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Thread: Neo Unicorn and Neo Kitsune - April Dragons

  1. #31
    Nightclub Owner
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    Quote Originally Posted by skyharbor602 View Post
    I'm sitting at 8960 birthday cards although I did all the milestones for the Leaderboard, completed all tournaments and hit the milestones for the World Event. Something's fishy about the count.
    I have 10009 B-day cards after today's update, I'm at 2795 for the WE so all the goals auto-completed for me and I didn't have a chance to read how many I was getting from them. Like you I've done all the events and tourneys so if you've gotten all the milestones for the current event then you should definitely have more than 8960, right?

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnnirasSweets View Post
    I have 10009 B-day cards after today's update, I'm at 2795 for the WE so all the goals auto-completed for me and I didn't have a chance to read how many I was getting from them. Like you I've done all the events and tourneys so if you've gotten all the milestones for the current event then you should definitely have more than 8960, right?
    Totally agree with the 10,009 Birthday Cards, and I have also completed all the tasks, it makes me wonder that you have not been awarded the cards for having over 2,300 crowns for the last phase of the event!

  3. #33
    Fashion Designer
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    I'm not sure if I'm still on track to get the Neo Unicorn dragon. After finishing the goals for the WE, my total birthday cards on-hand is 7859. I was unable to complete the leaderboard goals for the birthday cards (I only reached 5150) so I have no idea how much did I miss.

    On the other hand, I was able to craft my first Neo Kitsune. I was surprised to see that we are able to craft a second one (no banner of maximum limit reached compared to the last two monthly craftable dragons).

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by glenngenius View Post
    I'm not sure if I'm still on track to get the Neo Unicorn dragon. After finishing the goals for the WE, my total birthday cards on-hand is 7859. I was unable to complete the leaderboard goals for the birthday cards (I only reached 5150) so I have no idea how much did I miss.

    On the other hand, I was able to craft my first Neo Kitsune. I was surprised to see that we are able to craft a second one (no banner of maximum limit reached compared to the last two monthly craftable dragons).
    There doesn't seem to be a limit on the Neo Kitsune, but they aren't able to be disenchanted either which is beyond ridiculous and I'll never understand it. If people play enough and speed breed enough to craft more than one, then haven't they earned those 100 Essence they'd get from disenchanting them? Honestly, sometimes it's like S8 doesn't want to make money or have happy consumers... it defies all logic.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnnirasSweets View Post
    I have 10009 B-day cards after today's update, I'm at 2795 for the WE so all the goals auto-completed for me and I didn't have a chance to read how many I was getting from them. Like you I've done all the events and tourneys so if you've gotten all the milestones for the current event then you should definitely have more than 8960, right?
    Yes, what was happening the other day (although it seemed like it happened to me last Friday, not Tuesday)? I logged in and I just kept getting bunches and bunches of Birthday Cards, but I didn't know what they were for or anything.

  6. #36
    Rhino Keeper
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    Soooo...the last monthly event (Orbit + Universe event) where we discussed points accumulation when hatching on the Arctic Isles, and we came to the solid result that upon hatching dragons, (breeding den to the frozen incubator) it *did* count towards monthly points.

    I did a test for *this* monthly event points accumulation on the Isles and *NO* points were awarded. This has confused the stuffing out of me and I have no idea what is going on anymore, whether I’ve just missed something or if they keep changing things...

  7. #37
    Fashion Designer
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    I did not get 2300 last event and I failed to finish a few rounds of one of the tournaments. How many cards have I missed? How many do others have that have completed everything. I really want that unicorn.

  8. #38
    Fashion Designer
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    I'm also feeling like I'm low, but I know I've only missed a couple things so hopefully it will all work out in the end!

  9. #39
    Nightclub Owner
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    Quote Originally Posted by summersalt View Post
    I did not get 2300 last event and I failed to finish a few rounds of one of the tournaments. How many cards have I missed? How many do others have that have completed everything. I really want that unicorn.
    I honestly can't remember the exact amounts that we got for the last tournament and event. What I do know is that I've completed all the events so far (I'm only on Round 17 in the current tournament and waiting on chapter 4 of the DT) and I currently have 10,610 Birthday Cards.

    All the info I've found says the current Tournament and Dragon Tales will give us a total of 7018 cards (753 from the tourney and 6265 from DT) and then there should be another 2 events before the timer runs out for the Neo Unicorn that will also drop cards. Usually if I participate in every single event I end up with a few thousand extra so I'm sure you'll be fine so long as you finish every event from here on out.

  10. #40
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    Current Birthday Card count I have is 12,440 if that helps to gauge where you are at, at the end of Chapter 3.

    ........End of Chapter 4, I have 12,640 Birthday Cards!
    Last edited by random59; 04-16-18 at 12:36 AM.

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