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Thread: Land expansion

  1. #11
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Every time there is a new event or quest I keep hoping for the ability to expand. I have deleted any dups I have in storage, I 've crowded all my habitats and was able to squeeze in 2 small habitats that hold only 2 animals. I have over 200 realm runes just waiting to expand. Please, please let us expand. Every event you release several animals and new habitats that I can't purchase because there is no land available. Any new animal I get has to go into storage but I'm not able to buy the new habitat and store it until you release more land to expand. Please don't make us wait too long. Thanks

  2. #12
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Can we at least sell Treent of Life and its habitat, please? I don't like it and don't even use it for tournaments...
    Hopefully we'll get new expansions soon! but please let us expand in a new territory.. my habitats look pretty messy in the green area 🙁

  3. #13
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Well another new download but no new land expansion. S8 please, without land there is nowhere to put a habitat and with no new habitats there is nowhere to place new animals that may be available to win. I know that I'm not alone with this problem.

    Edit: I have just spent over an hour trying to find one animal in a sea of over 570 animals. S8 can you please put in some sort of means for being able to locate an animal? You won't give us land expansion but every week there are a lot of new animals and I can't sell what I can't find.
    Last edited by Callyvitale19; 05-23-18 at 09:09 AM.

  4. #14
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Please give us land expansions!!!!

  5. #15
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    I'm sorry to keep repeating myself but without new land available I can't get new habitats for event animals so I have to find dups to sell so I can at least hatch what I need to get pts or complete a quest. The event animals i hatched are scattered thru out my forest. If there isn't any extensions very very soon I definitely won't be able to do any future events. I've been playing FFS for a few yrs now and I hate the thought that I may have to quit playing. This has happened before with one other game because all my new animals just went into storage. After several months I just uninstalled the game and downloaded FFS and now here I go again. Please S8 either give us land expansions or slow down with all the new things you release if you want players to keep playing. This seems to be an ongoing problem with a few of your games. I would think this constant problem is costing you money on several of your games. The more land available the more habitats that are purchased, the more gems are spent. It's a win - win. Please

    Edit: Unbelievable. I just went in and did a search for expansion and I found several pages, I started counting how many threads there were for expansion. I finally stopped after finding NINE S8 games having problems with expansion. If this is deliberate then it's not a very smart thing. Please S8 put more developers to work on expansion in all your games because frustrated players don't spend money. I need land so I can purchase habitats and in order to get these habitats I need to purchase gems.
    They might as well call this game fantasy storage.
    Last edited by Callyvitale19; 05-30-18 at 07:22 AM.

  6. #16
    I’ve been asking for the same thing, it’s so frustrating

  7. #17

  8. #18
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by littelprince0313 View Post
    new expantions please!!!!

  9. #19
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    This definitely frustrates me to no end. Today so I could play the SB I had to sell 3 level 15 duplicate gem animals so I could sell a big gem grove so that I had room to buy the habitat to accommodate the SB animals. This is so not funny.

  10. #20
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    New creatures today with a new habitat exclusive to them, and I?m out of space (with 642 runes saved)! Should I even bother with the Colosseum or Storybook? Adding my request to the others for land expansion...please!!

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