Hey everyone, so there's been a lot of back and forth between people and wanting the goal lengths to stay the same or be at least a week longer, a few crazies want it shorter lol. Anyway, I think it has to do with the difficulty of the goal,
how fast you can build appliances and how many parts you need. Is there anyone out there who has a strategy that they use to complete the goals? I personally have been able to complete every goal since they've gone to the two week ones. These are some of the things I do while working on goals, and just so you know I finish with half the goal time left and have two crazy kids I take care of all day.

- I do NOT wait until I have 5 appliances built to start baking. ( As soon as I have that first oven built my baking starts, it's a little harder when the first recipe has a longer bake time but I feel like waiting to start until you have a certain amount of ovens built is a waste of time

- I do NOT cook a ton of other foods while working on a goal. I do this for a couple reasons, one, I don't always like the look of the recipes and don't want them sitting out forever. This would be something to try for the people who say they still Halloween foods out lol. And two, I don't want to get into the habit of cooking other food while working on goals because once I start the side goal I need all my appliance slots open.

- I decline ALL gifts I receive that aren't parts I need for the current goal.

- I do NOT cook short time recipes over night, anything under 5 hours does not get cooked overnight because chances are it will spoil and then the coins I spent to cook it are wasted.

- This one is more for the saving of coins, I built 5 appliances max per appliance per goal. I only keep two, sometimes only 1,
unless it's something like the candy cane maker where all the recipes are the same cook time and I want to make them all at once I'll keep more but I normally sell the other 4 appliance after I complete the goal. I know I won't get all my coins back but it reduces my loss and I'm not one of those people who are in a rush to master all the recipes, so it doesn't bother me.

- I almost never buy the goal related wallpaper and tile unless I REALLY like them. Even then, if I feel they're too expensive I'll pass them up.

- Sell, sell, sell. If I don't like the prize I sell it. If I don't like the tables, chairs or counters, I sell them.

I do start cooking more food once I'm on the last recipe of the main goal to get my coinage back up, by the end of the goal timer, I'm always back up to the amount of coins I was at before the goal plus thousands more. This most recent Valentine's goal I started out with 7.5 million coins, I finished last week and I'm at over 8 million, and that's including buying a few things in the sale that I didn't have yet. The point is, it CAN be done people

Hopefully, some of these tips, will help someone to complete the goal faster or complete it at all. Also, maybe reduce some people's coin loss.