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Thread: Tips for playing cross platform

  1. #1

    Tips for playing cross platform

    Hi again, before you closed the last thread you said "playing cross platform can be tricky if you're not careful." Could you give me some tips to effectively be careful while playing crossed?

    Andriod pros: Fast, doesnt lag.
    IOS Pro: you get free gems, the most lucrative wooden aging barrel, emojis you can post on peoples walls, extra goals

    iOS is clearly the more preferred version. It's so much better in every way!!! Except it's much slower and laggier. At least for me.

    My biggest issue with cross platforms is my food does t sell. I should have had all my counters cleared by morning, or at least some, and I didnt make any coins.

    *What is your experience playing on different platforms?* Do you also see and experience what I am experiencing from both sides?* iOS users clearly have the advantage. Gems and coins etc.

    Honestly I want to just log into iOS for the cool extra features. But I want to log out asap and go to android because its fast and responsive.

    Thanks for any reply

  2. #2
    Grand Emperor
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    For further discussion on platform parity, please speak with a Community Manager. Thank you.

    (Responded by pm)

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