The long goals when we need to build ovens that require 25+ Of each part are very difficult and make the game much less fun. I know a lot of other players have voiced this displeasure on each other?s walls, the app review page, and I think I?ve also seen posts in the forums. I love the game and the goal are really great besides the obscene amount of parts we need for them. Is there a particular reason the goals are like this now? I played years ago and this wasn?t an issue. The only reason I?m able to get the goals done is because I farm the ingredients for the parts by cancelling and starting new recipes again and again. I can?t imagine that lower level players are able to finish these goals. Needing 40 of one part and only receiving 20 gifts and 20 requests a day strikes me as a little unfair (unless those amounts have been changed and I am unaware). Again, besides the giant amount of parts for the ovens, the goals are pretty great. This not being addressed (along with some other bugs) has rumors flying about the future of this game. I hope we could have some answers in the near future

Thank you for reading/listening. Last time I posted about this, I was angry and more than a little snippy. I hope I don?t come off so unpleasant this time. I really do want information and communication. Thank you again