I really liked those lucky walls, so I tried to build a little area with the house and walls and clover. But the game is being ridiculously slow and just keeps resetting. I tried three times to put down walls and clover. I would finish and then the game would immediately reset. It took me like 10 minutes every time because of how slow the game was being and then poof, gone! Ironically, the only thing that DIDN'T reset the last time was two ugly towers I bought by mistakes. I tried to buy a lucky wall, but the game was on this weird delay so when I pressed the lucky wall the game decided that I should go forward and I ended up getting a totally different thing. They cost me gems. So now I have no gems, the ugly towers, but all the work I put down building my little corner has vanished. I am feeling so **** disappointed right now. So the game remember stuff I bought for gems but reset everything else?? And I was so enthusiastic about the estethic of this event :/ This really put me off playing.