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Thread: Monile Dragon : Battle Tournament May 10 2019

  1. #41
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Stupid, stupid, stupid rollbacks!!! I beat Round 29 on my baby account - I'm ***So*** close! And then it rolled back, and now I've lost 3 times in a row on that one. my old account is stuck on that stupid (but very pretty) Lacewing. Middle account is almost there but I'm not placing any bets on myself one way or the other for that account.

  2. #42
    Rhino Keeper
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    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by mymonta View Post
    Stupid, stupid, stupid rollbacks!!! I beat Round 29 on my baby account - I'm ***So*** close! And then it rolled back, and now I've lost 3 times in a row on that one. my old account is stuck on that stupid (but very pretty) Lacewing. Middle account is almost there but I'm not placing any bets on myself one way or the other for that account.
    Ugh! That's the worst! So frustrating and knowing you might be in for a session to get past it.
    I was being good about 'pinging the server' or whatever and not jumping right in but I have forgotten lately. I get roll backs after collecting from quests and it's never as good as the first collection.
    What did you win round 29 with, if I may ask? I lost with Shaman and I'll see who's healthy for the next one.
    I thought everyone was finished but me.
    Hope your next try is successful & Monile goes down right after.
    Done & Done!!

  3. #43
    Executive Chef
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    Feb 2019
    PuntaMita: I've been using Neo Glasswing and Neo Valiant. I think it was Neo Glasswing that took him down the first time, but he's been losing since. 😕

  4. #44
    Rhino Keeper
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    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by mymonta View Post
    PuntaMita: I've been using Neo Glasswing and Neo Valiant. I think it was Neo Glasswing that took him down the first time, but he's been losing since. 😕
    Thank you!
    Anubis L14 finally did the job.

    I need to feed Neo GW, is at 9 right now and I don't have Neo Valiant - sure wish I did, great dragon!!

    Maybe try a higher level pure Champ?(even though mine went down)
    It's entirely possible one of those two will end up beating Odyssey. We know they're good choices.
    Hang in there!

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    The name says it all
    Hey Fellow Caretakers, just popping my head in saying hello. Congrats to those who finished the tournament and for those struggling, don't give up. No dragon is unbeatable. Another thing to try if you're stuck on a champion is to clear the cache, restart your device and see if that helps. This method helped me many times on my Android phone and tablet. I'm not sure if one can do this on iOS. Maybe someone can confirm if it's possible.

  6. #46
    Farm Supplier
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    May 2016
    Sorry I started tracking a little late this time,,, Hoping I can still pull this out but oddly have been stuck on Round 23, Fir, Lvl 18!!!
    Hope these help some of you as I always find help here!!

    8 Aqua Fyre Dragon 10 - Tourmaline 12
    9 Spirit Crystal Dragon 11 - Glasswing 12
    10 The Dark One Dragon 12 - Glasswing 12

    11 Shoreline Dragon 13 -Neo Glasswing 12
    12 Snowdrop Dragon 14 - Seafish 14
    13 Earth Dragon 15 - Adrift Princess 12
    14 Rose Knight Dragon 16 - Diamond 15
    15 Camelot Dragon 17 - Diamond 15

    16 Sunstone Dragon 18 - Snowhound 14
    17 Centurion Dragon 19 - Infinity 11
    18 Lacewing Dragon 20 - Tourmaline 12
    19 Raindance Dragon 16 - Rainbow Sentinel 12
    20 Crown Jewel Dragon 17 - Diamond 15

    21 Cleric Dragon 17 - Glasswing 12
    22 Opal Dragon 17 - Crypt 14
    23 Fir Dragon 18 - Sealord 14 (finally lol)
    24 FrankenDragon 18 - Neo Fire 14
    25 Sailor Dragon 18 - Bundled 13

    26 Prize Fighter Dragon 19 - Lovers 8
    27 Noble Prince Dragon 19 - Glasswing 12
    28 Clownfish Dragon 19 - Glasswing 12
    29 Odyssey Dragon 20 - Shaman 10
    30 Monile Dragon 20 - Glasswing 12

    Last edited by SassyRum; 05-16-19 at 12:08 AM.

  7. #47
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Hi Sassyrum,
    Thank you for posting!
    I used Fungi, red/white/blue, for Fir. I think I had 2 or 3 loses before that one finally worked.
    I have also found myself stuck on random, no excuse not to win dragons. I hope when that happens maybe I won't have as much trouble later with tougher, level 20 dragons.
    Hopefully someone else can offer a recommendation for Fir elimination?! You'll get him!

  8. #48
    Rhino Keeper
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    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by skyharbor602 View Post
    Hey Fellow Caretakers, just popping my head in saying hello. Congrats to those who finished the tournament and for those struggling, don't give up. No dragon is unbeatable. Another thing to try if you're stuck on a champion is to clear the cache, restart your device and see if that helps. This method helped me many times on my Android phone and tablet. I'm not sure if one can do this on iOS. Maybe someone can confirm if it's possible.
    Hi Skyharbor, glad you checked in on us.
    I play on an iPod Touch iOS device and will clear the cache and/or reboot to help when I can't beat a particular dragon. Nuicakes is on an IPad so she might have some insight as well.
    In my mind, it certainly can't hurt! Great suggestion, thanks!
    P.S. Check out Paulsonsplace post results. They have a Diamond raised up to 15 now that battled rounds 1-14. The remaining battles were won with lower level dragons of all sorts.
    Very interesting & impressive. Possibly a kindred spirit to our master dragon slayer? I mean Peridot L-6 was a force!
    Last edited by PuntaMita; 05-15-19 at 01:54 AM.

  9. #49
    Rhino Keeper
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    Apr 2013
    Omg I just ****ed Prize Fighter 19 with my baby Crusader 3

    This makes me think... should I not evolve some of my dragons and just keep them in baby form forever? What dragons is everyone keeping as babies for battle purposes? I need ideas which dragons please

    I was waiting for evo temple to free up to put crusader in. But after failing on prize fighter for like 4-5 times, I just thought to chuck baby crusader in there. Omg didn’t think he could do it but he did!

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    The fact that baby dragons work for some people on the "difficult" dragons just speaks to how broken the code is with respect to tournaments. That should not be the case. I've tried that technique when having trouble and it has never worked for me over the years.

    I've been stuck for 2 days on Rd 26 Prize Fighter. I'm nearing 20 losses most of which were max win chance dragons at 25%. Its just such a complete and utter joke. I thought things had been changed a few tournaments ago where they fixed some things with tournaments but I guess that's not the case.

    The math has always shown the tournaments to be broken. Always has and always will. People who have worked hard to upgrade a versatile crop of arena dragons should not be subjected to this kind of garbage. Tournaments shouldn't be a cake walk, but if you have an elite fighting squad, you should be able to reap those benefits instead of getting *****ed.

    It's the same thing with rollbacks. They always happen when they hurt you the most... never when it would help you. You'll even see that much of the time, some things will get rolled back and not others. That spin of the wheel you got a low number of leaderboard points on will not get rolled back but your arena win against a dragon you've had to battle 20 times will.. even when you battled before you made the spin. It all feels selective and targeted.
    Last edited by chuckyt888; 05-15-19 at 07:22 AM.

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