Quote Originally Posted by deadpixel View Post
Got it with Air and Fire.

But is S8 going to refund the Gold spent by players who were speed breeding during the time when the ability to breed this dragon was turned off?

If it wasn't supposed to be breedable, the words *Not Found Through Breeding* should have been displayed on the dragon's card in the store, not just in the Codex. Since that wasn't displayed, it was perfectly reasonable for players to assume it would be normal to spend gold on speed breeding. And since this was an error on S8's part, they should be refunding the gold spent by players who attempted to speed breed a dragon made non-breedable through an error by S8.

There was a previous incident somewhat similar to this one that happened in another S8 game. They refunded the gems spent by players who attempted to speed breed an animal with wrong breeding information stated in the game.

Will a Mod or Community Manager communicate this to the powers that be?
Yep. I sped up breeding assuming that I had it the first time as soon as the Tales launched.