expanding while having money for quests

    For those with all their expansions done, how do you manage to keep up with money for the long terms goals? With for example an Anemone being $45K and needing so many orange shells its a choice to move along or expand. At my rate I only do required examples and even those can take time.

    50 level for a long time, and the quest for finding all the things inf the ocean plus a few other money hungry ones did me in so all tips are helpful!
    Proud Owner: Dolphin Palace
    Play often, help w/ requests & gifts. Looking for 1-2 40+ to exchange wisps I have great neighbors I gift but they?re often full. I gift back in order so it would be 1-2 days

    Love the game & aesthetics, want it to look real/fun & true! During quests sadly aesthetics put aside for collections, but happy when over. Have expansions to improve as well!
    Still part of the confirmation button club!

    Life is more fun if you play games" - Roald Dahl 

  2. #2
    Nightclub Owner
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    Glimmer Forest (A0)
    Have some high coin dropping decos out. See the nugget on coins. Now I have always >30 million coins at hand, even during coins hungry goals/events. Never run out of them.

    I have not fully expanded, the explorer permits are time consuming so I don't spend coins when I cannot expand. The rest is all done, except some high level building upgrades I don't deem necessary.
    Castle Story "Tome of Knowledge", visit for: Interactive Map, Inventory Cards, Detailed Inventory, and more...

  3. #3
    Executive Chef
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    May 2015
    Personally I started doing more coin trades - anything to get coins from. Before Mermaid quest started - I rarely needed coins at all as all things seemed cheap since I had like 50 million coins at that time. After I rushed it terribly - bad mistake on my part. I did start collecting from any high coin dropper I had again ( before that I didn't even bother to collect from buildings anymore. '

    I plant those purple plants which take 2 days to grow and give like few thousand per plant- that is nice if you can spare some plots for them. Collect from anything which drops coins if you have energy .- highest droppers first.
    Make coin trades.
    Biggest mistake you can do in Mermaid quest or expanding - trying to rush it. It will burn through your coins like wildfire. There is no rush . If you wait patiently with mermaid quest line you may get some items free as drops. consider making gold token trades for mermaid quest items ( Siren, Kelpie) - that way you can collect those materials easier.

    Personally I set myself a limit under which I will NOT go. For me I always try to keep at least 10 million in coins in my game.
    Now If I want to expand etc- I will collect at the price but calculate that I will still have at least 10 millions after buying the new expansion. This way i won't rush through expanding and ending up with critically low amount of coins which I may need for events. Seriously rushing is WORST you can do. Do everything else first for expanding craft explorer permits, enchanted lanterns - they take forever to get anyway.

  4. #4
    Nightclub Owner
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    Well, I was going to post my tips but Destiel literally wrote every thing I was going to, down to having a coin minimum I will not dip below. Words to live by! LOL The only other thing I can think of, is know your inventory and how it relates to your playing.

    For instance, some players like to leave out low income items with short timers and collect often to get their coin count back up whereas others prefer to leave only their long timed, high count coin droppers out. Both are perfectly valid ways but depend largely on how often a player logs in and what their daily playing looks like.

    Knowing what items you have, what they drop and how they fit in with your preferred playing is just important in general I think. Knowing these things can really help you tailor your gaming so that you get the outcome you want (whether its # of coin, energy or how quickly you finish events) with the least amount of effort and stress involved in the actual playing.

  5. #5
    Fashion Designer janddolphins's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    Thanks for the tips, off to the coins in hub when I have time to see which ones make most per hour and high 12+hour for overnights

    My thing, which has not been addressed yet or if it was sorry for missing it, I am an energy hoarder so when a challenge becomes high energy I can perform beginning easily, so my taps, so I have a decent reservoir is still limited right
    Proud Owner: Dolphin Palace
    Play often, help w/ requests & gifts. Looking for 1-2 40+ to exchange wisps I have great neighbors I gift but they?re often full. I gift back in order so it would be 1-2 days

    Love the game & aesthetics, want it to look real/fun & true! During quests sadly aesthetics put aside for collections, but happy when over. Have expansions to improve as well!
    Still part of the confirmation button club!

    Life is more fun if you play games" - Roald Dahl 

  6. #6
    Executive Chef
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    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by wishtheywerereal View Post
    Not sure I understand your question. Can you rephrase please?

    Also ditto for what Destiel and ASweets said. : ) Incl that Destiel has great suggestions! ; )
    Well, storing energy DOES come with a problem, that you will have to not use much energy daily - and mainly collect from energy droppers - and almost nothing else - coins will pile up extremely slowly that way. Basically I hoarding energy doesn't go hand in hand in fast way to pile up coins.

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